Corovoce is Up and Running! Save the Date! April 17 for our Burnaby Concert!

Welcome back to members from the Fall sessions, and hello to the new members who  have just joined us!  We are excited to begin this term and have many exciting pieces to share with you!  We introduced 4 songs at our first practice, Siyahamba, Liza, Song for the Mira, and The Path to the Moon.  We have even more great songs to showcase next week, and a few more that are on order after that!  Phew!  Start memorizing!  We discussed a few things as well at the end of rehearsal.  We will be having a T-shirt design contest this year so get your creative, artistic juices flowing!  We are looking at having a fund-raising concert with just our choir.  Perhaps you could think of some worthy charities that we could fund-raise for and we can chat about this next rehearsal.  We also will be thinking about 4 schools that we will be going to for our “Tour Date”.  Stay tuned for more details.  And……to see if you are really getting notifications for the blog, if you come up to Mrs. Fierro, or Ms. Speakman, or Ms. Pritchard and whisper, “Kermit the Frog”, we will reward you!

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