Ms. Edwards-Nelson Elementary

Month: April 2020 (Page 1 of 2)

Activities for Thursday April 30: Zoom Meeting, Raz Kids, and Go Noodle

Hi there, Division 10!  I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday!  If you haven’t sent me your reading response to the questions about the story Mrs. Robert’s read yesterday, please do so today.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Raz Kids– read a new story (listen once, read twice to yourself, answer the questions in the quiz.  You can look back at the story to help you answer the questions).

2) Zoom Meetings for Spawning Salmon Web– don’t forget to bring your highlighted spawning salmon article, paper, a pencil, and eraser.  Be prepared to offer ideas!  You are doing the work, not Ms. Edwards ! 

**Grade 2’s meeting at 1 PM, Grade 3’s meeting at 2 PM.**

3) Go Noodle– go to their YouTube channel and pick out a video to try! Have fun!  

See you at our Zoom Meetings 🙂 

Activities for Wednesday April 29, 2020: Salmon Writing and Number of the Day

Hi there, Division 10!  It sure was lovely to see you all yesterday!  I am glad you enjoyed the scavenger hunt as I am hoping to continue that next week:)  There are two activities for today, plus reading for 20 minutes. I will be at the school helping to hand out student supplies this afternoon.  Remind your parents to come in at their designated times today!  Here are today’s activities:

1) Read Aloud and Response with Mrs. Robert’s: Listen carefully to Mrs. Robert’s as she reads you two pages from Garden of the Spirit Bear: Life in the Great Northern Rainforest Then, using paper, answer these questions:  A) How do salmon help the forest?  What do they provide for the forest once they die?  B) How do salmon help predators?  What predators are mentioned on these pages?  C) How do humans cause problems for salmon?  D)  How do fallen logs help spawning salmon?  **Make sure to answer these questions in full sentences and check your writing for sentence sense, spelling, capitals, and periods. **  You can also include a picture if you would like 🙂  Please email me your work when you are done.

2)Number of the Day:  Grade 2’s, your number is 56.  Grade 3’s, your number is 539.  Make sure to show your number in two different ways using coins in the “draw it” section and show your regrouping and borrowing!  Show your thinking:)  The number of the day sheet is HERE. 

3) Read for 20 minutes and continue working on your music bingo sheet.

Have a great day!  We will have two Zoom meetings on Thursday which I will email your parents about.  Bring your highlighted spawning salmon sheet with you as well as paper and a pencil.  See you then 🙂 

Activities for Tuesday April 28, 2020: Zoom Meeting, Spawning Salmon Reading, and IXL

Hello there, Division 10!  I hope you had a marvelous Monday and enjoyed working on the first two pages of your time capsule project.  Make sure to hold on to the pages as you will be working on the next few in the upcoming weeks.  Here are the activities for today:

1) Class Zoom Meeting– if you didn’t get the invitation, please email me.  We will be doing a fun activity together and I will also be reading a salmon story.  I’ll see you at 11 AM!  

2) Spawning Salmon Article– please read and highlight the attached article for our next Zoom meetings on Thursday.  We will be going over your highlighted words then and working on the web.  Thank you ! 

(PDF) Salmon Spawner

(Word Document)Salmon Spawner-Word Document

3)IXL– I have assigned sections for each grade to work on:  Grade 2’s-please work on section G.5.  Grade 3’s-please work on J.2.  **YOU SHOULD ONLY BE SPENDING 20-30 MINUTES WORKING ON THESE**

Have a great day!  -Ms. E 🙂 




Activities for Monday, April 27, 2020-Time Capsule Art, Music Bingo, and Raz Kids

Hello Division 10, I hope you had a lovely weekend and had a chance to get outside.  Today is a Pro-D Day at Nelson but I will be posting activities for you to work on anyways.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

1)  Time Capsule Art– a time capsule is something you create that tell you about something you experienced in your lifetime. This one is about what we are experiencing right now.  Please work on the first two pages today and this week.  *I will be asking you to work on 2 pages each week.* 

If you don’t have a printer, look at the example and create your own.  


