Try to find creative ways to practice speaking in English each day.  You can phone a friend who speaks English, practice reading aloud in English or you could try one of the following activities with a family member.

Activity 1

  1. You will need a partner for this activity. It can be anyone who lives in your house.
  2. Write down words on pieces of paper. Fold the pages and put them in a bowl.
  3. Take turns pulling a random paper out and giving each other clues about what the word says without saying the word that is written on the piece of paper.

*For example, if the card says “cat”, you may give clues such as “It has 4 legs, people sometimes keep them as pets, they are a relative of the lion”

*For an added challenge, you may want to add a timer.

Activity 2- Play eye spy in English

  1. You will need a partner for this activity. It can be anyone who lives in your house.
  2. Choose something that you can see in the room that you are in.
  3. Give your partner clues so that they can guess the item that you are thinking of. Before the person begins to make guesses, you need to give them a clue about it i.e “I spy with my little eye something that it red”
  4. Let your partner make guesses of what you are thinking of. You cannot change the item after the game has started and you should only say yes or no when they make a guess.
  5. If they are stuck you might give them another clue about the item, such as the shape or size or texture or location.
  6. If your partner guesses the item then they get to choose the next item, and you get to guess what it is. If they have made several guesses and then give up give them a turn to choose the next word