Hello Everyone!
I hope each and everyone of you were able to find some time to spend some time with friends and family during the Easter Break. Going forward, every Monday (It is Tuesday today because of the holiday) I will be posting any updates or assignments to the blog, so please make sure to check it at least 1 time a week.
For this class, it will mainly focus on a “Fitness Log” where you will be documenting your activity type and length over the weeks. Logs will be collected every 2 weeks on Teams. I will be posting up the Log later this week, so for now just continue to get some activity through the week.
The minimum requirement amount of physical activity should be equivalent to either 30 mins per day (for 5 days) or 1 hour a day for 3 days. You are more than welcome and encouraged to do more if you would like.
On the Blog I will be posting different activities and links to workout videos that you can do at home. These are just suggestions, I would like you to design your own activity schedule based on your own interests and what activities will encourage you to be active.
Our “Team” on Microsoft Office 365 will be there to check in with each other and share our fitness questions. I will be available on Teams to chat between 2:00pm-3:00pm to chat and answer any questions about material or assignments on Tuesday and Thursdays. If you are unable to make it during that time but have any questions please send me a message on the Teams page at any time. Other students may have the same question or may be able to answer it as well. I want you guys to treat the Team’s page as a place to get together to ask questions and share information. Remember to be respectful of each other’s ideas. Before getting started please read the online guidelines below
Digital Responsibility – Students and Parents or Guardians
Before starting a fitness program, you need to have an understanding of the concepts behind one. So for your first assignment you will be looking into the principles of fitness. This will help you shape your activities and give you and understanding of how to fill in your fitness log. I have given you a lot of flexibility with this project where you will choose to show me how you understand these principles. Below I will post some resources to help get you started, but you should also do some of your own research.
Assignment #1