Wednesday, April 26 is our Tour Date!!

Dear Corovoce Students and Parents:

I once again apologize for the short notice regarding the cancellation of practice last Monday.  I hate cancelling practice so late in the day, but….well….the weather appeared to be deteriorating rapidly.  Again I apologize if you were inconvenienced in any way.

We are looking forward to seeing you all this Monday before Spring Break!  We have lots to do!  If you scroll back to the yellow t shirt post, you will see we will be having a design contest again this year.  Your submissions must be in on March 27.  You are welcome to email them to me during the break as well.

Our tour date is Wednesday, April 26.  We have further information around our choice of schools coming up this Monday!  The date is right in between the South and North track and field final meets at Swangard.

See you all on Monday!!

In song,

Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii

T-Shirt Design Contest for Corovoce!

T-Shirt, Clothing, Yellow, Shirt, TshirtFebruary 16, 2023.

Dear Corovoce Members:

Happy Family Day!  Remember, no choir on Monday.  We’ll see you all on February 27.  For those of you with artistic talents, I’ve put the link to our t-shirt design contest in this post.  You can print it out at home and get started.  All the instructions are contained in there, but the highlights are:  no colouring required, just pencil or black fine line….Corovoce MUST be on the shirt, and my favourite….not too intricate….BIG and BOLD!  Entries are due March 6.  Anyone who submits a design can claim a treat.  I will also have hard copies at our next rehearsal for you to take away and work on for the next week.

Happy creating!

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Little


Happy Hearts Week!

Sheet Music, Music Sheet, Heart, BlueFebruary 12, 2023

Happy Hearts Week!

We will be working on Doraji, Hine Ma Tov, We Rise Again, and I Dreamed of Rain.  The secret word is actually a phrase that I hope you remember.

There is no choir next week is the phrase because it’s Family Day!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little

Welcome to February!

Choir, Joy, Praise, Sing, Voice, Music

February 1, 2023.

Dear Corovoce Members:

We are making great progress on our repertoire this term!  So many lovely and inspiring songs, so many choices to make, so much work to be done!  But if you continue to go over your songs between rehearsals, and practice as best you can, we will be even more amazing than at Christmas!

Please go over your part in “I Dreamed of Rain” as well as “Klee Wyck”.  Also, see if you’re up for a solo, or a group ensemble for “Hine Ma Tov”.

Next week, we will work on Give me a Kite, Doranji, We Rise Again, and the songs above.  Remember, the songs are posted in the blog posts below for you to refer to.

As an early Valentine treat, you’re welcome to tell us the secret word which is “Klee Wyck”.  That song has been roaming around in my brain all week!

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro

“Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words.  It speaks in emotions and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” – Keith Richards

Lunar New Year Wishes from Corovoce! January 16 – 19

January 16, 2023.

Hello Everyone!

We had an amazing first rehearsal of the year on Monday.  I am enjoying reading your reflection sheets!  Some of your responses are very thoughtful.

We previewed 4 songs: Singin in the Rain, I Dreamed of Rain, Music Changes the World, and Klee Wyck.  Please listen to these on the previous blog post so you can be prepared to work on them in two weeks.

This week we will be previewing more songs, and then your voice is needed to help us choose our repertoire for the spring.  More details to come.  Definitely look at We Rise Again from the previous post and Hine Ma Tov, Can You Hear, Winds, and Give me a Kite.

I am instituting the secret word again to see who is reading the blog.  Please do not share the word during rehearsal, it kind of spoils the fun.

I have some purple Corovoce t shirts up for grabs as well as some Covid friendly treats.  The secret word is “rabbit”

See you at rehearsal!

“Music is the shorthand of emotion.” – Leo Tolstoy

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro


Happy New Year! Our New Repertoire for 2023!

Doodle, Sketch, Cartoon, Unicorn, Horse


December 16, 2023

Who doesn’t love a magical unicorn at Christmas!  Here’s to an exciting new year in 2023!  I have been busily pulling some songs for our repertoire but I am going to leave some of the selections to YOU dear choir!  Here is some of the criteria I used to select these pieces:

  1.  Variety of songs…….tempos, melodies,
  2. Genre…..spirituals, Broadway, folk songs, jazz
  3. Canadian content.
  4. Language challenges.
  5. Simple or complex.

There are more I’m thinking of, but I thought we would at least begin our musical journey going through some of this repertoire in January.


Click here for We Rise Again.

Click here for another version of We Rise Again.

A beautiful song, Klee Wyck.  Click here for this arrangement by Brian Tate.

Another Klee Wyck.  I couldn’t choose.  Click here.

Click here for Can You Hear by Jim Papoulis.

Click here for Doraji.

Click here for another version of Doraji.

Click here for Doraji by the Vancouver Youth Choir.

Click here for Music Changes the World.

Click here for Doraji, a Korean folk song.

Click here for one of my favourites, Java Jazz.  so fun!

Click here for Give Me a Kite!

Click here for Coast Salish Medley arrange by Wendy Stuart.

Click here for I Dreamed of Rain.  Another solo opportunity.

Click here to listen to For Good.  More solo opportunities!

Click here for Winds by Larysa Kuzmenko.

Click here for Hine Ma Tov.

Here’s a real show stopper!  Click here for Singin’ in the Rain.

Click here for The Frim Fram Sauce.  I love this song!

Please enjoy listening to these songs and let me know what you think.

In song,

Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little

“There is music in the air, music all around us: The world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require.” – Edward Elgar








Spectacular Concert on December 12!

December 13. 2022.

Dear Corovoce Members:

What a splendid concert on Monday evening!  We heard so many positive comments about how much fun it was to be “Together Again”, and how beautiful the singing and ringing was!

We hope you enjoy the holiday season however you celebrate, and we look forward to seeing you all in January!

First rehearsal….Monday, January 9 at 3:30 p.m.

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro

“Music Can Change the World” – Beethoven