CoroVoce News January 10, 2020

Dear Corovoce Members:


We had a very successful rehearsal yesterday and we’re making tremendous progress on all our pieces.  Please look over Earth Voices, Roots Before Branches, The Sun is Mine, and The Maple Key for next week.  These are the four pieces we will be working on intensely in order to be ready for the following week. (January 23)

On January 23, our rehearsal will take place at the Evengreen Cultural Centre at 1205 Pinetree Way in Coquitlam.  The rehearsal will run from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m.  The composer of 3 of our songs, Laura Hawley, is flying in from Edmonton to workshop her songs with us.  It is such a privilege to have her here.  Please arrange transportion, and possibly car-pooling in order to be there.  If you have to leave a bit earlier, we understand, but please make every effort to be there.

As well, we will be hosting a rehearsal with Laura Hawley on Saturday, January 25 at South Slope from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  These are extremely important rehearsals and we hope you are able to come to both.

We were so lucky the snow didn’t hit us yesterday and we were able to have rehearsal.  Fingers crossed please, for next week as well!  See you Thursday, January 16 at South Slope!

The secret phrase is “Ms. Pritchard came to see us on Thursday.  We sang for her!”  (a long one, but Lansen wanted the challenge.  lol

Stay warm!

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro)

Welcome Back to CoroVoce! January 4, 2020

Hello CoroVoce Members!

We hope you had a relaxing and refreshing break!  We look forward to seeing you this Thursday, January 9 at our usual time and place! (3:30 to 5:15 at South Slope)

We are anxiously watching the weather as some snow has been predicted in the next few weeks.  We hope you will watch the blog, especially on the day of rehearsal as a cancellation may happen suddenly with our unpredictable weather and we will need to inform you!  

Happy 2020!  We are bringing back the secret code to see who is reading this blog!  The phrase of this week is: “The Maple Key”

See you Thursday!

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro)

Happy Christmas Break! See you January 9!

What a glorious way to end our winter season!  Pizza in the atrium at South Slope!  Rest up dear students, take some time to reflect, look at your new repertoire, and get some fresh air!

Again, save these very important dates coming up in January and beyond!

Thursday, January 23 from 4 – 7 p.m., our rehearsal will be with Coastal Sound.  More details to come.

Saturday, January 25 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at South Slope.  Ooooo, school on a Saturday!

Saturday, March 7 – World premiere of “The Maple Key” and concert with Coastal Sound at New Westminster Christian Reform Church. at 3:00 p.m.

Once again, we wish you all a wonderful, restful season! And yes, the secret phrase is back for January 9.  It is:”Happy 2020!”

In song,

The CoroVoce Team  – Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher

Pizza Tomorrow! December 19, 2019.

Dear CoroVoce Members:


We will have a rehearsal from 3:30 to 4:45 and then break for pizza! We will end at our usual time of 5:15.  Thank you to Ms. Fletcher who has posted many of our new repertoire on the blog (under rehearsals)  Please spend some time over the holidays reviewing our songs.

See you tomorrow!

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro)

Beautiful Concert Sung From the Heart!

Hello Everyone:


We are all still basking in the bliss of our lovely concert last night!  So many beautiful memorable moments to treasure! Thank you to the parents who helped with tickets at the door.  We had a wonderful audience last night for our show!

We look forward to seeing you this Thursday as we press on with our Spring repertoire in anticipation of the world premiere of “The Maple Key”, a song written specifically for Coastal Sound and CoroVoce.  We realize this is a busy time with school concerts as well, but we hope to see most of you there this Thursday, December 12, and next Thursday, December 19 as this will be out pizza party as well as a rehearsal.

The Team thanks you for singing with joy in your heart, and a smile on your face!

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Little, Mrs. Fierro

“Christmas is Coming” Concert Details for Monday, December 9.

Hello CoroVoce Members:

The Team is very excited for the concert on Monday.  Get plenty of rest this weekend, drink lots of fluids to keep your instrument lubricated, and polish up your songs.  Here are the details of the plan for Monday:

4:00p.m. – arrive at Michael J Fox Theatre in your white shirts and black tights/skirts/pants and shoes for rehearsal of our mass numbers and our own numbers.

5:15 p.m. – be released to your parents for supervision until 6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. – return to the “green” room (beside the theatre) to warm up.

