5 Not-So Good Things About Tik Tok

Hi all, 

I know there is a craze about Tik Tok and learning dances such as Renegade has become super popular. I even heard that you can even earn thousands of dollars per post, based on sponsorships and the amount of people following you. Stars have emerged … Addison Rae, Charli and Dixie D’amelio. You can even find athletes and celebrities making these short video clips. 

But apps like this doesn’t always seem so glamorous, there must be some ‘faults’ right? Please click the link below and read the article on the ‘not-so good things’ about Tik Tok. Afterwards, tell me whether you agree or disagree with the article. 


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29 Responses to 5 Not-So Good Things About Tik Tok

  1. niko sung says:

    I think TikTok is a evil app (or whatever it is?). I also think that kids should not be allowed to use Tik Tok because they can make (friends). I also think Tik tok is a terrible app because it can hurt you or maybe even kill you okay maybe it wont kill you theirs like a 4 out of 100% chance you wont die but i think its a terrible app i hate it.

    • Sarah says:

      I agree with you and I think that most people in the class send that it was bad and agree with the article I mean I think that it is a bad thing to.

  2. Evan says:

    I don’t think TikTok is for kids because China can take any personal information.Kids will also do dangerous challenges to get on the top trending and never get on it while also sometimes getting hurt.i agree with the article TikTok is not for kids.

  3. Russell says:

    I think the article is a little right because. There are some inappropriate and UN safe videos and it can make kids do some UN safe challenges and kids can get hurt doing the challenges. But sometimes it can be fun and interesting to watch some of there videos.

  4. Lazar says:

    Tik Tok is not good because people do rude stuff and they do cool stuff so they can be rich. Some people gross stuff like lick peoples feet. So that means I do not like tik tok. And some time I get so addicted my eyes hurt so bad I put water.

    • Sarah says:

      If you put water on your eyes then won’t it make your eyes hurt more? Also if you think that tik tok is bad then why do you even have the app do you want to be rich by tik tok or what! But I have to admit that tik tok is not the best thing in the world and I personally think that it is a really bad thing.

  5. yasmeeen says:

    i agree beacouse some videos on tiktok are relly dangerous beacouse some people do like backflips in the store and other people get scared and they drop glass tiktok is pretty fun to watch but what they do is very dangerous addison rae always posts dances like wierd dances and thats why i agree.

  6. Lauryn chiu says:

    I agree bashing Tik Tok because first its not trusted [well my opinion] and you can probably get hacked by other people. Also you can find really bad examples and people being bad role models you do not want to follow. Sometimes people pull tricks on each other and they sometimes even post them dying. I saw a video of one. Terrible.

  7. Erin says:

    I agree because kids are in danger and they might try something that is dangerous from tik tok and why i agree to the article is because theres a challenge that everyone is doing where two people jump and someone in the middle jumps after the two people beside them and the make the person in the middle trip by landing on there head and three people already died fronm that challenge and thats why I disagree

  8. ayra says:

    I think tik tok should not still be there because it bully’s people starts fires and it hurts kids with difficult challenges. My sister is on it to much and gets really annoying.

  9. AIDENFUNKE IS says:

    I think tiktok is stupid because you can meet strangers and bad people that can get you in trouble.Some people could say bad things about your videos.

  10. roman says:

    I think that tik tok is a good way to communicate with other people. On tik tok I think you can make friends. I think its funny its cool and its fun to watch.

  11. Logan Cheng says:

    I disagree because you can meet strangers and they could be bad.They can also get you in trouble.

  12. adriano says:

    I think Ticktock is bad because theirs allot of inappropriate stuff and if someone watches it there going to do that.

  13. mimi says:

    with the article TikTok is evil.
    i agree tiktok is evil piny challange is bad beacouse it could start fires easally

  14. Alekay says:

    The first reason Tik tok is bad is because once you start you get addicted. It is also bad because you could see stuff which does not fit your age. Tik tok is also bad because cyber bullying happens easily. Another reason why tik tok is bad is because it could encourage kids to do dangerous stuff. Tik tok is also bad because people can hack your account and make you say things you didn’t.

  15. Eric p says:

    I agree with the article because is has good stuff.And is has good challenge and is really cool.

  16. Nathaniel says:

    I disagree because TikTok is bad because it is bad and there could be bad people how will tell you to do bad stuff.

  17. jacob says:

    I don’t think it’s good because the skull breaker challenge is not good for kids because if I where parents I would not want my kid to get hurt

  18. Liam says:

    I disagree because Tik tok is very weird and bad because you can met strangers and they can say bad things about what you do on your tik tok. and I also think it is weird because wants people do really weird dance’s that are not good to learn.

  19. Meyri says:

    I agree because tik tok is dangerous for kids under nine. And you should use the private account because sometimes they are not inaproperate and other people might post inaproprate vidoes.

  20. Samskruthi Yechan Gunja says:

    Tik Tok isn’t necessary because it can cause danger.It might poke your eyes out too. It may be.It’s good for activeness. It teaches you how to dance. Maybe it can be both answers.

  21. Samantha liu says:

    I agree with the article because tik tok can be inappropriate and the girls will wear croc tops and the boys will take off there shirts . i really like the dances though ,also people can hack into your account.so i don’t really trust tik tok .

  22. TINA K says:

    I agree with the article because tiktok is inappropriate,it shows things that are bad.you can get addicted to it. also some people hake in to your divides.

  23. Sarah says:

    I agree with the article because I think that some Tik Tok videos can be inappropriate. I also think that you can get very addicted to it and start doing very bad things. TikTok can make people endanger to. People can also hake into your divides when you are doing Tik Tok . I think that Tik Tok is also bad for your learning and egikashon.

  24. TINA K says:

    I agree with the article because tiktok is inappropriate,it shows things that are bad.you can get addicted to it. Also some people hake in to your divides.

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