How does “Christmas” look like in other countries

Hi again, 

This is the second post this week because some of us might have finished our Comics early. Christmas is a celebration that looks incredibly different in countries around the world. Some celebrate it and some don’t, and that’s fine. Here is a website that talks about the different ways Christmas looks like in countries. Your job is to choose 1 country and compare it to how you would spend Christmas. Please write a paragraph or two and use examples to contrast the two countries.

Here is the link: 


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Is LAbron better than Jordan


After watching LA-bron play this weekend, I truly believe that he CAN be better than MJ at the end of his career. He is only 33 years old right now and he plans to play till he is 40 … that’s 7 more years. Please read the following article and write a paragraph using supporting details from the argument to support your claim.


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How much time is too much Screen Time?

Good Morning y’all,

As you come back to school over the weekend, I can probably guarantee that 75% of you spent too many hours infront of the screen. BADDDD!!!! Back in the day, there was no such thing as screen time and the only internet we had was “dial-up.” You couldn’t talk on your house phone when you were on the internet, so you can imagine how much time my parents actually let me have on the computer. Instead, we were kicked out of the house and was sent outside to play, rain or shine. Anyways, please watch the following video and read the article attached. 

Screen time addiction checklist

  1. Do you get nervous when can’t find your phone immediately? Does the discomfort continue until you find the phone?
  2. Are you constantly checking your mail, social media profile or messenger chat even when you’re not expecting a specific message or call? Do you do this even when someone in the same room is competing for your attention?
  3. Do you spend more time chatting on social media than face to face?
  4. Do you closely follow the latest news in mobile technology to ensure you have the latest devices, functionalities and fad apps?
  5. Do you find it uncomfortable to turn your phone off, even when the situation calls for it?
  6. Do you ever bump into other people or objects because your nose is in your screen while you walk?
  7. Are you the “app king” among your friends? By which I mean that you regularly download a lot of new stuff (apps, pictures, tunes etc.) but don’t use them for long (in many cases opening just once) before searching for the next thing?
  8. Do you take the phone everywhere (including to bed and the bathroom) with you (and use it there)?
  9. Is your most commonly used word “Pardon?” or something equivalent, because your attention is on your phone?

Child screen addiction questions

  1. Do you find your child spending more time playing mobile games than anything else?
  2. Does the amount of time your child spends at a screen grow? Do they notice this?
  3. Is your child constantly talking about video games, mobile apps and other on-screen content?
  4. Do you feel your child’s screen time affects their school productivity?
  5. Does your child keep a phone or computer in their room overnight? If so, are they frequently tired and could it be connected to late night screen use including message or game checking?

* * * Please respond to the questions above with a minimum of 2 paragraphs * * *

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How Are Allergies Formed?

Hey, Hello, Sup, Salut, Ciao, Hola, Ni hao, Shalom, Marhaba, Yo …..

What Is An Allergy?

Since we are talking about what foods we consume in Career and Health Education, it is also just as important to learn about what foods some of us cannot consume. The word for this is allergy. Allergy occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless for most people. These substances are known as allergens and are found in dust mites, pets, pollen, insects, ticks, moulds, foods and some medicines. Below is a short video explaining allergies:

What Is Anaphylaxis?

This serious, sometimes life-threatening allergic response is marked by swelling, hives, lowered blood pressure, and dilated blood vessels. In severe cases, you could go into shock. If anaphylactic shock isn’t treated immediately, it can be fatal.

This condition starts in your immune system. Your body creates a protein (you might hear it called an antibody) called immunoglobulin E or IgE to fight allergens. It kicks off an over-the-top reaction to something that should be harmless, like certain foods.

Your body may not react the first time you come across this substance, but it could produce antibodies later on. When you come in contact with it again, the allergen binds to these antibodies, and your body churns out more symptom-causing chemicals called histamines. That brings on the anaphylaxis.

Pick a few of the questions below to answer. Please write a complete paragraph discussing these questions. 

(1) Do you have any allergies?
(2) What do you think would be the worst thing to be allergic to?
(3) What things are people allergic to in your country?
(4) Some people are allergic to the twenty-first century. What do you think this means?
(5) What would life be like if you suddenly became allergic to your favorite food?
(6) What do you think… / What is… life like for hay fever sufferers?
(7) What would you do if you suddenly had extreme allergic reactions to your pet / partner / best friend?
(8) What are the most common allergens?
(9) Why are some people allergic to eggs, wheat or peanuts while others are not?
(10) What are the symptoms of allergies?
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How Did Christmas Begin?

Hi Y’all,

As the Christmas season is fast approaching, y’all are probably wondering how it even began. And if you didn’t wonder how it began, then you shouldn’t be receiving any presents from Santa. Please watch the video below and educates yourselves on how this tradition began. 


REMIX time. I want you to creatively come up with a different version of how “Christmas” began. The most abstract and appropriate response will receive an early “gift” from Santa’s elf … Mr. Wu. 


  1.  What did the lovely Mrs. Claus say to her husband Santa when she looked up in the sky?
  2. Well well well, I don’t normally eat breakfast, but what does a Snowman or Snow-woman eat for breakfast?
  3. Okay, last one I promise. Why is Santa unbelievably good at Karate?

*  *  * (You can thank Mr. A-Drally for these funny jokes) *  *  *

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Would you rather…

Since this week is a short week, I decided to keep this post short. Please answer the question in a full paragraph, using proper punctuation and grammar. Also, explain your reasoning and please provide examples. 

Choose one of the following:

  1. Would you rather have more time or more money?
  2. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
  3. Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?

