April 23, 2020

Math April 23, 2020  Multiplication and Sharing

This week will review multiplication and add how multiplication and begin seeing division as sharing.

Each lesson has a Sum It Up page for parents which tell you what concepts should be internalized once the section is complete.   Although not stated students should complete “Tell how many parts” questions using a repeated addition and multiplication sentence as well as skip counting and a word sentence: ex. 3 groups of 4 (similar to last week’s exercise). 

New assignments have also been created in bcmathgames to reinforce these concepts.   

At this time, students could begin to memorize the 1s and the 2s times table. 

 Day 1   

Tell students that they will be making a group of identical imaginary creatures and that they can choose the shape of their creatures’ faces and the number of eyes, ears, and legs their creatures will have. Encourage students to use different numbers for each body part.   You could have students draw their creatures, construct them with modelling clay and toothpicks, or model them with counters, buttons, and other small items.

Create Monsters – Student Page
 Sum It Up –  for parents

Provide Hundreds chart as additional tools for students to perform repeated addition and multiplication questions (if needed). 


Day 2  

Watch Video:  Sharing Video

Provide a copy of the reproducible page  Sharing – Student Page. Provide at least 30 connecting building blocks such as Lego® (or whatever small counters you may have ie. buttons, paper clips, Smarties) to pair or group. Tell students they can use the reproducible page to record on.  They can record their groupings  using pictures as well as a division and multiplication sentence. 

In completing Action Question 4, students might end up with remainders. You could ask them simply to indicate the number of blocks that would be in each share and the fact that there are some leftover pieces. 

Sum It Up – Division for parents


Day 3

Students can  complete these extension pages

Extension Activity – Multiplication
Extension Activity – Division 

As always please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Ms Gauthier/Ms Paulich