Hello Everyone!
I hope each and everyone of you were able to find some time to spend some time with friends and family during the Easter Break. Going forward, every Monday (It is Tuesday today because of the holiday) I will be posting your assignments for the week. Due dates for the assignments will be flexible but should be submitted within 7 days of being assigned. This way you will not fall behind and have everything left to do at the end. For all assignments I will be posting resources for you to use.
The textbook is available online at the link below
I will also be assigning workbook pages so please let me know if you have left your workbook at school.
Our next unit is Biology which we focus on DNA being the basis for the diversity of all living things.
I will be available on Teams to chat between 1:00pm-2:00pm to chat and answer any questions about material or assignments on Tuesday and Thursdays. If you are unable to make it during that time but have any questions please send me a message on the Teams page at any time. Other students may have the same question or may be able to answer it as well. I want you guys to treat the Team’s page as a place to get together to ask questions and share information. Remember to be respectful of each other’s ideas. Before getting started please read the online guidelines below
Digital Responsibility – Students and Parents or Guardians
Week 1 Assignment
Week 1 Resources
- Biology Sc 10 New DNA
- Textbook pages 8-13
- Workbook pages 3-4
Extra Assignment
- If you are finished your model and want to try some DNA Origami click the link below. This is completely OPTIONAL and be warned it is not easy! If you are up for a challenge give it a try
- DNA Origami
- You will need to download and print the blank template
- DNA Origami
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