Welcome to our First Rehearsal! September 18, 2023.

Free Sheet Piano photo and picture


Hello Singers!

Here is some information for you to be aware of for our fall season.

Payment of Fees:

School Cash Online is our preferred method of payment.  Copy and paste the link below into your browser.  I’m hoping this will work.  You can also, I believe, go into your school online cash account and click on the District Items tab.


Handout and Calendar for the Fall Season:

Here is a handout that we will be giving out on September 18.

Corovoce Welcome letter and calendar 2023

A great deal of information is contained within this handout, particularly important dates.

Our Christmas Repertoire:

These are our songs for the Christmas Concert.  Our mass numbers with Piccolini and Soundwave will be added once we’ve had our joint meeting.  These may not be the voicings we’ll be using, but they are excellent examples of choirs singing, and can definitely be useful when you’re learning your parts.

Click here for Christmas Angel.

Click here for The Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth.  Not the correct arrangement, but a lovely, lovely version.

Click here for The Snow Begins to Fall.  I love Andy Beck arrangements!

Click here for A la Media Noche.  Let’s all sing in Spanish!

Click here for A Holly Jolly Holiday.  So fun!

Click here for Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad.


Stay tuned for more songs and feel free to check out YouTube for other arrangements of these songs!

In song,

Caeden, Mr. Nguyen, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro



Welcome to Corovoce! Registration Form attached! See you Monday, September 18 in the gym at South Slope!

Free Tea Cup photo and picture


Hello Singers!

“It’s the Most Wonderful Time, of the Year!”  This song seems to be used all year round now!  But we do think it’s the most wonderful time of the year because we are all looking forward to the start of another season working with all of you as we make beautiful music together!

We will see you all on Monday in the gym at South Slope Elementary at 3:30 sharp!  We will end at 4:45 sharp!

Attached is the registration form you can fill out early if you like, and bring back to us as quickly as possible.  School Cash Online will be open for payment starting on Monday.

Hard copies of this document will also be available on Monday as well.

We are ready!  See you Monday!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Mr. Nguyen, and Caeden

Corovoce registration form 2023

“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”  – Maria von Trapp



Free Sheet Music Maple photo and picture

Dear Students:

We are excited to begin our musical journey with you this year!  Our first rehearsal is Monday, September 18 from 3:30 to 4:45.  I hope you sense the urgency in this posting as we will be losing 3 of our rehearsal dates this first term due to statutory holidays.  (Truth and Reconciliation, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day)  We will be absolutely working hard during every precious rehearsal to ensure our first concert in December is spectacular!  A registration package will be given out at the first rehearsal, and if possible, I will also post it on the blog here next week.  Please do not worry about fees yet, but we will be asking you to pay by school cash online if possible.  We will accept cash and cheques, but again, please wait until we have firmed everything up with the Board.

Welcome to Mr. Nguyen, who will be taking the place of our beloved Ms. Little as manager, accompanist, percussionist, and sectional leader.

Welcome as well to Caeden Lau, who will also be working as a student volunteer, accompanist, percussionist, etc….  We have an amazing team!

We’ll see you all on Monday, September 18 at 3;30 in the gym at South Slope Elementary.

4446 Watling St.

Burnaby, BC.

My email, should you have any questions before this is:


In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Mr. Nguyen, and Caeden

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician.  I often think in music.  I live my daydreams in music.  I see my life in terms of music.” – Albert Einstein

Happy Summer Corovoce! See you September 18 at 3:30!

June 29, 2023.

Wow!  It’s hard to believe that we’ve reached the end of our school year!  Our May 1 concert seems like a distant, albeit, happy memory.  We hope your summer is filled with fun, sun, and musical adventures!

To our returning members, we will see you for our first rehearsal on Monday, September 18 at 3:30.  We think it will be the music room at South Slope, but it still may be the gym.  If you remember….wear your Corovoce T shirt!

To our new members, welcome aboard!  We hope you enjoy the musical journey!  See you September 18!

To members who will be leaving us, we hope that you had many happy memories of your time spent with us.  So many wonderful events and rehearsals.  We hope these stay with you!

To Ms. Little, our amazing manager, accompanist, and general all around wonderful musician…..enjoy your new adventures on Vancouver Island in your beautiful new home!  I hope you continue to share your amazing talents with the Island Community!  We will miss you!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Ishii


“Music Changes the World” – District Concert May 1, 2023.

