Our AMAZING brain

We are learning all about the brain and how magical it is!

Our brain is an amazing organ that can create new pathways when we learn new things, make mistakes, and take risks in learning something challenging, particularly when it feels uncomfortable. It feels like our brain is growing because we are forming new pathways and connections every single day.

We are reading the book, Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, and we have learned about some of the main parts and what their job is:

Cerebrum: “it helps us think and talk.” ~Emory

Cerebellum: “it is for balance and running.” ~Roman

Amygdala: “this is where we know our feelings.” ~Luna

Hippocampus: “it’s the filing cabinet for our memories.” ~Ema

Pre- Frontal Cortex (PFC): “it helps you decide things.” ~Cheyon

Click on the book below to read together at home!

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