What does it mean to be a “Good Leader?”

Hi everyone,

Below is a video I want you to watch about a few students talking about what being a leader means to them. I’m so happy that everyone in our class has leadership qualities within them, whether that is: honesty and integrity, they inspire others, or are just helpful humans. 

After watching this video, please answer the following questions in paragraph form. In addition, I want you to comment on at least one other person’s post as we begin to engage in online conversations to extend our learning outside of the 4 classroom walls.

  1. Where have you seen leadership? What does this look like to you?
  2. What do you think makes a good leader?
  3. Who are some leaders you admire? Why do you admire them?
  4. What are some skills that you have that makes you a leader? How can you use these skills to help others out?

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend even though it is raining. But, then again, you teenagers are probably happy because you all can game out and watch TV all day due to the fact that you “don’t want to get sick” and be outside in the cold. 

-Mr. Wu-hooo

Posted in Uncategorized | 17 Comments

Halloween is almost here

Hello everyone,

As Halloween is approaching, I decided to give you all a ‘treat’ on the weekly post. This week, I want you to watch the video on how Halloween was created and then after please write a short paragraph (4-8 sentences) about how you think “trick-or-treating” was created. Your creativity is appreciated! I look forward to the Halloween treats you will be bringing me next week. I will confiscate all Reese’s cups from you…. 

Posted in Uncategorized | 22 Comments

“Going, going, gone” … literally!!

Good morning everyone. Just a quick reminder that this will be another 4-day week as we have a Pro-D-Day on Friday October 19th. As we continue to work hard on researching our artists, I ran into this oddly weird article where an artist’s painting got sold $1.4 million only to find out that it got shredded… yes! Can you imagine paying that much money and then coming home to it shredded and on the floor?!


Your tasks this week is to read the article: CLICK HERE FOR THE ARTICLE

The auction house said it was “in discussion about the next steps” with the buyer, whose identity was not revealed. Some art experts say the work could be worth even more in its shredded state. 

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Why do you think the original artist created a shredder inside the picture frame? What should the buyer do now that this has happened? Do you think they bought insurance for the painting? Please answer this with a detailed paragraph or two. 

Have a great week!

-Mr. Wu-hoo

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What’s your vote?

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with your families. As we all know, Burnaby is having an upcoming election for our Mayor being held in the next couple of weeks. Your task this week is to choose who you would vote for and explain (in details) why you choose to vote for them over other candidates. Here are the following candidates and what they ‘bring’ to the table. Please read each of their campaigns.

  1. Mike Hurley
  2. Sylvia Gung
  3. Helen H. S. Chang
  4. Derek Corrigan

Posted in Uncategorized | 24 Comments

The Power of Human Connection

Hello, it’s me again. I ran into this video during my Master’s course readings today and it really made me think about my school experience. We all can remember that ‘one’ teacher that has affected our lives greater than most. The one you go back to visit every year, bringing them a cup of coffee/tea and just filling them in on your lives. Well, I want to hear it! 

Please watch this video, then make your post 

Task: Your goal for this week is to tell me your story about your favourite teacher that has made an impact on your life. What did they do for you? How were they always there for you? What makes them special?


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The Wonderful World of 3D Printing

Happy October Division 2! You’ve officially made it passed the first month of school… only 9 more left. 

For this week’s post I want you to explore the wonderful world of 3D printing. Your tasks for the week is to read the article “Structures of 3D printing.” Click here for the article: CLICK ME

After, I would like you to watch a video on building a house and large structures using 3D printing:

Since I want to build a new house for my fiancee and I to live in, what are your thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of using 3D printing to build a house. (Note: you will need to talk about costs, time it takes to build a house, durability and how long this house will last before it breaks down, etc.) Who knows, maybe one of you can help me design my house to be printed… (Also, please reply to at least one of your classmate’s post throughout the week).

Happy Learning!

-Mr. Wu-hooo

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Why the Bad Attitude?

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I’m excited to meet your parents and show them the good work you all have done this term already. In this week’s post, I will be asking you to read an article about teenagers and their attitudes (not implying that you have attitude). Have you ever wondered why you are constantly getting into trouble with your parents? Ever feel like they don’t understand where you are coming from? Well, let’s hear what you have to say. To read the article, please click here: READ ME

  1. Which part of the article do you relate with the most? Please insert the quote and explain why you feel a connection to the quote.
  2. Why do you think that sometimes adults misinterpret what you are saying, and then when you get frustrated they mistaken that for “attitude?”
  3. What can adults do differently to better understand where you guys/girls are coming from?

I look forward to your answers. Remember, this week you need to respond to at least one classmate’s post. To do that, you need to hit reply on their comment to start the conversation. Have a great week of learning!

Posted in September | 17 Comments

Should school start later?

Hi all, 

have you ever noticed yourself dozing off in class, where you are so relaxed and your eyes start to shut? Well, open them! You are experiencing ‘sleepy moments.’ Did you know that when you yawn others around you begin to yawn too … yes yawning is contagious. I know for myself, after lunch around 1:17 pm when my lunch has settled in my belly, I too experience these waves of tired moments. This sparks my next blog post for you all.

  1. Please read the following article found by: Clicking Here. The article is written by Justin O’Niell, where he talks about if schools should start later or not.
  2. Please write a paragraph explaining why you think/do not think that school should start later in the day. Be mindful by making sure you explain why you think a certain way and (where applicable) please provide examples. 

Have fun with this post. I look forward to reading what you all think.

Posted in September | 26 Comments

Should Cellphones be Used in Class?

Good morning Division 2,

As we begin a new week, I just wanted to thank everyone who participated in the blog post last week. Your answers were well thought out and I gained insight on some fantastic reasons as to why it is important to continue doing random acts of kindness to help better our community. I invite you all to participate in our debate this week about cellphone use in class.

Please list 2 pros (reasons why we should) and 2 cons (reasons why we shouldn’t) about the use of cellphones in class. Remember, I will be looking at each answer carefully and your goal is to convince me as to why we ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t use cellphones in our classroom. In addition, please explain each of your reasons in detail (ex. We should use cellphones in class because it helps save time when we can google definition, instead of waiting in line to come and ask you what it means).

Happy learning this week, I look forward to reading your answers!

Posted in September | 25 Comments

Random Acts of Kindness

We watched this as a school in regards to our “Random Act of Kindness” that we are embracing for the month of September. Please reply to this thread and answer the following questions:

  1. Why is it important to participate in doing daily random acts of kindness? How does this benefit myself? How does it benefit my community?
  2. What have I done so far? (Please explain in details what you did, who you helped, why this is important, etc.)
Posted in September | 28 Comments