Word Document Activity: COVID19-TIME-CAPSULE-3 Word Document

2) Music Bingo– Mrs. Little has created a fun Music Bingo activity for you to work on this week.  Start it today and work on it when you have the chance 🙂  Musical-Literacy-Bingo-Sheet

Mrs. Little also has a brand new website!  She has made some music videos, too!  Check out her website HERE

3) Raz Kids–  I would like everyone to record themselves reading a story today.  Especially if you haven’t recorded yourself yet!  If you need help, please email Ms. E 🙂  

***If you haven’t emailed me your adult salmon sentences yet, please do so today. Thank you!  

Have a great day, Division 10 ! I will see you tomorrow at our class Zoom Meeting at 11 AM 🙂 

Friday-April 24, 2020: Salmon Sentence Zoom Meetings and IXL Math

Hello Division 10!  I really enjoyed our salmon sessions yesterday!  I look forward to seeing you all at today’s Zoom meetings.  Please make sure to bring a pencil, eraser, paper, and your completed adult salmon web as we will be working on our adult salmon sentences.  Here are today’s activities:

1)  Zoom Meetings:  Grade 2’s-11 AM,  Grade 3’s- 1 PM. Make sure to be on time and ready with your materials! Your main assignment today will be to finish your adult salmon sentences after our Zoom meetings.

2) IXL– If you have not taken the diagnostic test yet, please do so.  Otherwise, start to work on something at the level you are at that we have done before in class (addition or subtraction would be good).  I will be assigning lessons to do starting next week.

3) Read for 20 minutes

4) Go for a neighbourhood walk or bike ride!  

Have a wonderful day, Division 10!  Email me if you have any questions or concerns 🙂 

Thursday April 23, 2020- Zoom: Salmon Writing and Math Review

Happy Thursday, Division 10!  I hope you all are having a great week.  Today’s main activities are focused around our Zoom meetings.  However, there are two additional things that you can work on as well.  

1)  Zoom Meetings– make sure to be prepared for this!  You will need paper, a pencil, eraser, coloured markers or pencil crayons, and your highlighted adult salmon article.  Grade 2’s, I will see you at 10 AM.  Grade 3’s, I will see you at 2 PM.  While you are waiting you can finish up any work from earlier this week and/ or do a short journal entry.  

2) Raz Kids-20 minutes, new story: listen, read twice to yourself, answer questions.  Also, PLEASE RECORD YOURSELF READING A STORY TODAY. Thank you!  

3) Yoga Poses for Kids– try at least 5 poses that can be found HERE

Have a wonderful day and I will see you at our Zoom meetings!  

Wednesday Activities-April 22,2020- Happy Earth Day!

Hello, Division 10!  It was so wonderful to see you all yesterday!  I realize that I didn’t get a chance to talk to you all.  I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday so I can get a chance to chat with you all then 🙂 Today is Earth Day!  Our activities are all focused on that except for the math games which I mentioned in the Zoom meeting yesterday. 

 1) Read Aloud- visit Mrs. Robert’s blog and listen to her read the book called Earth Day Birthday. You can use some of these ideas to help you with your literacy activity today!  *Remember, the password is our school mascot:) 

2) Earth Day Literacy Activity– brainstorm 4 ideas of what you can do to help the Earth (every day, not just today!).  Using the provided comic strip pages (4 squares, you will need two copies), draw and write about what you can do to help the Earth.  Make sure you write in FULL SENTENCES and provide DETAILS 🙂 Please also draw in the lines for your writing sections.  You should be aiming for 3-4 sentences for each square.  Your pictures should connect to what you are writing about and should be colourful and detailed as well.  I will attach examples of 2 ideas I came up with.  My pictures are not coloured as I don’t have colouring supplies at home.  You should be writing in pencil, not marker like I did. I only did that so you could see it 🙂

My example is HERE Earth Day Writing and Drawing Activity-Word Doc

Cartoon pages are HERE  

*Use the “10th” one under the “Blank Comic Book Pages” section.*

3) Math Games– go to the “Math Activities” tab on the top part of the blog and try out one of the math games.  The money one is one of my favourites!  Click on “Canada” if you try that one 🙂 

Have a great day, Division 10!  Email me if you have any questions 🙂 


Tuesday Activities: April 21, 2020 *Zoom Class Meeting at 1 PM!

