Category Archives: Uncategorized

Halloween is almost here

Hello everyone, As Halloween is approaching, I decided to give you all a ‘treat’ on the weekly post. This week, I want you to watch the video on how Halloween was created and then after please write a short paragraph … Continue reading

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“Going, going, gone” … literally!!

Good morning everyone. Just a quick reminder that this will be another 4-day week as we have a Pro-D-Day on Friday October 19th. As we continue to work hard on researching our artists, I ran into this oddly weird article … Continue reading

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What’s your vote?

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with your families. As we all know, Burnaby is having an upcoming election for our Mayor being held in the next couple of weeks. Your task this week is to choose … Continue reading

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The Power of Human Connection

Hello, it’s me again. I ran into this video during my Master’s course readings today and it really made me think about my school experience. We all can remember that ‘one’ teacher that has affected our lives greater than most. … Continue reading

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The Wonderful World of 3D Printing

Happy October Division 2! You’ve officially made it passed the first month of school… only 9 more left.  For this week’s post I want you to explore the wonderful world of 3D printing. Your tasks for the week is to … Continue reading

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