Ab-sew-lutely Fabulous!

If you need a mending job done or a button to be sewn on, ask your children to do it! Division 12 showed a tremendous amount of patience and creativity in their latest ADST sewing project. They began their stockings by drawing what they wanted to add to the fronts. Then they cut, glued and sewed their hearts out! When asked what was the most difficult part of their hand sewing, some stated:

when the thread came out of the needle.”

“when the thread got tangled.”

“threading the needle.”

We saw students trying to fix their problems. After a few attempts if they weren’t successful, they asked a friend for help. Some came to the teachers for some help as well. With all of these types of projects, our goal is to teach new skills but more importantly, highlight the fact that they can do difficult things and that perseverance pays off.  Click on the link below to see their beautiful creations.