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Man Kicked Off WestJet Flight For Being Asleep Before Takeoff


A British Columbia man was made to leave a flight because he was asleep right before takeoff. Stephen Bennett, his wife, Josefa Sapelino, and their son, were taking a WestJet flight from Toronto, Ontario to Cuba on Oct. 13. (They had already flown from Burnaby, BC to Toronto.) Bennett took a sleeping pill which he had been given by a doctor. The flight attendants couldn’t easily wake him up as the plane was preparing to take off. They became worried there was something medically wrong with him, according to CTV News.

Sapelino was eventually able to wake her husband up. That’s when he discovered that the flight attendants wanted him to get off the plane. WestJet requires all passengers to be awake during takeoff. That is in case something like an accident happens; all passengers need to be alert for their own safety, according to regulations. The regulations also say that airlines can refuse anyone they feel may pose a “safety risk.”

Bennett suffered a stroke two months ago. He hadn’t slept well the night before on a flight from Burnaby to Toronto so he took a sleeping pill in order to get some sleep. Bennett was one of the earliest passengers to board the plane, and immediately fell asleep, according to an article on the BBC News website. Paramedics examined him after he was off the plane and said he was medically fit to fly. Bennett also got an email from his doctor saying he was okay to fly.

However, WestJet would not allow him to board and said he needed to take the next available WestJet flight, which wasn’t until the following week. The flight from Toronto to Cuba was part of a holiday package Bennett and his family had purchased. Instead of waiting for another WestJet flight, the family paid more than $2,000 to buy a plane ticket from another airline. They had to cut their vacation short by two days. Bennett told reporters he was embarrassed by the incident and that he plans to sue WestJet, according to CTV Vancouver.


  1. Bennett told reporters that he plans to sue WestJet. Do you think the airline was wrong to refuse this passenger? Why or why not?
  2. A “fair” article portrays both sides equally–it provides support to both sides. Reread today’s article and decide whether you believe both sides were treated fairly. Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.
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Supersize me … wait what?!

Hello All,

I hope you had a great weekend. This week we will be learning about what healthy eating is, through writing in our daily eating journal. There is a special activity this week where you will be asked to compare different meals from fast food chains across Canada. 

First, I want you all to watch this short video about a man who decided to eat McDonald’s for a week straight. 

  • Description of the Movie: Morgan Spurlock ate only food from McDonald’s for 30 days: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He was thoroughly tested by doctors before he started his “diet” and periodically tested throughout the 30 days. By the end of his experiment, the changes in his blood chemistry and the stress on his organs approximated the liver failure seen in advanced alcoholics; his cholesterol had risen to dangerous levels; and he had gained 24 lbs. 
  • Rationale for Using the Movie: Super Size Me provides a humorous way to introduce some serious and important subjects: the dangers of convenience food, the obesity epidemic, and the effects of advertising on consumer choices. 
  • Objectives/Student Outcomes: Through reading, class discussion, research and writing assignments, student in will learn important facts about convenience food and the obesity epidemic. The will explore the issues of personal responsibility and the power of marketing tools over consumers in modern society. 
  • Possible Problems: None. Some profanity and one reference to the effect of the diet on Spurlock’s sexual performance which were in the original film have been removed from the educational version.

Discussion Question:

Reflect on your own eating habits. Look mindfully at what you eat in a given day and write about whether or not health factors play any role in your food choices. Conclude your reflection with comments about how your habits would change if you were to take into account some of the ideas presented in the film (ex. eating fast food or take-out food everyday). 

*** Please write two paragraphs answer this question *** 

-Mr. Wu-hoo


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If I had a million dollars … are you actually rich?

Hi all, 

As a child I always thought that I having a million dollars meant that I was actually rich. Please read the following article found here: CLICK ME

After you’re done reading and watching the video, explain how you will spend the $1,000,000. Please break it down so that everything equals a million dollars. Show me exactly how much everything costs. (PS. giving me money is much appreciated).

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Justice and Inequality in the World

Imagine a nine-year-old boy we’ll call Oliver Anderson – the same age and first name as the plucky urchin immortalized in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist — growing up desperately poor in a small farm town in rural northwestern Minnesota. Oliver’s single mom scrapes by on low-wage part-time jobs in town, and sometimes finds seasonal work, but she subsists on an annual income near the official poverty level.   Surrounded by one of the world’s most abundant agricultural regions and food sources, she tries her best but cannot consistently put fresh and nutritious food on the table for Oliver and his two sisters. Even if Oliver’s mother could afford more and better food, there is no store nearby that sells fresh produce.  She doesn’t own a car and there is no public transportation in the region. So she often buys whatever overpriced processed food she can find at the only convenience store within walking distance of their apartment.

Here are 10 of the world’s most serious problem.

  1. Lack of economic opportunity and employment (12.1%)
  2. Safety / security / wellbeing (14.1%)
  3. Lack of education (15.9%)
  4. Food and water security (18.2%)
  5. Government accountability and transparency / corruption (22.7%) 
  6. Religious conflicts (23.9%)
  7. Poverty (29.2%)
  8. Inequality (income, discrimination) (30.8%)
  9. Large scale conflict / wars (38.9%)
  10.  Climate change / destruction of nature (48.8%)

Choose one issue and please speak about the issue and provide you opinion on why it is happening and what humans are doing to cause these problems. In addition you will need to talk about what things you can do to change this, as well as what citizens around the world can do to eliminate the problem. You will need to write two strong paragraphs (at least) to address the issue/solution you have chosen. I look forward to reading and responding to your post.

-Mr. Wu

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