Story #1:

Please go to the link above to see the story Up in a Tree.  Listen to me read you the story, then you can try playing it again with the sound off to see if you can read some of the words yourself.  Can you answer these questions?

  1. Who were the characters in the story?
  2. Why did the girl climb the tree?
  3. Why do you think the girl decided to stay up in the tree

You can discuss these questions with someone in your family or you can email answers to Ms. Guise.

Story #2:

Please go to the link above and listen to the story The Big Storm.  If you are able to, turn down the sound and try to read along with me.  Can you answer these questions?

  1. Why was Orson afraid?
  2. Where were some of the places that Orson hid?
  3. Where did Orson finally rest?  Why do you think that he was happy there?

You can discuss these questions with someone in your family or you can email your answers to Ms. Guise.

Story #3:

Please listen to the story The Goat in the Garden.  If you are able to read along with me.  Can you answer these questions?

  1. Why were the farmers worried that the goat was in the garden?
  2. Which animals did the farmers ask to help them?
  3. How did the ant get the goat to leave?

Story #4

Please read the above story Things that Fly.  See if you can turn down the volume and read along with me.  Can you answer these questions?

  1. What were some of the things in the story that can fly?
  2. Can you think of other things in nature that can fly?
  3. Can you think of things that people make that are able to fly?

Story #5

Please read the above story The Tide Pool.  What were some of the animals that were found in the tide pool?  Do you think you would like to find a tide pool?  Where do you think there might be a tide pool?


Story #6

Please read the above story All About Penguins.  What are some of the things that Penguins can do?  What do you think would be some of the benefits and drawbacks of being a penguin?

Story #7

Please read the above story Big Lizard, Little Lizard.  What were the lizards in the story doing?  Where do you think the lizards live?  Why do you think it was harder for the little lizard to catch the bug?

Story #8

Please read the above story Pinky the Pig.  Why was the pig so unhappy?  What were some of the things that the family tried to do to make her happy?  What was the thing that they did that finally worked and cheered up the pig?

Story #9

Please read the above story with me The Drip.   What were some of the ways that Nana tried to stop the drip?  Why did the things that she tried not work?  Why might she be upset with Pop?