Should Cellphones be Used in Class?

Good morning Division 2,

As we begin a new week, I just wanted to thank everyone who participated in the blog post last week. Your answers were well thought out and I gained insight on some fantastic reasons as to why it is important to continue doing random acts of kindness to help better our community. I invite you all to participate in our debate this week about cellphone use in class.

Please list 2 pros (reasons why we should) and 2 cons (reasons why we shouldn’t) about the use of cellphones in class. Remember, I will be looking at each answer carefully and your goal is to convince me as to why we ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t use cellphones in our classroom. In addition, please explain each of your reasons in detail (ex. We should use cellphones in class because it helps save time when we can google definition, instead of waiting in line to come and ask you what it means).

Happy learning this week, I look forward to reading your answers!

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25 Responses to Should Cellphones be Used in Class?

  1. Fernando says:

    Why?: I think we should only use cellphones for learning purposes. If we used cellphones, instead of waiting to use a computer, laptop, or a iPad, let the people who don’t have a cellphone use one. Instead, we could just pull out our own phone and Google what we need to know.

    Pro:1 It would save us a lot of time.
    Pro:2 We could get our facts very quickly.

    Con:1 Cellphones may become a distraction in class.
    Con:2 People may get interested and won’t mind their own business.

  2. Jefferson says:

    Pro 1: If someone has a phone, they can use it to google up information easily instead of fighting over a laptop or iPad.
    Pro 2: If people are doing a group project, instead of hogging all the laptops and iPads they can use their phones(if they have one).

    Con 1: If people are using phones to listen to music, they can miss out on an important announcement or something like that.
    Con 2: People can easily play their games secretly on their phones when they are supposed to be researching.

  3. vinh le says:

    I think we should use a cellphone. Because if we use cellphones we don’t need to waiting to use computer, laptop, or a ipad. we use a cellphone to search dictionary, search in Google or writing story in Google docs it would save us a lot of time.
    Pro:1 It would save us a lot time.
    Pro:2 We can do everything very quickly.

    Con:1 We use a phone if we need
    Con:2 People may get interested and wont mind their own bunsiness

  4. Diego says:

    Pro 1: It’s a fast way to search things up
    Pro 2: Instead of having to wait for a computer we can have our phones.

    Con 1: People could get distracted
    Con 2: It might get stolen

  5. Rohan:^) says:

    I think that we should use our phones ONLY for music but not for anything else unless the need Is urgent.

    Con 1) people may get distracted from learning and might start using their phones for there own personal purposes

    Con 2) besides the fact that some of the laptops in our class dont work there isnt much of a reason to use our phones, unless all the laptops are taken.

    Pro 1) I guess if you were really desperate to Google something then having your phone would be useful

    Pro 2) If u wanted to listen to music you could use your phone

    Overall though, I don’t think phones need to be used during school hours.
    By the way this is coming from a guy who has a phone

  6. Bernice says:

    why: The phones should only be used in class for searching info.(Also most of the computers don’t work, so we should use our phones.

    pros: 1. we can find info faster
    2. saves more time and you can use more time on the work

    cons: 1.people might get distracted in class(like videogames)and not pay attention to the teacher

    2.somebody might text somebody else while in class

  7. Angela says:

    I think that cell phones should be allowed in class but only for research and assignment related things. The pros to this is that everyone has a way to research or type things up in class. Another pro is that we could search up definitions of words instead of flipping through a dictionary

  8. Kaylee says:

    Personally, I don’t think we should use our cellphones in class unless it’s for projects or any type of school work. I think that we should only use our phones in class if there are no laptops, i Pads, or computers available because students can easily get distracted by any games or apps that they have on their phones.

    pro 1- We can have fast and easy access to the internet.
    pro 2- We don’t have to wait for someone if they are using a laptop or computer.

    con 1-The teacher might not know if a student is actually using their device for learning.
    con 2- Students can get distracted very easily and they won’t be able to complete their work on time.

