Ms. Borgenstrom

Collaborating together to think critically about our learning.

Poem in your pocket

Written By: borgenstromd - Apr• 14•14

Tuesday April 15 is poem in your pocket day.  Please carry your handwritten poem in your pocket all day, as you never know when someone will stop and ask you to read your poem in your pocket to them.  Please remember you can ask someone else to read theirs to you.  We will also meet up with our buddies for a quick read right after lunch.  Thank you for practicing your handwriting.

Please remember your Poetry assignment this week (all about you!)  that we will create over a water colour background.  You need to do your research so you are prepared for class on Thursday, when you will be given time to write your poem.  Remember you can ask your parents for information about your early years and also refer to your popplet from term 1.  You may also want to review the website that Ms. Araujo shared with us today.  Click here


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