Hello everyone!  Today we are going to have our Zoom class meeting at 1 PM!  Please be on time and prepared to participate.  Remember, this is still our classroom, so remember to be patient, kind, and respectful 🙂  Today we are also going to start working on the next stage in the salmon life cycle: adult salmon.  This is the stage where salmon spend time in the ocean, eat smaller fish, and try to avoid predators ! I will post two articles:  one with highlighted words, the other without.  If you have done your own highlighting before of key words, please use that article.  You can look at the other one for help if needed.  

1)  Adult Salmon article– read it twice, talk about it with Mom or Dad (what is interesting?  What is something you learned?  What do you remember about imprinting and what are the ways discussed in the article that salmon adapt to their surroundings? ) Then, highlight the important or key words.  Again, if you have highlighted the words before by yourself, choose the article that doesn’t have highlighted words.  

-If you want to start organizing your key words in your web, you may begin this today.  We will continue this on Thursday at our other Zoom meetings. 

The articles can be found HERE  (highlighted) and HERE (not highlighted)

**UPDATE:  If you cannot open the PDF’s, try these word documents instead:

Adult Salmon 1-Word Document        Adult Salmon 2  

*If you cannot open the files, please email me and I will send them to you another way. 

2) Read for 20 minutes

3)  Zoom Meeting at 1 PM!  I can’t wait to see you all, Division 10 🙂 

Monday April 20th Activities

Hello Division 10!  I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  I am excited to see you tomorrow for our Zoom meeting at 1 PM!  Today we have three activities:

1)  Number of the Day- Grade 2’s- your number is 58Grade 3’s- your number is 449.  Remember to show your number TWO different ways using coins in the “Draw it” section and to show your expanded form (ex. 37= 30 + 7, 235 = 200 + 30 + 5).  Look at last week’s examples for additional information.  Feel free to email me if you need any help!  Your number of the day sheet is HERE.  Please email it to me when you are done.  *If you are done quickly, see if you can find items in your home that would represent that number!  Or, try another number of the day sheet!  

2) Raz Kids– some of you still have not recorded yourselves reading!  I will be checking in on this at our Zoom meeting tomorrow. You should be reading 2-3 books per week.  Make sure you listen to the story, read it several times to yourself, and answer the questions.

3) Art- try another sketch with Mo Willems!  

4) D.P.A.- Go for a neighbourhood walk or bike ride with your family 🙂  


I hope you have a fantastic day !  I will send out the Zoom invitations for tomorrow’s meeting today as well. -Ms. E 🙂 

Friday Activities and a Zoom Education update!

Hello Division 10!  I hope you’ve had a wonderful week and have had a chance to get out in the sunshine everyday!  Before I tell you about today’s activities, I wanted to give you an update about Zoom Educational:  Ms. E finally has access to it!  I will be having a class meeting next Tuesday at 1 PM and then two following meetings for the grade two’s and three’s separately on Thursday to review math concepts and to check in on your salmon writing.  I will email the meeting links and passwords next week.  Also, next week we will be working on the next stage in the salmon life cycle: the adult salmon stage. You will be given two articles on the blog: one highlighted, one not (please work with the one you feel most comfortable with.  However, if you have highlighted the words before, work on the one without the highlighting!). You will be working on creating a detailed web next week which you need to send to me when you are done.  I will be checking in on this on our Thursday Zoom meetings.  


Friday Activities: 

1)  Friday Letter to Ms. E- choose three things that you want to write about from the attached poster.  Write 4-6 sentences on each chosen item.  Start your letter with “Dear Ms.E/ Ms. Edwards” and make sure to end with “sincerely, __________ (your name).  Make sure to check your writing for sentence sense, organization of your ideas,  spelling, and capitals and periods.  

2) Math Game-try out one of these math games if you have dice at home and can use something as counters.  If you don’t have these items, pick a website from the math activities tab at the top of the blog and try out a game there. 

Math Games and Dice  (if you don’t have any).

C) Read for 20 minutes or go on Raz Kids if you haven’t recorded yourself reading a story yet.  I will be checking on this at Tuesday’s Zoom meeting!  

Have a lovely weekend, Division 10!  Email me your work when you are done 🙂 

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