  9. Victor W says:

    – Cellphones can be very useful for basic things like calculators, and dictionaries.
    – When the school computers don’t work we can switch to our phones to do the work that we needed to do on the computers.


    -Cellphones can distract us from learning the way we normally do.

    -Cellphones can increase the amount of thief in the classroom.

  10. Pavyn says:

    it depends on what you do with it. your phone should be used for learning or using a specific app. and its nice to listen to music sometimes

    pro 1, we can use our phones if all the computers are taken
    pro 2, phones can do different things than a laptop like an app

    con 1, it can be a big distraction
    con 2, you can get too carried away

  11. Kamsi;' says:

    Two reason why I think we should be allowed to use phones in class is because:
    1.The school may not have to buy as many ipads or computers.
    2. It can be used for educational purposes like searching up things for a project or school work and listening to music.
    Two reasons why I think we should not be allowed to use phones in class is because:
    1. It may be a distraction to the person using it and for other students.
    2. Students can do things they are not allowed to do and the teacher may not know for example- posting pictures of the school or other students without permission on social media.

  12. Lauren says:

    I think we can use cellphones for only important reasons. Like when we do a project and we need research. If a person doesn’t have a phone the person who has a phone can let them use the laptop.

    Pro: faster to research than a computer.
    Pro: don’t have to wait for someone when they are using a computer.

    Con: is a distraction in class.
    Con: instead of researching someone might be on social media.

  13. Samuel says:

    Trying to be as unbiased as possible because I enjoy listening to music in class, I think we should at times be allowed to use our phones in class.
    Pro: We can use it as an alternative to using the computer because it’s a lot faster and serves the same purpose without taking out a computer and taking ten minutes to set it up to google a quick fact
    Con: It can distract you from your learning no doubt about it and that’s why I feel it’s good for Mr Wu to take our phones and than when he feels it’s appropriate to use it he lets us.
    Pro: I’m gonna be honest, I feel more at home and free when I listen to music at school and I feel I learn best under less pressure. So when I feel like I can
    just do my work without having someone throwing orders at me and watching my every move. So when I can just do my work listening to music googling facts for projects I feel like it helps.
    Con: People can use their phone for things that they really don’t have too at school. Such as checking social media, playing games or watching videos that don’t help anything for school

  14. Aden Vu says:

    Why: I think it would be easier letting some people use their phones so other people have a chance to use computers, because in are class some laptops don’t work so if you let people use their phones It would be easier for everyone to get work done easier.
    Pro: people don’t ask you how to use the device.
    Pro 2: it helps the flow of the class so no one is standing around waiting for a computer/laptop.
    Con: People sometimes check social medias, play games, ETC

    Con 2: People show people other things and get side tracked

  15. Cheryl says:

    I think that we should only be able to use our phones if we are searching up info for projects and stuff. Most of the music that people listen to will just make them more hyper/energetic instead of helping them concentrate on work. HOWEVER, this may not be true for everyone. This is just my opinion.

  16. zoya says:

    a lot of people have cell phones nowadays, but should we be allowed to bring them to class? sure, there are some good things about bringing them to school, but there re bad things too. here’s what i think:

    -we have research sources right there, and private ones too. (passwords and codes)
    -if there is ever an emergency, we have contact devices, so our parent can contact us, and we can contact them. we wont all have to use the school’s office telephone and put in the number slowly, we might have them in our contacts.

    -we might get distracted by social media,games, and other apps.
    -sometimes our phones can show some inappropriate ads and things.

  17. Joanna says:

    1. We would have easy access to the internet If we used the computer it always loads so slow and with our phone we just press a few buttons and we are already at the website that we need to be at. with the computer you have to log in, wait and then click on the internet.
    2. During the day I think we should be able to be relaxed and listen to music. if we listen to music i think the whole class would be relaxed and i believe if we are relaxed we would be more focused and if we’re more focused we would get more work done.
    1. If we have access to our phones all throughout the day, we are more likely to be distracted during the time we are not supposed to use our phones, such as when Mr. Wu is talking or teaching or during tests.
    2. In Mr. M’s class everyone would bring their phones and some got lost. They might have gotten stolen and if we all bring our phones we might lose them or they might get lost.

