Middle Schoolers Be Like …

I thought this would be quite funny to watch. Is it realistic? Is this how people in Middle School’s or (Grade 6-8) act like? I’m old, so the times have changed since I was your age. Please let me know what you think about the videos, and please comment on how accurate or how different it is. Also explain why ‘you all’ act this way.


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14 Responses to Middle Schoolers Be Like …

  1. Kamsi-_________- says:

    Ok, I have to admit some of this is true. Haha especially the part about going to church. Part 2 and some of part 3 was pretty accurate. I feel like some of us do this even at school you know yourselves people. For me I feel like I act this way sometimes because

    1. Hormones are kicking in that day.

    2.I’m just not in a good mood and I just need some space but when no one gives me I start getting mad at people easily.

    3. One or both of my siblings made me mad and I’m just mad at everyone.

    4. My mum and I got in an argument and she didn’t agree with me so I’m just mad.

    I’m sorry to say bu we all have or are going to act this way at some point in our life.

  2. luca says:

    When i watched the video it was funny and what i learned was that middle school is learning new things and getting ready for high school in a more advanced place and get use to being in higher grades.

  3. pablovyn says:

    it is kind of true how they act but i’m sure they wouldn’t get that mad unless they are spoiled and bratty. if i had a whole bucket of things to to i would try to resist a bit but still do it.

  4. pablovyn says:

    the playing fortnite part is exactly like my little brother

  5. Darkness dragon says:

    In this video i fell sad for him because when we in middle school we need to do a lot of things to do like home work cant not go out for diner if is not a holiday, clean up, and more.

  6. Rohan:) says:

    I found these videos to be quite realistic and relatable. I can’t begin to even tell you how many times I have did five minutes and then spent like 15 minutes on my laptop. I think my favorite part of all the videos was when he was playing on his turned off PS4.

  7. Alna de Burrito says:

    These videos are so accurate! Especially the one where he’s just mad at everyone! When I first saw these videos, I thought they were over exaggerating, then I realize, “HAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS PERSON IS SOOOOO FUNNY, BUT TOTALLY OVER EXAGGERATING!!! waaaiiit a second……….. oh. that is me.” *realizes I’ve basically been laughing at myself*

  8. Angela says:

    I didn’t watch all three of the videos because it was really irritating me, but the first one was NOT accurate. Half of it is my brother during a temper tantrum, and the other half was just plain annoying. Also, I would feel bad for the parent.

  9. Lauren says:

    I have to admit that most of these examples are true. It’s hard to not get off an electronic when like you are in a middle of a game or you and your friend have been texting and you do not want to stop because it has been a while. I find that the person who did the video was pretty accurate in all his examples. Also in the video I realized that there will be not much rime for the electronics because when you get to higher grades the more homework. My favorite part in the video is when he was on his computer and his mom came in and immediately he knew to turn off the laptop since he was watching “Game of Thrones” and his parents did not approve of that show. The expression and hesitation of what to say was pretty funny to me.

  10. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    I feel like most of this is true. Sometimes I say I will do a chore in 5 minutes, then put it off until like 10 minutes later. Sometimes its really hard to put something down, but once we get older we won’t have as much time anymore. My favourite one for all three parts was the one where he says he was running away but comes back.

  11. Zoya says:

    I’m guilty of doing pretty much all of this. I know this is bad but for me it is kind of irritating when my parents ask me questions when I’m doing homework or actually doing something. When I’m just on my phone or something it’s kind of nice because it gives my something to do. But when I’m working on a project I like to be left alone.

  12. Bernice says:

    I feel like that’s pretty accurate but like sometimes when he waves his arms in the air it’s kind of a little exaggerated but other than that it’s pretty accurate.

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