Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why Are Teens So Moody?

Hi … it’s me … again. Since I won’t see you for a few days, I had to make sure you all have enough work to do. Here is another interesting video that explains why you all are so moody … Continue reading

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Middle Schoolers Be Like …

I thought this would be quite funny to watch. Is it realistic? Is this how people in Middle School’s or (Grade 6-8) act like? I’m old, so the times have changed since I was your age. Please let me know … Continue reading

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Problem of the Week

Hi all Grade 6’s and 7’s who aren’t going to camp. It’s your lucky day! I have some problem of the week questions for you all. Enjoy! Problem 1: 11 Problem 2: 22 Problem 3: 33 Problem 4: 44 Problem … Continue reading

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Geology- Study Guide

Hi all,  Here is the geology study guide in case you ‘forgot’ it at school. Your test is Wednesday June 5th, 2019. Be ready! Geology test questions and answers

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Things to Bring to Camp

Hi Grade 7’s,  Here are some things that you should bring to camp! Things to pack: sleeping bag pillow (optional) toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, face cloth, soap, deodorant and shampoo) bath towel flashlight garbage bag for dirty laundry waterbottle (reusable) camera … Continue reading

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Should schools have tests?

Prepare Our Kids for Life, Not Standardized Tests This is the title of the new blog post. Should teachers continue to administer tests to students? When are tests appropriate? Do they belong in schools? If there are no tests, what … Continue reading

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For a Friend … of a friend … of a friend

Hi all,  Since you’ve all done such a good job with helping my brother and I look for a new house in North Burnaby, I need your help once again for  a friend. They are looking in the “Nelson, Suncrest, … Continue reading

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Problem of the Week

Mark has a bag that contains exactly 3 black marbles, 6 gold marbles, 2 purple marbles and 6 red marbles. Mark finds a number of white marbles and adds them to the bag. He tells Sam that if she now … Continue reading

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Grade 7 Year Book Orders: Due Wed. June 5th

Hi all, Grade 7 Year Book orders are due by Wednesday June 5th. Please pay through the school with SchoolCash Online, or fill out an order form and return it to the office. The cost is $12.00 per yearbook.  

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Invisible – Uncovering Mental Illness movie

Hi all,  We will be watching this video on Thursday and there will be a follow-up activity that we can talk about regarding mental health week. Enjoy! Discussion Questions: (1) What comes to mind when you hear the term ‘mental … Continue reading

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