Activity 1

  1. 1.Make 2 toilet paper tube seedling pots or if you want a challenge you can try making a newspaper seedling pot





Activité 2

  1. In the mail you will get some seeds.
  2. look and observe the seeds. What type of seed could it be?
  3.  Plant 2 seeds in different containers. You can make your own containers like in the two videos.
  4. On the journal science worksheet,  draw and write a list of all the materials that you need to care for a plant

journal_sciences (dragged)

journal_sciences (dragged)


Activité 3

One day,  a former student  asked the question, ” Will plants grow if they are given ocean water?” This was a great question.  We decided to test his question  out in class.  We wanted to compare what would happen to a plant if we gave it ocean water compared to fresh water.  We had 2 of the same plants. We gave fresh water to one plant and ocean water to the other.  Everything else about the plant was the same. Over the course of the month, we watched our plants grow.  We made observations, recorded those observations and came up with an interesting conclusion.

  1. Okay scientists! Can you think of a question that you might want to test out on your plant?
  2. If you can’t think of a question, talk it out with a family member.
  3. When you think of a question write it down in your science worksheet and come up with a hypothesis (what do you think will happen?)

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journal_sciences (dragged) 2

Ideas that former students have come up with

  • fresh water versus ice water
  • Fresh water versus sugar and water solution
  • placing the plants in different spots in the classroom
  • using soil mixed with gravel versus regular soil

Activité 4

  1. Record your observations over the course of a couple of weeks. What do you notice?
    Can you label your drawings. You’re a scientist, so try to make sure that your drawings match  what you see
  2. Mes Observations

Activité 5

  1.  Complete the conclusion section of the worksheet. What did you discover? Were you surprised by the results? Did the results match you hypothesis?