April 14-17

Hello families of Division 4,

I have chosen to provide a week’s worth of content broken up into three sections rather than a schedule for each day of the week. My reasoning for this is that each student has a different home situation, some with more flexibility than others. At this age, my hope is that students will be able to manage their work independently and complete assignments by the indicated due dates. Students are required to create their own school schedule (either with or without family help) as part of their personal responsibility curriculum and have been assigned this in their work for this week.

Explanations of each section can be found below:

Must Do The activities in this section are required. Here you will find the recommended minimum reading and math times for the week as well as all assignments that must be completed.

Could Do The activities in this section are optional but encouraged. They will either supplement or extend student learning.

Try it Out! The activities in this section are optional. They are a mix of fun activities and supplemental educational activities.

Please click the link below for this week’s schedule:

Weekly Schedule (Distance Learning) – April 14-17

Office Hours

If students have any questions they need answered, need help with an assignment or would like to chat, I will be online and available between 1 and 3 pm every school day (except Tuesdays, which are 1-2 pm).

Class meetings will take place each week on Tuesdays from 2-3 pm and Thursdays from 10-11 am.







Office Hours (individual help)

1-3 pm

1-2 pm

1-3 pm

1-3 pm

1-3 pm

Class Meetings


2-3 pm


10-11 am



Please note! Tuesday’s meeting for this week has been moved to Wednesday, April 15th from 2-3 pm. This change is to give students a chance to read over and complete the quiz on the school district’s Digital Responsibility Guidelines. I’ve attached the guidelines to this email and ask that you read them over so that you’re aware of the school district’s expectations around digital responsibility.

Finally, I would like to remind families that our number one priority right now is the health and safety of our students and their families. If you require any assistance at all or if you or your child are feeling overwhelmed by the work being assigned, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Ms. Haskins

April 6-10

Hello families of Division 4!

Thank you so much for your support and patience as we navigate through these first few weeks together. As mentioned in our phone call, technology will play a big part in our efforts towards distance learning. Your child will need both my support and possibly yours to access technology and their assignments. There is a lot of information being sent out and to avoid confusion and overwhelming anyone, I will be communicating with students and parents through only 3 methods. Please read carefully to help make our transition towards distance learning smoothly.


  • Expect 1 weekly email sent out early in the week a schedule of activities and due dates (if applicable).
  • My email is to be used for parent and teacher communication only (if a phone call is needed please send me an email to schedule a time).
  • At this time, I ask students to refrain from emailing me. This is to avoid clutter and so that I can respond in a timely manner to parents and colleagues. The best way for students to contact me is through the “Questions” channel on Office 365 – Teams

Office 365 – Teams

  • Only students and teachers may communicate on Division 4’s Teams page. (For students with siblings, please ensure they are logged into their Office 365 account and not their sibling’s.)
  • Assignments and schedules will be uploaded to Teams where students can access them.
  • All uploaded assignments and learning material should only be accessed by students of Division 4. Please do not share or upload these learning materials as they may violate copyrights.

Class Blog (http://sd41blogs.ca/haskinse)

  • Anyone may access our class blog.
  • Duplicate copies of the weekly parent email will be posted here as well.
  • There will be a page titled “Web Resources” with links to resources that the students/families may access if they’re looking for additional work/activities.

Weekly Schedule

Beginning next week I will be posting a weekly schedule. For this week, the main goal is for students to become familiar with Teams and to login to the sites listed below so that I know who’s able to access them and who’s not. 

This week students should:

  • Complete the Microsoft Teams Scavenger Hunt.
  • Read for a minimum of 30 minutes each day.
  • Check Division 4’s Teams page every day (read posts marked important in the General and Questions channels).
  • Check their school email every day.
  • Play Prodigy Math for 30 minutes at least one time this week.
  • Play Xtra Math at least one time this week.
  • Go to Epic and begin the assigned readings.
  • For usernames, passwords, and access information for the websites we will be using (Prodigy, XtraMath, Epic), students can check the “Logins” tab in their Class Notebook.

Consistency and Challenges

I will endeavor to be as consistent as possible with my communication. Due to the unique situation we find ourselves in, I ask for your patience as I may end up changing things over the next few weeks to ensure the students are finding success and value out of the structures I implement. Inevitably, some students may struggle with adapting to the new programs we’re using and that is totally fine. Keeping a positive attitude and persevering through these challenges are great life skills!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Eve Haskins

World Book Kids Research

As an introduction to our unit on early humans, evolution and geology, you will be using the website, World Book Kids, to complete the following assignment. Please follow the instructions below.

  1. Download the World Book Kids Research Assignment and open it up in Adobe.
  2. Go to World Book Kids.
  3. Search World Book Kids to help you answer the questions on the assignment sheet.
  4. Answer the questions using full sentences, proper spelling and grammar.
  5. Email me your completed assignment.


Key Issues Analysis

Hi Division 4,

Below is a link to the website we used in class to help us gather information on the key issues that have been highlighted during the 2019 Federal Election. Please remember to focus on the following parties:


When you provide your reasoning for why you picked a particular party, please include info from both the party you chose and the other three parties to support your reasoning. 


Orange Shirt Day

Monday is Orange Shirt Day. On this day we honour all the Indigenous youth who were sent to residential schools in Canada, as well as the countless others who have been affected, both directly and indirectly, from the residential school system. Please remember to wear an orange shirt if you have one and come prepared to talk about any past learning that you’ve had on the topic. 


Greta Thunberg Website Visits

Hello Division 4,

Please choose one of the links below. Your job is to visit the site or watch the video. If you are visiting the site, you should spend some time reading the information, taking notes and forming an opinion on what you’ve read. If you’re watching a video, you should watch it at least twice, pausing to look up any words you may not understand. 

Once you’ve visited the site or completed the video viewing, please come back here and post a one paragraph comment (5-8 sentences) either explaining what you learned, stating your opinion on the content or writing about how the page/video made you feel. 

Remember to practice good digital citizenship and post only school appropriate comments using just your initials. Please use full sentences, proper punctuation and grammar. 

1. Find out more about Greta.

2. Watch Greta Thunberg’s TED Talk.

3. Read Greta’s Speeches. 

4. Visit the United Nations climate change page.

5.  Read about Canada’s actions, climate future, partnerships, adaptation, health, science, emissions reporting, and more.

5. View ‘The Climate Crisis Explained in 10 Charts.’ 

Student Vote

Please use the following link to complete your work on the Party Leaders Q & A. 

Remember that you’re working on note-taking with a focus on gathering information that pertains to the question asked. You are required to watch all 6 videos (5 after today’s class) from each of the four main party leaders: Justin Trudeau (Liberal Party), Andrew Scheer (Conservative Party), Jagmeet Singh (New Democrat Party) and Elizabeth May (Green Party). 

