March 30 – April 3 (Fun exercises)

Hi all,

Your tasks this week will be to do: Read Theory 2 times this week for 20 minutes. After you’re done that, you can work on two Brain Teaser questions I have for you down below.

Instructions for ReadTheory:

  • Website is: 
  • Login is your first initial and then your last name, then the year it was created (ex. jwu2019, carmstrong2019)
  • Password is: caphill2019


I will post the questions here and then on Friday I will post the answers to see if you got that right or wrong. Happy learning. 



Talk soon,

-Mr. Wu

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17 Responses to March 30 – April 3 (Fun exercises)

  1. Sarah says:

    How are you doing Mr.Wu? What did you do over Spring Break? Did you go outside and take a walk or did you stay inside all cooped up?

    • wuj says:

      Hi Sarah,

      Aimee and I are doing well. We went out for walks at night when no one is around. We went to Tofino before all of the craziness and social-distancing was a thing. Hope you’re doing well too.

      What did you get up to?

      • Sarah says:

        Not much but my brother’s to dad and I went on a cupola bike rides and we got an apple T.V. So so far life’s been good.

  2. Sarah says:

    Mr.Wu I am having tribal logging into read It is not working for me. So will it be ok if I read my own books for the time being? But I will keep trying to log into read

  3. Niko says:

    Um…it never shows up when I post it’s weird 😢🤔🤔🤔🤔

  4. Niko says:

    Um…it tells me to sign up when I use am I doing it right🤔🤔🤔?

  5. Lazar says:

    Hi Ms.Wu how are you today

  6. TINA says:

    1. she had three cats
    2.they had another tire word
    4.there would be no difference was not made for winding
    6.Emma was second place

  7. on question 1 is emily had 3 cats and on the forth question is they play for the same time and on the last one is because she passed the second person but there was someone in front of her that won and hi mr wu i miss you

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