
Homework Policy

Due to the variety of activities and commitments students have before and after school, I try not to assign homework for the sake of homework. 

In general, class work-time is provided so that students can complete the majority of their work at school. In some cases, students will need to complete work at home if they haven’t managed their time well in class or for any of the exceptions below.

Exceptions to the homework policy:

Reading: Students are expected to read for pleasure outside of school for a minimum of 15-30 minutes each day. Students have access to our school library as well as the public library if they are in search of new material. Students should select books that are of interest to them (including non-fiction, graphic novels, and magazines) as this will help them to develop a love for reading.

Classroom blog: At least once per week, I will write a blog post and post it to this site. Students are required to read the blog post and follow any instructions provided (for example, they may need to comment on the post, or watch a video and answer questions about it).

Research: When completing inquiry projects or general research, students may need to complete some research at home so that they have enough information to get started on their project/work.

Interviews: On occasion students may need to interview a parent/guardian, family member, community member or friend for a school assignment.