Thinking about bullying and our story “Wonder”

Hi Div. 10,

As we are reading the story Wonder, I want you to think about the following two questions:

  1. Can you explain why Auggie’s parents didn’t feel comfortable taking him to school? Why did they feel this way?
  2. Why were people looking at Auggie’s face? Is this appropriate? Why did the kids not sit with him in class and at lunch? 
  3. What are your thoughts on Summer (the girl who sat beside him at the lunch table)? If you saw someone eating alone at lunch what would you do?

After you are done answering these questions, can you please watch the short film on the video.


Once you’ve posted a comment answering ALL of the questions above, and you watched the short film, you are welcome to explore the internet. Have a good day y’all.

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67 Responses to Thinking about bullying and our story “Wonder”

  1. mimi says:

    Auggie’s parents didn’t want to send him to school because he is not normal. In the book he has one eye missing and his ears are not even. Mostly he had surgery. He hasn’t been to school because they think that at school everyone will look at him and think he’s weird. But he is just not normal. It is hard at school right now because everyone looks at him and Jack Will always sits together right next to him in every class. Summer sits with him at lunch.

  2. yasmeeen says:

    i think auggis parents didnt feel comfortable to take him to school beucouse i thing that they thought peaple will make fun of his look and maybe bully him and maybe they also thought that he will proberly make no friends and so they thoough there is no reason for aggis to go. aggis parents felt that way beacouse they wanted him to make friends

    • wuj says:

      Friendships is an important thing to have, in life and at school. I would say that building relationships is the most important thing for a child at school. Once a child feels safe and supported they will give you their best work in class!

  3. Evan says:

    Because they thought that the kids that went to school would make fun of his face.He would be a target for bullying and they thought that he wouldn’t have any friends.They thought that he would sit by himself in lunch.

  4. Alekay says:

    I think that Auggies parents do not feel comfortable sending Auggie to school because he got many plastic surgery’s. They thought people would make fun of him. Sadly they were right. Auggies parents could not let Auggie get bullied but he had to go to school eventually.

    • wuj says:

      Agreed, sometimes parents have to let their kids ‘figure things out’ themselves. This is a hard thing to do, but that is how children create resilience and bravery.

  5. Lazar says:

    because so they can be happy and then you can be a friend and so no one can bully them that there alone and with friend then your friend will tell your friends and your friends will tell your friends and on and on at the end you will have lot of friends and the bully will be gelous

  6. Russell says:

    i think people should not bully him because of what he looks like. And only summer and jack r his friends. I think summer is trying to be nice. also jack trying to be nice. other people should be nice to him.

  7. Niko sung says:

    I think Summer is trying to be nice to Auggie. I also think she is the type that will try to make people feel better. (Auggie also probably has a crush on Summer). she also probably does not want auggie to feel like he has no friends because being the new kid is never easy.(they also make a good couple).

  8. Erin says:

    Auggies parents did not feel comfortable with him going to real school because they think that alot of people in the school would tell secrets about him and bully him and auggie would always cry after school and not talk to them and always wear his astranut helmet so thats why they feel uncomfortable with him going to real school and auggie might not like going to real school because he might miss his mom and his dad feels uncomfortable because he is worried that everyone is gonna bully him and he feels the why the mom feels worried,a bit sad for auggie

  9. samantha says:

    I think summer is kind and she cares about others. She does not care about how auggie looks like. she knows that auggies nice. If i saw someone sitting alone at a lunch table i would tell a bunch of people that the was he or her was sitting by her/his self. we would go and sit with him/her.

  10. Adriano farley says:

    I think his parents don’t think he should go to school because they think he will get sad and every body well not like him and his parents love him and they do not want him to get hurt and bullyed

    • wuj says:

      Would you rather homeschool your child and not expose him to the real world? Or would you let your child struggle a bit and get them to work through their problems and become stronger?