6:22 p.m. – assemble backstage and load the stage for the opening number

6:30 p.m. – the show begins!

Tickets will be available at the door, but they will be limited.

We had many parents email to offer to help with tickets so thank you so much for your assistance!  The two parents who are helping have been contacted.

We will continue with two more rehearsals before Christmas in order to be ready for our concerts in the Spring.

Pizza will be served at our final rehearsal on Thursday, December 19.  Usual start and end times! (3;30 – 5:15)

All the adults on The Team are looking forward to this amazing concert with Picollini and Soundwave!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little

See You at Kitchener next Tuesday, December 3!

Dear CoroVoce Members!

We’ll see you next Tuesday, December 3 at Kitchener Elementary at 4:00!

Happy shopping for your white collared tops, black tights,skirts,pants, and black dress shoes this weekend!

Our final rehearsal before the concert is next Thursday, December 5.  We will refine and polish our songs then!  Please ensure all your parts are memorized.

We look forward to a wonderful concert!  More information will be forthcoming about December 9, on the next blog posting.

Cheers to all!

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher)

“Christmas is Coming”! November 25 Newsletter

Dear CoroVoce Members:

Below is a copy of the blue handout that was available at Thursday’s rehearsal.  If you forgot to pick one up, here it is below!  We are in the home stretch for polishing our repertoire.  I hope you are spending some time at home memorizing the parts and singing from your heart.  

Please make every effort to come to the rehearsal at Kitchener on Tuesday, December 3.  (4:00 to 5:15)

We have received many emails requesting tickets from teachers and principals at your home schools!  What a joy it will be to sing for them!

Tickets will be available again this week during rehearsal.

We had very few students come to me with the secret phrase last week.  Parents, please pass along the phrase for this week to your child.  It’s “Santa is Watching!”  Hee hee!

I hope everyone is gathering their white collared tops and black pants/skirts/tights and black dress shoes for our amazing concert!

See you on Thursday!

The Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher)


corovoce letter november 2019

Tickets Available Now for “Christmas is Coming” on December 9

Dear CoroVoce Members:

Thank you for all your hard work in memorizing our pieces!  We will continue to work on memorization next week in our rehearsal.  The following songs need to be memorized by next week:

Clap Your Hands, Rudolph’s Ragtime, Angels Carol (needs more work), German Carols, Christmas is Coming (new), and Count Your Blessings.

Tickets for our December 9 Show, “Christmas is Coming” are ready for purchase.  Please send an unsealed envelope with your child’s name on the front, and the money inside.  We will return it sealed, with your tickets!  Don’t forget to invite the special “school” people in your lives! ( classroom and music teachers, head teachers, principals….they receive complimentary tickets)  More invitations will be ready for them next week.

Proper attire for December 9

We will be giving out a hard copy memo regarding expectations of what to wear at our Christmas Concert.  Here is a brief summary:

  1.  White collared shirts, and black pants, tights, or skirts are required.
  2. Black boots, or dress shoes
  3. Hair neatly styled and away from the face.
  4. Make-up is optional.

We need to look as polished as our pieces!  

Pizza party at our final December rehearsal on the 19th!  We will rehearse and stay for some pizza and drinks!

Oh, and by the way, for a treat, the secret phrase so I know you are reading this blog is………Corovoce Rocks!  Please repeat this to me next Thursday!!!

See you next Thursday!  Keep working on our repertoire!  You are great!

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher)

We Remember….

Dear CoroVoce Members:

We had another amazing rehearsal yesterday and our repertoire is really coming together!  Please memorize Rudolph’s Ragtime Razza-ma-tazz, Count Your Blessings, Angel’s Carol, and Clap Your Hands for our next rehearsal.

Ms. Fletcher has put all the recordings for our songs on the blog page under Rehearsals.  Please go there to help you with your lyrics and melodies.

Tickets will go on sale next week for our concert on Monday, December 9 entitled “Christmas is Coming”

It will be at 6:30 p.m. at the Michael J Fox Theatre at Burnaby South Secondary School.  More information about the schedule for this important date will be coming soon.

Tickets are $5 per person.  Please send an UNSEALED envelope with your child’s name on the front and the money within starting next week, and we will return the envelope sealed, with your tickets inside.  

Remember, our extra rehearsal at Kitchener on Tuesday, December 3 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

In song,

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro)