You are officially on summer vacay!

We will miss you all tremendously.

Have a restful and exciting summer ahead, Div. 12! And display your collage in your room with pride; you worked hard this year! 🙂

Try to use your summer learning calendar to start your day off with a spark!

See you back in September!

Love, Mrs. Basso, Mrs. Walji, and Mrs. Ungaro

Class Celebration at Beecher Park!

It was a lovely day for a picnic!

We spent the afternoon eating lunch together, playing outside in nature, and enjoying the company of friends from Division 15 🙂

We were exhausted from all the fun!

We feel grateful to be together in Div. 12 this year.



The rain (and bear!) stayed away… and the weather cooperated with our plans!

Div. 12 had the best SPORTS DAY!!

We started off in the classroom decorating our team badges, completing the Primary sports day trivia, and getting into the spirit of the day. We then headed to the field to watch the Gr. 7s battle it out with their annual Tug-O-War championship. It is a spectacle that the whole school looks forward to every year!

We were so proud to see our entire class cheering for one another during the station events; we received many compliments from staff and Gr. 7 station leaders about our sportsmanship, team spirit, manners, and listening skills. There were a variety of station games which tested many different skills!

Check out all the fun by clicking on the image below!


Our last Sip & See- Reader’s Theatre!

It was our last Sip & See of the year… and it was a special one.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy morning to see your children perform their Reader’s Theatre stories. They were so excited (and nervous!) to have you there in the audience. We hope you enjoyed the presentations. We were so proud of their efforts.

Many skills have been practiced and reviewed over the past few weeks. Your children have developed and extended their skills since receiving their first story script. They were eager to try new stories each week (even wanting to practice during their quiet reading time) and in the end, were delighted to choose their favourite story to perform for you.



Jump Rope for ❤️

Despite the rain, we jumped our hearts out!

It was wonderful to see all the primary grades outside in addition to our own class showcasing their skipping talent: independently, with a friend, and in groups. Many of us have greatly improved our skills over the past month!

Div. 12 has learned about the many ways they can keep their hearts healthy… and happy.

We also surpassed our school goal! Thank you to those who donated toward this wonderful cause.

Lynn Canyon field trip

We had the best field trip experience visiting Lynn Canyon- the ecology centre, surrounding forest, beautiful stream, fascinating creatures, and of course, the suspension bridge!

Our guides shared a wealth of information and we were excited to learn new and surprising facts. We were amazed when we got to see the creatures we found placed under magnification for us to view- we all marvelled at the intricate details and patterns seen on each creature!

A BIG thank you to our parent drivers who helped make this field trip possible for us; they took such care in getting everyone to and from Lynn Canyon smoothly and safely. We truly appreciate your help and support this year!

Click on the photo below (click full screen once opened) to see and feel the enthusiasm and energy of your children while they spent their time outside in nature, breathing in the fresh air.


Student-Led Conferences

We were thrilled to see our students showcase their hard work!

We hope you enjoyed your child’s conference and celebrated the many successes they shared with you.

It was wonderful for us to see their excitement and to see you go through their agenda of fun activities with them.

Thank you again for your huge support at home in your child’s learning.

We are having a fantastic year together!


Ministry media event

Our class, along with Div. 16, put on a tremendous performance this afternoon for members of the Ministry of Education, Burnaby School District, and various media personnel. We were incredibly proud of our students, especially with such a short timeframe to prepare and learn the song and ribbon dance.

A big thank you to Ms. Seah, our music teacher, who selected our classes to perform for this special event.

We received numerous compliments from our guests about our students- how friendly, well-behaved, cooperative, and happy they were today.

Click on the photo below to see our full performance:

*An X post highlighting the event from Burnaby Schools today can be seen > here


Here is a photo from the Burnaby Schools website:


Family Movie Night at Brentwood Park!

We were so excited to see many faces at our first ever Family Movie Night at Brentwood Park! The turnout for both shows was fantastic.

Thank you to those who attended and supported this fundraising initiative for our Grade 7’s… it was recognized and appreciated. And a special thank you to our school’s PAC who provided the movie license for our school to help make this a successful community event.

We hope you all had a fun evening!

Gymnastics circuit

We have been practicing our balance, coordination, flexibility, strength, and agility skills in our gymnastics unit!

We are having a lot of fun testing out many new skills; goals have been set!