Activité 1

  1. Listen and follow the story une classe pleine de projets
  3. Complete the activity. Here are the instructions in French.
  • Move beads to the left side of the workspace to make the number at the bottom of the workspace.
  • Click Check to see whether the numbers match.
  • How many 10s are in the number? How many 1s?
  • How many more beads would you need to make 100?


Activité 2

Grade 1

Subtraction to 20.

Remember you can use a 100’s chart to help you. You can draw pictures to help you and you can use object from around the house.

25_quest_sous_diminuende_0218_001 (dragged)

Answer Key (Mark your work with a pen so that you can see your mistakes)

25_quest_sous_diminuende_0218_001 (dragged)

100’s chart

grille-de-nombres-1-a-1000 (dragged)

Grade 2

Subtraction with regrouping.

We have not covered this concept in class yet. Some of you might already know how to subtract larger numbers, but for others this might be a new concept. It might be challenging at first. Remember you can use a 100’s chart to help you. You can draw pictures to help you and you can use object from around the house. Please do not use a calculator.

  1. Please start by watching this informational video. You might have to watch it twice or three times. Once you have watched the video, try the worksheet.
  3. sous_nombre_2_diminuende_99_12_001 (dragged) (please show me your work)

Use the following online  calculator or if you have a calculator at home to mark your work. Use a pen to make corrections so that you can see where you made your mistakes.

100’s chart

grille-de-nombres-1-a-1000 (dragged)

grille-de-nombres-1-a-1000 (dragged) 2

Activité 3

Option 1

On non! Sylvie a cassé sa tirelire/piggy bank. Toute sa monnaie est tombée! Elle avait 6 dollars et 75 sous. Dessine 6,75$ avec le moins de pièces possible. Dessine 6,75$ avec le plus de pièces possible.

Oh no!  Sylvie broke her piggy bank. All her money fell to the ground. She had $6.75. Can you represent $6.75 with the least amount of coins  possible. Can you represent $6.75 with the most amount of coins and bills possible.  You can draw your answer. You can also  cut and paste the coins from the play money below to help you organise your work.




Option 2

On non! Sylvie a cassé sa tirelire/piggy bank. Toute sa monnaie est tombée! Elle avait 1 dollar et 75 sous. Dessine 1,75$ avec le moins de pièces possible. Dessine 1,75$ avec le plus de pièces possible.

Oh no!  Sylvie broke her piggy bank. All her money fell to the ground. She had $1.75. Can you represent $1.75 with the least amount of coins. Can you  represent $1.75 with the most amount of coins and bills.  You can draw your answer. You can also  cut and paste the coins from the play money below to help you organise your work.


Option 3

On non! Sylvie a cassé sa tirelire/piggy bank. Toute sa monnaie est tombée! Elle avait 0,65 sous. Dessine 0,65¢  avec le moins de pièces possible. Dessine 0,65¢ avec le plus de pièces possible.

Oh no!  Sylvie broke her piggy bank. All her money fell to the ground. She had 0,65¢. Can you represent 0,65¢ with the least amount of coins possible. Can you tepresent 0,65¢ with the most amount of coins possible.  You can draw your answer. You can also  cut and paste the coins from the play money  below to help you organise your work.


Play money

12parPage (dragged)

12parPage (dragged) 4

12parPage (dragged) 2

12parPage (dragged) 3

12parPage (dragged) 5


Activité 4

Addition and subtraction practice

Option 1

Shake, Drop, Add: You will need 5 (or more) coins each. Hold all coins in a closed fist. Shake your hands and count to 3. On 3, drop your coins in front of you. For each coin that lands heads  up, you score 5 points. For each coin that lands tails up, you score 2 points. If you are playing with a partner total your points to see who has the greater score and play again until someone get to 100.   If you are playing alone, play until you reach 100, and tally how many hands it took you took to get to 100. After a few rounds, you might change the number of coins you play with and/or the number of points scored for heads and tails. Remember that you can always use a 100’s chart or a 100 object to help you with your counting.

Option 2

You will need 5 (or more) coins each. Hold all coins in a closed fist. Shake your hands and drop your coins in front of you. This time you are counting down from 100. For each coin that lands heads up, you take away 5 points. For each coin that lands tails you take away 2 points. If you are playing with a partner the person who arrives at 0 first wins. If you are playing alone, play until you reach 0, and tally how many hands it took to you to get to 0 . Remember that you can always use a 100’s chart or a 100 object to help you with your counting.