Extended Rehearsal this week! (March 14)…..Then….Spring Break!


Don’t forget we have an extended rehearsal this week (March 14) from 3;30 to 6:00.  Please stay if you can!


Tickets will be available this week for our District Concert on Wednesday, April 17 at 6:30 at the Michael J Fox Theatre.  $5 a ticket.

Please send your money in an UNSEALED envelope with your name on the front.


Congratulation to all students who submitted a design for our t shirt for this year.  The one chosen was designed by Megan Cabanas.  Congratulations, Megan!


Our school tour is the day after our District Concert, Thursday, April 18.  We will begin and end our day at Cascades Elementary so your child will need to be dropped off and picked up for this school.  We are performing at Brantford, Cascades in the afternoon.  The morning is still undecided so if you’d like us to visit your school, let the team know.  A permission form will be going home immediately after Spring Break with all the details of the day.

Tuesday, April 9 will be a joint rehearsal for our concert.  We will meet at 4:00 at Kitchener Elementary to work on our mass number.  Please make every effort to be there.


Please enjoy your time off at Spring Break, but make sure the songs that were listed in last week’s blog are committed to memory by April 4.

Extended Practice Time for March 7 and 14!

We will be rehearsing until 6:00 p.m. this week, March 7, and next week, March 14.  Please stay if you possibly can, and definitely bring a snack as we will build in a break. We would like to make sure we have all our songs well in hand before Spring Break.  Here is the repertoire you should be looking at for this week and next.

  1.  Siyahamba
  2. Liza
  3. Bridge Over Troubled Water
  4. Song for the Mira
  5. Wood River
  6. Frim Fram Sauce
  7. Path to the Moon
  8. Rise, Shine
  9. We Are One
  10. Distant Shore

I would guess we will not be touching on Wood River too much this week as we did a great deal of work with Willi last week!  But please start to polish your songs and commit the words to memory.

Thank you to all the students who submitted a design for the t shirt contest.  They were all fantastic!  We will announce the chosen design next week!

And, if it doesn’t get said often enough, thank you to Ms. Minichiello for ALL of her organizational skills and encouragement!  You are a star!!!


We will have a joint rehearsal for our concert on Tuesday, April 9 at Kitchener Elementary School at 3:45.  Please mark this on your calendar and plan to attend.

In song,

The CoroVoce Team

Welcome Willi Zwozdesky to our CoroVoce Rehearsal!

We are excited to Welcome Willi Zwozdesky, composer and arranger, from Long and McQuade Music to our rehearsal on February 28.  Please review Wood River and We Are One really well in order to be prepared for this week!  Auditions for solos for Song for the Mira will also take place this week!  Instead of memorizing the verses, we will have soloists learn the six verses so if you are interested in doing a solo, please see Ms. Speakman next week and be prepared to stay a bit later to audition.


We ask that for our March 7 and 14 rehearsals students stay until 6:00 p.m. instead of 5:15.  We are feeling the effects of the missed rehearsal and would like to cover all our repertoire so students can work on them over Spring Break.  If you are not able to stay, or need to leave earlier, we will understand.


The t-shirt designs will be up on a chart for you to vote on this week.  Please choose your favourite design and place a check mark below your choice.  Vote only once!  If you did not get sized for your shirt, please see Ms. Minichiello this week for sure!

Make sure you’ve saved the date for our big concert!  It’s Wednesday, April 17, at 6:30 p.m. at Michael J Fox Theatre.  Tickets will be available soon!

Our school tour date is the next day!  On Thursday, April 18, Corovoce will be performing at 4 schools around the District! At this time, we are tentatively booked to sing at Aubrey, Cascades and Brantford.  If you would like your school to be the 4th school, let us know! ps…there is no rehearsal that afternoon! lol

We are looking forward to working with Willi this week!  See you then!

The CoroVoce Team


Happy Family Day Weekend!

Hello Everyone!

We hope the cancellation of Thursdays rehearsal allowed everyone a chance to get home safely!  Next week we will be working on our mass number, “We Are One”, by Brian Tate, so please take a moment to look over some YouTube performances of this number.  We will also continue working on Wood River, We Rise Again, Song for the Mira, Liza, Rise, Shine and Bridge Over Troubled Water.  A very ambitious task for next rehearsal!

T-Shirt design submissions will be accepted next week as well!

We hope you and your family enjoy a restful, memorable long weekend!  We look forward to seeing everyone next week, February 21!


The CoroVoce Team

Happy Snowy Valentines Week!

Happy Valentine’s Week Everyone!

We are working hard on a very ambitious repertoire this season so please keep working on the songs we focused on last week.  We will introduce a new song this week, “We Are One”, by local musician Brian Tate.  This is the mass number for our concert on April 17.  You’re welcome to look it up online so you are more prepared for this week.

T-shirt design submissions are due this Thursday!  If Ms. Minichiello did not size you for your shirt last week, please see her this week.

Cupid may be dropping by as well with a sweet treat for all the good little singers in our choir!

Keep practising CoroVoce!

恭喜发财 / 恭喜發財 Happiness and Prosperity in the Year of the Pig

Hello Everyone!  We know that many of our students will be celebrating the Lunar New Year and we wish you all well!  We had another fantastic rehearsal and accomplished much in our sectionals.  We will resume sectionals next week, adding on a few new pieces.  Please work on what was done yesterday in your sectionals so we can move on quickly.

The t-shirt design submission needs to be in by February 14.  We are looking forward seeing them!

We wish Ms. Pritchard well on her trip to New York.  She will return February 14.  We are grateful for Ms. Loo who will take her place next week!

T-Shirt Design Contest for CoroVoce!


Get those creative, artistic juices flowing choir members!  Next week you will be given the form to design our t-shirt for this year.  Black and white, with shading, is all that is needed for your design.  Your name, grade, and school must be on the back of the paper.  We’re looking forward to seeing all your designs!


Please return your octavos from Christmas time by next week.  Members will not be given new music if they have outstanding music to be returned.


We previewed many new pieces these past 2 weeks and we’ll be doing sectionals during our rehearsals now in order to learn our parts.  Please review all the songs we’ve introduced these past 2 weeks in order to be ready!

New Members…..look for a notice to pay next week!


Corovoce is Up and Running! Save the Date! April 17 for our Burnaby Concert!

Welcome back to members from the Fall sessions, and hello to the new members who  have just joined us!  We are excited to begin this term and have many exciting pieces to share with you!  We introduced 4 songs at our first practice, Siyahamba, Liza, Song for the Mira, and The Path to the Moon.  We have even more great songs to showcase next week, and a few more that are on order after that!  Phew!  Start memorizing!  We discussed a few things as well at the end of rehearsal.  We will be having a T-shirt design contest this year so get your creative, artistic juices flowing!  We are looking at having a fund-raising concert with just our choir.  Perhaps you could think of some worthy charities that we could fund-raise for and we can chat about this next rehearsal.  We also will be thinking about 4 schools that we will be going to for our “Tour Date”.  Stay tuned for more details.  And……to see if you are really getting notifications for the blog, if you come up to Mrs. Fierro, or Ms. Speakman, or Ms. Pritchard and whisper, “Kermit the Frog”, we will reward you!