Category Archives: Uncategorized

Not As It Seems

Sometimes when we see an image, we wonder what the actual story behind it means. In today’s culture, we generally attach these photos to memes and and put a caption on it. I want you to look at the picture … Continue reading

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What would you do?

Good morning division 2 … (good morning Mr. Wu), In the scene where Elsa is receiving hate messages, I want to know what you think caused her peers to act that way. Remember, the story begins from her DM’ing Dan … Continue reading

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Amanda Todd Case Study

Hi class, This weekend I have a little bit of homework for you all to complete. Since we watched the ABC Family film: Cyber Bully, it is important to put it into context for you using a real life situation. … Continue reading

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The Hate U Give- About the author

Please read the following interview with Angie Thomas: CLICK HERE After reading the interview, please watch the following video: Please respond with your thoughts on the book thus far. You are welcome to talk about the interview or about the reasons … Continue reading

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All I want for Christmas … is another two weeks of Christmas break

Welcome back Division 2, Sorry I didn’t post anything this winter break, I was busy in New York without wifi becuase the hotel thought it was a “smart” idea to charge $14.95 USD each day for using wifi. New York … Continue reading

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Optical Illusions

Hi again, So your task this afternoon is to research and create your own optical illusions. Your job is to take a look online or at the link: to create your piece of art.  It is due before you leave the … Continue reading

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One person can make a difference

Hi again, I found another good short film created by a teen in America. Please watch and let me know your critique on the film. Answer in any way that you connect to the video. By the end of the … Continue reading

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I’m Truly Sorry (Short Film on Bullying)

Hi all, We are officially 1/3 done the school year. With this, I am beginning to expect our writing to evolve. Instead of simply responding to post, I want to get you all to tap into your critical thinking skills … Continue reading

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New York New York …

Hi class, Sorry I cannot be with you today for Cultural Day. I was playing hockey last night and “think” I broke my ankle … literally. Anyways, enough of feeling sorry for me, but here is the blog post for … Continue reading

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How does “Christmas” look like in other countries

Hi again,  This is the second post this week because some of us might have finished our Comics early. Christmas is a celebration that looks incredibly different in countries around the world. Some celebrate it and some don’t, and that’s … Continue reading

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