  11. Jake says:

    I think its not fair to auggie because he has no friends and summer and jack -will are his only friends and I also think Julian and his other friends should not
    bully him and about summer sitting with him was nice of her to do that.
    when jack will sits with him you can rely see he is happy

  12. Eric says:

    He don’t feel when he talked to someone.When he intreduced to the 3 kids when they say hi to each other.At lunch time some peopole are loking at auggie’s face.

    • wuj says:

      Yes, that’s unfortunate that no one wanted to sit beside him at lunch. It’s not like you can ‘catch’ what Auggie has.

  13. Logan Cheng says:

    I think Aggie’s parents thought that if he went to school everyone would laugh. He would be bullyed. He would be sad because he would be lonly.

  14. Tina says:

    people look at Auggie because they think he looks’s uncomfortable if people look at you and make fun of you.No body sits beside Auggie because he looks funny.

  15. Sarah says:

    I think that Summer is a kind and caring person.Summer is a nice girl and I think that she is a good friend to have Summer is very brave to take to Auggie . I think Summer is a loving girl. I think Summer is smart because no matter if Auggie looks diforent he still has felings.

  16. Jaskirat Div 10 says:

    1. August’s parent’s did not want him to go to school because they thought people would make fun of him because of his face and call him names.
    2.People were looking at his face because it was not normal.(Not trying to be mean)And I think that is inappropriate.3. Summer the girl that sat with him at lunch, I think she is very nice.

  17. roman says:

    Auggies parents felt like every one would stare at auggie. People will look at auggies face because its unusual.They think they are going to catch what he has.

    • wuj says:

      People did stare at him which is the unfortunate truth. I think that Auggie needs to talk to the class about the whole situation and explain to them why he has had so many surgeries

  18. samskruthi says:

    I think Auggie s parents were not comfertable because they thought that the other kids would make fun of Auggie.The other kids cupped their hands and whispered mean things about Auggie.Auggie was not

  19. Lauryn Chiu says:

    I think that Summer is a very acceptable friend to have because she can make decisions whether it’s sitting with her friends or sitting with someone that is lonely. Summer is a kind, caring and knows what it’s like to feel like to be lonely. If I saw someone sitting alone at lunch I would ask if I could sit here and then start to introduce myself. I would probably ask what class they are in and figure out if maybe they happened to be in one class you could make a relationship with them.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Lauryn it is me. What do you wonโ€™t to talk about because I am bored right now and you said that we showed talk. O ya what did you wonโ€™t to tell me about what Niko sed at Library today? Do you think that Mr.Wou’s eye looks a little freaky and I hop that he does not have to get surgery๐Ÿ˜ฎ on his eye.๐Ÿ‘

  20. Meyri says:

    I think that Summer is a good friend.First i will go and sit beside them,then i will start talking with them after a while we will become friends just like Summer did.Now will sit with them everyday.I just have a one thing to say don’t be a bully because its not hat people exept you to do.

  21. Lauryn Chiu says:

    I think that Summer is a pretty nice girl that cares and is an acceptable friend to have so Summer does not care how August really looks. Summer is very good for accepting others. Summer is good at making decisions wether its sitting with her friends or someone that is all alone at the lunch table feeling lonely. If I saw someone sitting alone at lunch I would first ask if i could sit there. I would I start to introduce myself to him/her and i would ask what class he/she is in and if maybe he/she is in my class I would start to make a teeny tiny realationship. I would introduce he/her to all my friends and we would all play together. Now that he/she has so many friends he/she won’t be lonely anymore!

  22. Ayra Bhardwaj says:

    His parents were uncomfortable with taking him to school because they were afraid he would be bullied.They were hesitant to take him even more after a boy called Julian made fun of his face.

  23. Ayra Bhardwaj says:

    His parents felt uncomfortable taking him to school because they were afraid he would be bullied and made fun of.They were even more hesitant when a boy called Julian made fun of his face.

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