Create your own Zones Check-in

Some of you may be familiar with the program The Zones of Regulation, a popular Social Emotional learning program in many elementary classrooms.  If not,  chances are your children probably are using it in their current classroom or have used it in a previous classroom.

Zones helps students (and adults) identify the emotions they are feeling and provides strategies for regulating or managing those feelings. It can also be super helpful in group environments like families.  If we are feeling upset, overly tired, excited, or calm is it helpful for others to know this?  Of course.  If we are tired we may need help motivating ourselves to do things. If we are upset with another family member we may need some time alone to take a break and calm down before we solve that problem. It’s helpful to know where other people are sitting with their emotions. The tool below walks you through the creation of a zones check-in for your home. It is my hope that it is helpful developing  emotion identification skills and help you avoid challenging family dynamics.

As always, if you are feeling like your child could use a little more emotional help don’t hesitate to be in touch with me to talk about options at

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