Sponsored imageApril 30, 2023.

We wouldn’t write this if we didn’t believe this.  Music truly can change the world.  Corovoce, you have changed our world this year.  From a lengthy hiatus of two and a half years, you brought your lovely, lyrical voices back to us in such a magical way.  We feel blessed to be a part of your world, and we are grateful to you all for sharing your tremendous talent with us.  We will see you Monday for the final time this school year at 3:30 at Michael J Fox.  Thank you to Mia and Kurtis’ parents for helping with ticket sales at the door.

This is your moment to shine.  After the school tour we were exhausted, but oh so pleased with the quality of sound and the energy you gave to each performance.  Monday is Music Monday and we think you will once again rise to the occasion and sing from your hearts.  We look forward to the concert in so many ways, and yet we are sad to be done.  However, we look forward to our new season next September when a whole new repertoire awaits us!

Please continue to check for blog posts regularly.  And let us know either way what your plans are for September.  You do not need to audition again, we just need to save you a spot.

Once again, from myself, Ms. Ishii, and Ms. Little, thank you for filling up our musical bucket each week.  We are so proud of the journey we took together!

In song,

Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii

“Music takes us where words cannot.” – Henry Winkler


April 23, 2023.

Dear Corovoce Members:

This is a busy week for everyone, with rehearsals, school tour, track and field….well it’s going to be busy!  And then, we look forward to our final concert next Monday May 1 with Soundwave and Picollini.  Here is the important information you need to know to make it through the week!

Monday, April 24

-This is our final formal rehearsal for the year.  Bring your music and folders back today.  If you forget, drop it off another day to the office at South Slope OR ask your music teacher to send it to me through internal mail.  All folders and music need to be returned.

-We will be choosing students to be the MC’s for the school tour.  If you see this post before the rehearsal, think about whether you would like to volunteer for this!


-Bring your school online cash form today to get your tickets, or bring money to purchase tickets.  Tickets will also be available at the door.

– Pick up your t-shirt on your way out today.  Wear it Thursday for the school tour AND Monday, May 1 for the concert.  Wear it forever after that!


Tuesday, April 25

– Be at Kitchener Elementary by 3:30.  I won’t cry if you give me your music then.  Rehearsal ends at 5:00.

Thursday, April 27

– Be at South Slope (unless you’re a Morley students) by 8:15 a.m.  We will do attendance and head off at 8:30.  Bring plenty of water, and a nut free lunch.  Wear your t-shirt and black on the bottom.  We will return to South Slope by 3:00 p.m. for pick up.  I still won’t cry if you hand in your music today.

Monday, May 1

“Music Changes the World” concert at MFJ Theatre.

– Be at the theatre at 3:30.  Wear your t shirt, or be ready to get dressed after the rehearsal.  We will rehearse from 3:30 – 4:30, on our own, and with the other groups.  At 4:30 you will be dismissed to your parents for a break and a light dinner and need to return to the green room by 6:15, ready to warm up.  I will cry a little if you give me your music today.

That’s it for the year, there are NO rehearsals after our concert.  However, please keep checking the blog regularly for updates about next year.

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro




Updates for April 17, 2023

April 12, 2023.

Dear Corovoce Members:

You have a few more days to commit your words and music to memory.  On Monday, April 17, we will be polishing all our songs and singing from our hearts.  Be ready!

Tickets for “Music Changes the World”

Tickets are on sale in school cash online.  Here is the link to copy and paste into your browser.


We will be giving out “hard” copies of your tickets on Monday.  Tickets will also be available at the door.

Important News Regarding Track and Field!

There was a change to the final north and south final meets.  The south meet was changed to Wednesday, April 26, our tour date.  I am not sure if this affects any of our members, but I’m hoping that you do choose to go on tour with us that day.  It is unfortunate that you have to make this decision and we will understand if you go the the final meet, but we’re hoping you are able to sing with us that day!  Please let us know this Monday if you have a conflict.

Pro D Day April 24

We realize this is a Pro D Day for most students but we WILL be rehearsing that day from 3:30 to 5:00.  Please turn in your music either this day, or April 17.

Tuesday, April 25 at Kitchener

We will be rehearsing there from 3:30 to 5:00.  Please come if you can.

Wednesday, April 26 – Tour Date

Please see note above regarding Track and Field above.  Consent forms need to be in next Monday.  Click here for the form and information around the tour.

Corovoce school tour consent forms 2023

Monday, May 1 – “Music Changes the World” District Concert

Monday, May 1 is our concert at Michael J Fox Theatre.

3:30 – be at the theatre for our Corovoce rehearsal.

4:00 – rehearsal of our mass numbers.

4:30 – students dismissed to their parents for a break and some dinner.

6:15 – be in the “green” room dressed in your t shirt and black bottoms ready to warm up!

6:30 – the concert!

May 1, the concert, is our final time together, there are no more rehearsals until September!

We’re looking forward to seeing you all with the music in your heads, and the songs in your hearts on Monday!

In song,

Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii

“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” – Lao Tzu



Tickets are now on sale for “Music Changes the World”

Dragon, Kite, Paper Products, Kite, KiteApril 4, 2023.

Dear Corovoce:

We had a wonderful rehearsal yesterday and things are starting to come together for our concert on May 1.  Can you guess which one was my favourite from yesterday? (followed closely by Singing in the Rain)

So our repertoire is set.  You need to be off your music next rehearsal for the following songs:

  1.  Music Changes the World
  2. Cover the World with Love
  3. Singing in the Rain
  4. Klee Wyck
  5. Give Me a Kite
  6. Hine Ma Tov
  7. We Rise Again

These songs need to be committed to memory by April 17.  We will then “polish” our songs until they shine!

Tickets are on sale for our concert and can be purchased online using school cash.  Here is the link.  Copy and paste it into your browser.


We will also have tickets for sale starting on April 17.  You can also claim your “hard copy” tickets from using school cash on this day.  Just let us know how many you have purchased online.


We know many schools may also have Pro D on Monday, April 24, but WE WILL REHEARSE that day.


We wish everyone a lovely long weekend.  Rest up, learn your lyrics and parts so you can sing from your heart.

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Little

“If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that….I believe in what I do, and I’ll say it.” – John Lennon




Here is our T-shirt for this year!

And the winner is……


This design is by someone who would prefer to remain anonymous!  Our shirts will be black so for our performance and tour date we will wear our black pants/tights/skirts and our shirt.

There is no charge for the shirt, it’s included in your registration fee!

Other pertinent information:

We will see you all at rehearsal this Monday, April 3 from 3:30 to 5:00.

There is NO rehearsal on Easter Monday, April 10.

Rehearsals continue on Monday, April 17 and….

Monday, April 24 from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.


Extra rehearsal at Kitchener Elementary on Tuesday, April 25 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

There will be a memo going home regarding our school tour on Wednesday, April 26.  I’ll send home a hard copy and also post it here.

Monday, May 1 is our concert at Michael J Fox Theatre.

3:30 – be at the theatre for our Corovoce rehearsal.

4:00 – rehearsal of our mass numbers.

4:30 – students dismissed to their parents for a break and some dinner.

6:15 – be in the “green” room at this time dressed in your t shirt and black bottoms ready to warm up!

6:30 – the concert!

May 1, the concert, is our final time together, there are no more rehearsals until September!

We so look forward to showcasing your amazing work this term!  Keep rehearsing your parts and memorizing your lyrics!

In song,

Ms, Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro

“A painter paints pictures on canvas.  but musicians paint their picture on silence” – Leopold Stokowski




Flower, Crocuses, Sheet Music, Violet

March 8, 2023

Dear Corovoce members:

We certainly had a busy rehearsal on Monday!  Here are a few important details for you to be aware of as you head off to Spring Break.

  1.  We sized everyone who attended rehearsal on Monday.  If you were not there PLEASE email me at teresa.jukich@burnabyschools.ca with your t shirt size.  Please err on the large side in case you have a growth spurt soon!
  2. T-shirt design submissions MUST be in by Monday, March 27.  You can email them to me earlier at the above address.  (even better!)
  3. Click here to practice the signing and the song, Cover the World With Love.  Most of the signed English is exactly like ours.  If you were at rehearsal, that is the way we will sign it.
  4. Click here for the lyrics. COVER THE WORLD WITH LOVE
  5. Please give the school tour paper to your music teacher.  We have already had 12th Avenue confirm that we will be coming!  yay!
  6. We would like to extend rehearsals after Spring Break until 5:00.  Please stay on until 5:00 if you can.

Have a restful, exciting, wonderful, musical Spring Break!  Practice your repertoire!

In song,

Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro

“Music can change the world” – Beethoven