Film Study #2- The Pursuit of Happyness

Hi all, 

We are on the second movie of our film study. The movie I’ve chosen is called “The Pursuit of Happyness,” which is a film starring Will Smith and his son Jaden.  

Description:     In this movie, an African-American man, abandoned by his father as an infant, vows that he will always be present in the life of his child. Caught in a perfect storm of bad luck, he becomes homeless. However, he manages to take care of his son while pursuing a highly competitive, unpaid internship as a stockbroker. The film was “inspired by” events in the life of Christopher Gardner, who was once homeless. He is now a wealthy stockbroker, as well as a proud father. 

Benefits of the Movie: “The Pursuit of Happyness” shows a homeless African-American father taking responsibility for his child, while succeeding as a stockbroker. It also has excellent messages about the importance of keeping your cool in the face of incredible disappointment and provocation. Time after time, we watch as a the protagonist masters his emotions and comes up gracious and smiling after being dealt a serious blow. As a result, he is often able to go back to the people involved and create an opportunity for himself. 

However, almost everything else about this movie is, in some way, problematic, including its messages about living out your dream and the benefits of hard work. Pointing out the problems and discussing them will lead to valuable lessons about:

    • (1) the liberties with the facts that can be taken by filmmakers in a movie “inspired by a true story;” 
    • (2) how the movie makers, in search of a dramatic story line, ignored Mr. Gardner’s most important achievement, which was surviving physical and emotional abuse by his stepfather to become a caring and nurturing human being; 
    • (3) the victimization of the homeless by criminals; the homeless are at great risk of being assaulted and robbed, but this never made it into the movie; 
    • (4) how movies can gloss over troubling ethical questions raised by the true story

During the period that Mr. Gardner pursued the internship program his girlfriend had disappeared and taken his son; Mr. Gardner looked for them but couldn’t find them; after he had passed the broker’s exam and was working as a stockbroker, the girlfriend suddenly appeared and dropped off the boy; Mr. Gardner could have worked for another broker and earned enough money to put a roof over his son’s head but Mr. Gardner wanted to spend his time building his own clientele because this would allow him the chance to become rich faster than if he worked for someone else; working to build his own client base meant that Mr. Gardner wouldn’t be able to afford a place to live for a year or two; faced with a choice of providing a home for his son and putting off his dream of getting rich or being homeless for almost a year while he tried to build his own client base, Mr. Gardner chose to subject his son to the dangers of homelessness; in other words, he put his own interests ahead of his child’s safety;

    • and 
    (5) how “feel good” movies often feature Cinderella stories of extraordinary good fortune which, given the economic structure of our society, are unrealistic for all but one in a million [in other words, what does the rags to riches story shown in this movie say to a culturally deprived black or hispanic young person growing up in a central city ghetto who has been socially promoted from one grade to the next and who is not a proficient reader?].
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Not As It Seems

Sometimes when we see an image, we wonder what the actual story behind it means. In today’s culture, we generally attach these photos to memes and and put a caption on it. I want you to look at the picture and then post what you think happened in the story. I will comment and write down the actual story after you all have posted. 

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What would you do?

Good morning division 2 … (good morning Mr. Wu),

In the scene where Elsa is receiving hate messages, I want to know what you think caused her peers to act that way. Remember, the story begins from her DM’ing Dan to ask people to follow her. What would you do to deescalate the situation? How would you respond to the hate messages? Would you tell someone about the situation? What are some dangers about adding people you do not know on Instagram?

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Amanda Todd Case Study

Hi class,

This weekend I have a little bit of homework for you all to complete. Since we watched the ABC Family film: Cyber Bully, it is important to put it into context for you using a real life situation. Here is the story on Amanda Todd:

A Vancouver-area teen who used YouTube to share her heart-wrenching story of being bullied online and beaten at school has killed herself, unleashing a torrent of social media condolences and soul-searching. Amanda Todd was found dead in Coquitlam on Wednesday night, less than a month before her 16th birthday. News of her torment and death are being shared on social media through Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter, where #RIPAmanda is trending. “I’m saddened to see that this was the only [way] this young girl could escape such torment. May she rest in peace,” posted one woman on Facebook. Last month, Todd posted a nine-minute video on Youtube featuring her holding up cue cards that chronicled the cyber-bullying and cruelty she suffered, despite changing schools and cities.

In the video, the teen reveals she started doing webcam chats with her friends to meet new people when she was in Grade 7. One day, she agreed to flash someone on a whim. A year later, a male contacted her on Facebook threatening to circulate an explicit photo if she didn’t “put on a show.” Todd says the male knew her address, school and names of her family and friends. A few months later, police arrived to tell her that the explicit photo was sent to “everyone.”

That sent Todd into panic attacks, anxiety and depression. She changed schools and experimented with drugs and alcohol.

