“Going, going, gone” … literally!!

Good morning everyone. Just a quick reminder that this will be another 4-day week as we have a Pro-D-Day on Friday October 19th. As we continue to work hard on researching our artists, I ran into this oddly weird article where an artist’s painting got sold $1.4 million only to find out that it got shredded… yes! Can you imagine paying that much money and then coming home to it shredded and on the floor?!


Your tasks this week is to read the article: CLICK HERE FOR THE ARTICLE

The auction house said it was “in discussion about the next steps” with the buyer, whose identity was not revealed. Some art experts say the work could be worth even more in its shredded state. 

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Why do you think the original artist created a shredder inside the picture frame? What should the buyer do now that this has happened? Do you think they bought insurance for the painting? Please answer this with a detailed paragraph or two. 

Have a great week!

-Mr. Wu-hoo

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22 Responses to “Going, going, gone” … literally!!

  1. Fernando .-. says:

    I think that the buyer should have refunded his money back, as he found out his painting worth 1.4 million dollars was shredded. The buyer also could have put this situation on court. I think the artist created a shredder inside the picture frame is because that he or she didn’t want anybody to have such a masterpiece. Instead, she or he cheated the money for the painting. The creator was probably a scammer or robber or something, because why would somebody do such a thing, right? I do not think the buyer of the painting had insurance because nothing had really happened. All the buyer did was lose a huge amount of money. This probably made the buyer very angry, because he spent a ton of money on that very nice painting that was worth a mansion, that literally just got torn down.

  2. Jefferson says:

    I think that the original artist created a shredder inside the painting frame maybe to prank someone really bad. He would sell it for a lot, then it would shred itself. I think he might give the money back when the painting shreds itself. Because if he didn’t, that would probably make the buyer rage and it would be really rude. I think the buyer should go to the artist and demand his/her money back. He paid 1.4 million dollars for nothing, so he/she should get their money back. I think maybe the buyer didn’t buy insurance for the painting, maybe because the painting isn’t that important to him/her, maybe because the buyer was really rich or had better paintings. Don’t get me wrong, 1.4 million dollars is a lot. In conclusion, I think that this whole experience was really sad.

  3. Kamsi-_- says:

    I think the original artist created a shredder inside the picture frame because he was a scammer or he was just plain cray-cray. I think the buyer should consult with a layer and sue the artist or get a refund which is best civilised option if the artist agrees. I don’t think there was insurance for this painting (if there are insurance for paintings) or else we wouldn’t be dealing with this right now but I think there was contract when the buyer bought the painting so that can be used if the buyer will sue. I think the contract will probably have how much he bought it, damages, restraints and so on. If I was the buyer and I just a paining worth $1.4 million dollars only for it to be damaged or should I say shredded I would furious and devastaed, if the buyer ends up getting his money that will be pretty if not I really wanna know what happens.

  4. Pavyn says:

    I think that the artist had like a secret tv show or something. But who would do such a thing? He probably had a fake copy of the same picture and shredded that and take the real one as a prank. But what if that painting really meant something to him or her. That would’ve been really bad. The person who bought the painting should really get their money back from an expensive decoration that not much people can afford.

  5. Lauren :) says:

    I have no idea why the artist who painted this image put a shredder into the painting that he build and it was auctioned for 1.4 million! I would never shred it just because if doesn’t go for an auction. If I was the artist of this painting I would either keep it if it doesn’t go for auction or give it to a friend of mine. I think that the buyer should get a refund because the owner auction it and now it is gone! I don’t think that the owner of the painting got insurance because nothing happened to him he just lost a load of money out of his wallet.

  6. Alaina says:

    I’m pretty sure that the shredded painting is just a prank. This person who bought the painting is either really pissed off or happy. I know it sounds crazy when I say that the buyer might be happy, but if they saw this article, they probably saw, and I quote,” Some art experts say the work could be worth even more in its shredded state.” The buyer could just sell it on Ebay for 2.5 million and earn so much money. If Banksy doesn’t give the buyer a refund, I want all the “deets”. I honestly would be really angry if I didn’t get a refund, because I think the painting is beautiful. I mean, I don’t think it was the buyers plan to sell the painting after buying it for 1.4 million dollars, or throwing it away.

  7. AdenVu says:

    I tihnk he Shredded the Art Piece so nobody in the world would have it. But secretly putting a shredder in is a genuine master piece! The buyer would probably have a refund or he would take it to court. (civil case)
    I think the artist did it so he could prank everyone and have the money. He probably did it so No One and Yes i mean NO ONE IN THE WORLD WOULD HAVE IT. He wanted that thing to go viral and have it remembered through him, pictures and cameras. If i was the buyer i would of file a lawsuit ASAP and get it over with. Because my 1.4 Million just got bamboozled and thrown right into someone else’s pocket. If he doesn’t get his money back its not gonna be pretty at all.

  8. abby says:

    I think the painting was shredded because the painting was a fake and the people selling it ran away with money or the artist is telling everybody the painting is not for sale and the people still bought so the artist decided that the people shouldn’t get it because he or she painted it and it was theirs and they wanted to teach the people that money cant buy everything so she shredded

  9. luca says:

    When I saw what he did I was shocked because first of all who puts a shredder in a painting that is really stupid and second they should think before putting a shredder inside a painting. Besides all that stuff the guy should really get his money back because never someone in the right mind would put a shredder in a 1. 4 million dollar painting. Who does that.