  18. Mahek says:

    I think we should be able to use the cell phones in the classrooms because it’s a great learning tool

    pro: It’s faster and you don’t have to
    wait for the computers.

    pro: It’ helps us to do research during class time
    such as looking up definitions .

    con:It’s also a distraction like going to social media
    or play video games!

    con: and if incase it gets lost then whoever lost their
    cell phone they will be depressed and they will not
    be able to concentrate the rest of the day.

  19. Abby says:

    I actually think that cellphones shouldn’t be used in class because it can be a distraction, and if there is a dictionary why not use it? Some people still don’t know how to use a dictionary! And if you have a question why not ask the teacher, the teacher is suppose to teach you. But if really nobody knows then use the computer if they don’t work it should be because it wasn’t plugged in or the cables are off. If you don’t use the computers then the school is really just wasting money on us and we won’t even use them or we just complain about them. You basically are wasting your own money since we all pay for field trips and sometimes scholastic and other stuff.
    CON#1:you will get distracted
    PRO#1:you might be able to play video games
    CON#2:it might get stolen
    PRO#2: you could text your friends or search things up faster

  20. Vincent says:

    Pro. Don’t have to get a computer
    Pro. Faster access to Internet.
    Con. Might get distracted and play games instead
    Con. Might be watching youtube videos instead of using phone for work
    Con. EMF radiation affects child brain development

  21. Alaina says:

    I feel in the middle with this question because of all the reasons why and why not cellphones should be used in class. My first pro is, sometimes when we need to search for certain things, we would first look to the computer. Because some computers have problems, like, maybe some keys fell of, an update is happening, or there are problems with starting up the computer, it would be a great first or second option to use a phone if you have one.
    Now, my first con. Things can go downhill when a student is using a phone for entertainment purposes or contacting people in class. This should not be allowed unless this is a parent/guardian calling [ probably a parent/guardian who doesn’t know about calling the school or maybe this is an emergency ].
    My second pro is, when searching online for word definitions or more, it is a lot faster instead of a dictionary, so it’s nice to get things a little faster sometimes, instead of scrolling through an entire book searching for a single word, that probably doesn’t have what you are entirely looking for.
    My last con is, if there are times when there is someone stealing things, [ like right now, ] there could be issues, and if you have a phone, you could be at risk of losing it! The one friend who always listens: Wah! I have a phone and I always bring it to school! Maybe I should always leave it at home.
    Me: Do you have theft issues in class?
    The one friend who always listens:I don’t think so?
    Me: Maybe you can bring it to school. But, just to be safe, don’t bring it when your class has theft issues.
    The friend who always listens:I think that’s a good option! Thanks, Alaina.
    Me:Oh, well it was an honor!
    After this extremely long post, be proud of reading this whole comment! You might have learned something.

  22. wesley says:

    Pros about using cell phones in class . 1 saves the school money so it does not have to buy more computers . 2 helps kids look things up faster than using computers . Cons . 1 increases probability of theft . 2 can become a distraction for the user . Those are some pros and cons about using cell phones .

  23. Luca says:

    Not for games or having “fun”. We should only use cellphones for school purposes. We should not use the cellphones during break time also, instead we should socialize with our friends and classmates.

  24. Luca says:

    Pros 1. using my cellphone saves money from buying more laptops or computers
    2. using a cellphone during school hours for school purposes is beneficial to students.

    Cons 1. watching you tube and playing games is distracting
    2. less interaction with peers and classmates

  25. Zoe says:

    1. I think we should use our cellphone in class. But only for projects and searching for definitions on words,some of us might have different work to do and listening to music.

    2. My two concerns are some people might use our phones for playing games and taking pictures of other people or themselves. And disturbing others while they are working. Those are only my concern.

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