Hello, Division 10!  It was great seeing you all on Zoom yesterday.  Please email me your communication writing assignment when you are done it.  Please take your time with the following assignments.  You can use Monday to finish up any incomplete work as it is a Pro-D Day.  Here are the activities for Thursday and Friday:

Thursday, June 4, 2020:

1)Math-Measurement Project:  grade 2’s- centimetre house project

grade 3’s-perimeter vegetable garden project

Please make sure you take your time with this assignment as you will be working on it Thursday and Friday. Do half of it today and finish the rest tomorrow.  Make sure to read the directions carefully and add lots of details and colours as well.  START WITH PENCIL! Plan out your house or vegetable garden first and don’t forget to show your measurements!  The attachments with the instructions, examples, and paper to work on is attached below.

Centimetre House Project -Grade 2 Project

Vegetable Garden Perimeter Project-  Grade 3

2)Science-Plant Parts We Eat:  follow the directions on the attached activity.  If you don’t have the food items at home, draw and colour the items instead.  Please take a picture of the items and email the page to me before you eat them!  😀  The assignment is below.

Parts of the Plant we Eat

3) Read for 20 minutes


Friday, June 5, 2020:

1) May Scrapbook Page–  write out your ideas first on a piece of paper about things you learned in May and your favourite part of the month.  Check for sentence sense, details, capitals, and periods. Then write your good copy on the attachment below.  Make sure to fine line your writing (if you have a black fine tipped marker) and colour the “Magnificent May” words as well. Please email it to me when you are done as I will print it and glue it into your scrapbook for you 🙂  

Memorable May Scrapbook Page

2) “Sports Day” Zoom- 1:15-1:45 PM. *OPTIONAL* Music is during this time at school so I can schedule an extra Zoom session this week 🙂  Make sure to wear your house colours!  We will have a scavenger hunt game and I will give challenges to the house groups to try out over Zoom 🙂  

3)Raz Kids- most of you have a new assignment that I just put up.  Please listen to the story, read it, record yourself reading it, and do the quiz questions.  Thank you!