  10. Angela says:

    I think the artist created a shredder inside the frame as an elaborate prank, but it’s not all the funny. Looking from the buyer’s point of view, they’ve paid quite a lot of money for a painting, just to find out that there was a shredder installed in the frame. I would be one mad person, no joke. The buyer should probably sue, I mean losing that much money is a big shock, and it’s really not funny. I don’t think the owner bought insurance for the painting. Something’s going to happen, and it’s definitely not going to end well

  11. Vinh le :) says:

    I have no idea why the artist who painted this image put a shredder into the painting that he build and it was auctioned for 1.4 million! I would never shred it just because if doesn’t go for an auction. If I was the artist of this painting I would either keep it if it doesn’t go for auction or give it to a friend of mine. I think that the buyer should get a refund because the owner auction it and now it is gone! I don’t think that the owner of the painting got insurance because nothing happened to him he just lost a load of money out of his wallet.

  12. Samuel says:

    I think the reason the painter put the shredder in it is because he knew when he sold it for a high price and it shredded he would get exactly what he’s getting right now. A whole bunch of publicity. And I don’t necessarily have a problem with it for it now with the buyer because there’s a good chance it has more value now.i find it somewhat disrespectful as the painter to sell it for 1.4 million dollars and than shred it without telling the buyer. Being the buyer is resell it for more. Making a profit off of it and this being a popular story now will do nothing but boost the price when to resell. But knowing that he’d spend 1.4 million on a painting he has to be a guy that buys them a lot and is interested in them. Plus he must be wealthy to spend that much on a painting so he may be interested in this type of thing, he may look at it as a bargain now since value is more. However personally I’d resell it and buy Xbox cards but I don’t look at my self as the sharpest tool in the shed. Realistically with that much money I could buy a really nice house so I’d probably do that but I mean… Xbox cards are fun too.

  13. Victor says:

    Okay, I am sure that the artist is still alive, and I’m sure the artist put the shredder in on purpose. So what I would do is I’d give the buyer back his money and put the piece of art in a museum of some sort and have an iPad besides it playing the hilarious video with a poster on top of it saying what happened in the actual auction. Or I am thinking that they will resell it for an even higher price because of the fame that the piece of art got during the last week. The thing is, the painting looks pretty darn simple it’s just the guy’s name that is sparking peoples minds about it. I think what they should do is just not sell it at all and troll the artist because he kinda deserved it. I just feel bad for the person who bought the painting, but in the video everybody looks really rich, like at the point where they don’t care if they even get the painting.

  14. Cheryl says:

    Okay, first of all: how did the artist manage to get a paper shredder in the frame?! Isn’t he/she just wasting more money bothering with this not so funny prank? What if he didn’t actually make the art? What if he wanted to make other people’s life a scam? Or what if he had some serious depression problems that caused him to go upside down and sideways? The buyer should sue the artist… I’d be furious if I found out that my new and very plain painting just got SELF-DESTRUCTED!!!!!!!!! Honestly, I can’t understand why anybody on this earth would want to do something like that. What are the benefits, anyway? (That is, unless the artist just wanted to have some fun and totally self destruct his own art)

  15. maddie says:

    This story is so crazy. I cant believe someone would put a shredder in his own piece of art that would take a long time to paint. He might have installed a shredder because he might have thought that no one would buy it and it wasn’t that important to him.maybe the artist was rich so he didn’t really care if the painting got shredded. if I had bought that painting for that much money just to have it be shredded right in front of my face, I would be very mad the people in the picture looked rich so if I was very rich I would probably care less. in the end this still ends up being a super crazy story.

  16. zoya says:

    honestly, why someone would put i shredder in the frame so the painting would have sort of like a ‘self destruct’ button is super weird. Like, the painter already probably has quite some money from other paintings, and he just got
    1.4 million dollars, so why shred it? its not like you wouldn’t get the money if he didn’t? but again, maybe the artist had his reasons. maybe he’s a small painter, and just wants publicity. It’s even less work to make both people happy in this case! the painter get his money, (not to mention doesn’t have to do extra work putting a fladoodling shredder in the frame!) and the the buyer gets a painting.
    speaking of the buyer, i strongly think he should get his money back. maybe it was a prank? do the artist and buyer have a bad past with each other?

  17. Rohan:^) says:

    First of all, I think that the artist put the shredder inside the painting because he wanted to scam the buyer after he/she bought it. Personally I think that’s a pretty good prank, but the buyer is probably angry. Although, the buyer might not have been affected that much if he was rich because then he could spend
    That money. And, considering he bought the painting in the first place the buyer was mostlikely rich.
    I think that the buyer should keep the shredded painting because it’s probably worth more in its shredded state than its regular state.
    I’m pretty sure that the buyer didn’t buy insurance for the painting either, although that would have been a smart move so he could get his money back in case something like that happened.

  18. wesley says:

    I think that the person who bought the art must feel very bad that he put so and all he got was a shredded painting with no value. I think that he deserves a refund for a piece of garbage . I mean who spends that much money for ripped art

  19. Bernice says:

    I think the artist is a little cuckoo, i mean who would put a shredder inside their own painting that could have took a long time to paint? I think that the buyer should just get refund or the buyer doesn’t really care because they’re filthy rich. The buyer most likely did not have insurance for the painting because nothing happened after the painting got shredded.

  20. Joanna says:

    I think the artist is really crazy to put a shredder in their own painting, the painting was selling for 1.4 million so the painting was probably really nice. The buyer was probably terrified watching the painting that they just bought getting teared toe shreds. The buyer probably didn’t get insurance since the painting got shredded right after he or she bought it. I think the buyer should get a refund or sue the artist or company that sold the painting to them.

  21. Diego :) says:

    I think the artist put a shredder because he was a scammer noob or some piece of garbage who is crazy. Since no one knows who the artist is no one can really do anything. I didn’t know that there was such thing as painting insurance but if he did have it then I guess that would be good if he got his money back. If i was the buyer i would be really mad. So hopefully he got his money back.

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