NT2A Microphone


Cost: $569


Type: Condenser Microphone

  • cardioid, figure 8 and omnidirectional pickup pattern

Frequency Response Curve:

Low pass filter

Peaks in higher ranges 

Pretty flat mic


3)  Sensitivity:-36.0dB 

Noise: 7dBA 


Recorded examples 

https://youtu.be/doI2CiolQa4 (polar pattern tone test, polar pattern 360 degree test, high pass filter test, distance/proximity effect test, plosive rejection test, keyboard background noise test, shockmount test, microphone tap test, untreated room/treated room test, music test)

https://youtu.be/bOkjF4upXZ8 (voice and guitar)

https://youtu.be/faV3fqqzQlg (comparing nt2a and nt1a and a CAD e100s)

https://youtu.be/gOAmTolCvO4 (comparing n2ta and neumann TLM 103


4) Common Uses

Vocals, acoustic guitar,

SM58 Write-Up


Written by Cavin Lee and Luca Preda

Manufacture Links: 




In CAD, the original price was $139 CAD, but as of now, it is on a discounted price of ~$121 CAD.


Microphone Type: Dynamic Microphone

Polar Pattern: Cardioid

Sensitivity: -56.0 dBV

Noise Level: Manufacturer does not have it listed (N/A)

Frequency Response Curve:  The frequency response is shaped specifically for those who sing vocals. It can also be formed with a brightened midrange and bass roll off to control proximity effect. The frequency response is between 50 to 15 000 Hz.


Recorded Examples: 



Common Uses:

The SHURE SM58 microphone is commonly used when recording any professional vocalists whether during a live performance or at home or in a recording studio. Podcasting is another common use, as it is so called the best microphone to record audio. Famous musician Paul McCartney himself declares this microphone as his top choice.

Shure BETA 52A

Price: $189.00

Type: Dynamic Microphone

Polar Pattern: Super cardioid

Frequency response pattern:

See the source image

Perfect for kick drums and great for bass instruments

Sensitivity: -64dBv/Pa

Maximum SPL: 174dB




AT4033 Condenser Microphone

  1. AT4033


Type: Condenser Microphone

Polar Pattern: Cardioid

Frequency Response Curve:

Has a low cut Filter

Lots of bubbling highest peak is +5 decibels 

Mostly flat accentuates male vocal range from 1-2 kHz

Increase from 2kHz and above

Sensitivity: -32 dBv/pa

Noise: 17 dBv/pa SPL


  1. Recorded examples 





4) Common Uses

Drum overhead, guitar amps, solo and ensemble instruments, Acoustic guitars, banjos, percussion, pianos, wind instruments and vocals


Cost 160-215$ [Fluctuations]

2. Specifications:

Type: Dynamic Mic

Polar Pattern: Cardioid

Frequency response Curve:

has a +5Db boost at around 100Hz and some boost at 2khez-7khz and a boost from 10khz-12khz with a drop off at around 15khz  and another dropoff at 50khz great for drums and low end instruments


Recorded Examples: Bass

Someone doing an acoustic guitar cover 



  • Drums 
  • Bass guitars/bass amps
  • Low male vocals 
  • Tuba


SM7B Write-Up


Written by Cavin Lee and Luca Preda

Manufacture Links:




In Canada, they sell these Dynamic microphones at a price of $549.00.


Microphone Type: Dynamic Microphone

Polar Pattern: Cardioid

Sensitivity: -59dBV

Noise: 11dB

Frequency Response Curve:  The wide-range frequency response of the SM7B captures details in the audio profile. Even though words may travel far, they always appear to their destination with unbroken quality and clarity. The SM7B preserves the beauty of the sound that it captures. The frequency response is between 50-20 000 Hz.


Recorded Examples: 



Common Use: 

The SM7B is often used as the lead vocalist and on other applications, such as guitar amps, bass amps, kick drums, horns, etc. Popular radio hosts and podcasters use the SM7B as the microphone of their choice. To point out, Michael Jackson’s, Thriller album. Basically, this is a perfect example for both music and speech, but commonly used for spoken word. 



Sennheiser MD 421-II

Sennheiser MD 421-II


Dynamic Microphone

Polar Pattern:  Cardioid 

 Frequency response: 30 – 17000 Hz

Good for; vocals, snares, kicks, guitar, drums

Sensitivity -55dBV/Pa
Maximum SPL: 160 dB

The MD 421-II also has a five position bass roll-off switch, located at the bottom of the microphone.

Common uses –  Originally used for Group vocals as well as broadcasts, but then started being used on guitar, drums, toms, etc.