Good Morning Everyone,

Building and maintaining a family is a difficult task. Solving problems collaboratively, communicating effectively, supporting the hopes and dreams of our children and adult family members can feel overwhelming even at the best of times. It can sometimes feel like we, as parents, are alone in this. Connecting to other parents and skilled professionals, however, can be extremely helpful and well worth the time and energy.

Burnaby Family Life is a an organization in our community that provides many programs that can be helpful for families, most of which are free of charge. I often recommend their support groups and parenting workshops to families in our community and have seen how effective and helpful they can be.

Burnaby Family Life’s Spring programming has been released and registration is currently open here.


Cameray Child and Family Services is another amazing organization in our community. Most known for its free counselling services, Cameray also offers groups and workshops for families in our community. Registration for any of the workshops or groups, outlined below, can be done by emailing

Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend!