Hello Douglas Road Music Students.

I hope you are all still doing well. I can hardly wait to get back to school and see you all again!

Here are your assignments for April: 

  1. Choose at least one of the Weekly 5 Music Activities:  Rhythm Race, Note Master, Dance Moves, Creative Composer or Pro Performer. Click on the tab for your choice (see tabs above) and follow the instructions there. Complete the assignment (or work through at least one level in the Rhythm Cat, Ear Cat or Note Works game). Take a picture of the assignment, or create a document, or take a screen print, (or create a video!) and email it to me. (click on the Contact tab on the website) or post it here. If you want to do more than one activity, feel free! 🙂 So many choices!

2. You also need to do Assignment #1 on the previous week’s blog (see below): creating a pattern from sounds you hear outside. 🙂 (There are already six students who have submitted their Weekly 5 Music work,  and three who have done Assignment #1. See if you can be the next one!)

These are now  actual assignments, due by Thursday, April 30th.  I think you will find them enjoyable to do and maybe they will provide a nice break from everything else.

Remember….Have fun!

And… for Earth Week:

Did you know that Wednesday, April 22nd, was the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day? Earth Day is a day where people all around the world celebrate the wonderful gifts that our planet gives us. Without it, none of us would be alive! On this day, people usually show how much they appreciate our planet by going to a celebration or a march/protest and by doing something to help the planet and all the living creatures of Earth. But this year, because of Covid-19, there are lots of virtual Earth Day/Earth Week events. Google Earth Day and check them out!

Music and art are great ways to celebrate the Earth. Draw a beautiful picture of the Earth. (4 students have done this) Or sing the Earth a song. Maybe try writing one! (see Creative Composer) I’ve written a bunch of songs about the earth and the environment. This is one of them. I recorded it several years ago and made a lyric and image video for it this year and put it on my youtube channel. Listen and tell me what you think. Sing along! “Just remember the fish and the frogs and go…Green, Please! Ribbit!”

Or here’s a completely different kind of song: It’s called “If a Tree Falls ” and it’s by one of my musical heroes – Bruce Cockburn (pronounced Ko-burn). He has been a political activist as well as an amazing guitar player and songwriter, for over 40 years!

I just saw this video and loved it instantly. Such beautiful images and the song is great. (What do you think?)

Maybe you have a favourite environmental /Earth Day song. Send it to me; I’d love to hear it!

I hope you have a great Earth Day and a great Earth Week (Monday to Sunday).  Do something to show the Earth you care.                                                What can YOU do to help the Earth?:-)


Ms. Lea

P.S. (Don’t you think that EVERY day should be Earth Day?)