One year later, she says the male created a Facebook page and featured the explicit photo of her. “Cried every night, lost all my friends and respect,” reads one index card Todd holds in the video. She says she started cutting herself. Todd moved schools again and things were improving – until she began texting with a former male friend. Their relationship culminates in a schoolyard fight where Todd is punched several times by the boy’s girlfriend. Todd reveals she tried to kill herself by drinking bleach and overdosing on anti-depressants after the torment continued on Facebook despite her changing schools and cities again. The description that Todd posted with her YouTube video is haunting:

I’m struggling to stay in this world, because everything just touches me so deeply. I’m not doing this for attention. I’m doing this to be an inspiration and to show that I can be strong. I did things to myself to make pain go away, because I’d rather hurt myself then someone else. Haters are haters but please don’t hate, although I’m sure I’ll get them. I hope I can show you guys that everyone has a story, and everyones future will be bright one day, you just gotta pull through. I’m still here aren’t I?

The Vancouver Sun reports that Todd went to school in Maple Ridge and then Coquitlam. RCMP in Maple Ridge told CKNW their school liaison officer had previously directed Todd to support services. Coquitlam RCMP said they were called to a Port Coquitlam home on Wednesday evening for the “sudden death of a teenager.” The death is not considered suspicious, said police, adding that the family does not want to speak publicly. B.C. Premier Christy Clark posted a short YouTube video in response to Todd’s death on Thursday, stating that no one deserves to be bullied, and all kids should feel safe in school.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Do you think Amanda Todd’s online behaviour was outrageous, or fairly “normal”?

2. How do you think the man that she “flashed” was able to locate her (track her down)?

3. Why do you think the man decided to harass and victimize Amanda?

4. Why do you think Amanda’s friends and other kids at the schools she attended joined in the bullying?


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The Hate U Give- About the author

Please read the following interview with Angie Thomas: CLICK HERE

After reading the interview, please watch the following video:

Please respond with your thoughts on the book thus far. You are welcome to talk about the interview or about the reasons why Angie wrote this story. In addition, you can also talk about what you know about Tupac, as she says he inspired her to write about this. You can talk about the controversial death of Tupac and The Notorious B.I.G. and how the cops of LAPD could’ve been corrupted and have been a part of both their murders.  There are Netflix movies and shows about Biggie and Tupac for more information. 


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All I want for Christmas … is another two weeks of Christmas break

Welcome back Division 2,

Sorry I didn’t post anything this winter break, I was busy in New York without wifi becuase the hotel thought it was a “smart” idea to charge $14.95 USD each day for using wifi. New York was a good experience for Aimee and I, mostly because the food was so good, but I don’t think I’ll ever go back to visit it again. It was far too busy for my liking and quite frankly, it just reminded me of Vancouver but waayyyyy overpriced. Thank you all for your suggestions on what I should do while I was in New York. We didn’t accomplish everything but here are some of the things we did: went to the Empire building, ate dim sum in China Town, visited the Brooklyn Bridge (but I was too scared to walk all the way across), saw the World Trade Centre and the Memorial, went on a boat cruise to the Statue of Liberty, rode on the Big Bus double decker tour bus, cycled around Central Park on tandem bike, and finally watched a hockey game at Madison Square Garden. We didn’t bother waiting in line for the ball drop in Times Square because people were outside in the rain at 7am waiting until 12 am for it to drop … that is like 17 hours of waiting. A man told me that he was wearing a diaper because they couldn’t leave and there were no bathrooms, and I didn’t believe it until he showed me … gross! Here are a few pictures from my adventure:




























So, let’s hear what you did this break! Please write me a detailed short story (2-3 paragraphs). I look forward to your responses.

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Optical Illusions

Hi again,

So your task this afternoon is to research and create your own optical illusions. Your job is to take a look online or at the link: to create your piece of art.  It is due before you leave the class today. 

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One person can make a difference

Hi again,

I found another good short film created by a teen in America. Please watch and let me know your critique on the film. Answer in any way that you connect to the video. By the end of the term we will be creating our own short films. Enjoy!

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I’m Truly Sorry (Short Film on Bullying)

Hi all,

We are officially 1/3 done the school year. With this, I am beginning to expect our writing to evolve. Instead of simply responding to post, I want to get you all to tap into your critical thinking skills where you’re able to make inferences and decide what your opinion is, based on the evidence provided. 

Your task this week is to watch the following video and then give a critique on the video. You must talk about the video:

  • things you liked/didn’t like
  • how did you connect with it
  • what did it make you think of
  • is this similar to an experience you’ve had before
  • how did this video make you feel
  • what did you get out of this video
  • has this video changed your perspective on the topic of bullying

(I expect a detailed response of at least 2 paragraphs please.)

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New York New York …

Hi class,

Sorry I cannot be with you today for Cultural Day. I was playing hockey last night and “think” I broke my ankle … literally. Anyways, enough of feeling sorry for me, but here is the blog post for today. 

Since I’m going to New York soon and is a little lazy to do some planning, I thought what better way to plan then get you guys to do it for me! Ha! Your job today is to research 3 things that I should do while in New York, whether it is a Broadway show to watch, a place to go eat pizza/cheesecake, or a specific landmark that Aimee and I HAVE to see. Please explain why I need to go to the place, and no Diego, you can’t say “because it is epiccc.” I need legitimate reasons for going.

I hope you all have a wonderful day in class and please treat our TOC with respect. I shall try my best to see you tomorrow. And I will bring in my cultural foods too!


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