Should schools have tests?

Prepare Our Kids for Life, Not Standardized Tests

This is the title of the new blog post. Should teachers continue to administer tests to students? When are tests appropriate? Do they belong in schools? If there are no tests, what types of assessment should teachers do? What should be in used instead of tests?

Watch the video and write at least 2 paragraphs about what you think. All the best. 

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24 Responses to Should schools have tests?

  1. Luca says:

    Schools are giving too many tests and students are not liking it because they don’t have enough time to do the things they love liking going out with friends and family and play outside. I think schools shouldn’t give too many tests and let them have with what they love doing.

  2. pavyn says:

    i think there should be tests because it makes kids work and study to make them remember more. An appropriate time to take a test is when you have gone over everything in the unit and had a few reviews and a mini quiz.

    tests do belong in schools, i feel like it makes them remember more fore the future and would make them a better life

  3. Unknown People says:

    I think school should be test because test like when we already study that chapter we do a test to remember how to do. when we in high school we need something that we already know and we know how to do in high school. That why school give a test because they want we know about that.

  4. Luca says:

    I watched the video and I understood that education is important and I think that teachers should think twice before they give a test and I think that they shouldn’t give to many tests because students won’t like it and they won’t have enough time with friends and family but giving less tests would enjoy school more than usual and and would have enough time to what they love.

    When I saw the video I was wondering why is talking about the past and I think that because he is explaining how tests evolved from being paper with words on it and how there is more things on tests than it used to have in the past hundreds of years ago.

  5. Fernando¯\_(ツ)_/¯ says:

    Tests should happen. It shouldnt happen often, because we learn new things. We should take tests like a review. Every so often we have a test that kind of remimds us what we have done.

    I think tests are important because i cant remember what i learned unless i review it, which is what tests are for.

  6. Alna ;) says:

    I do think that us kid should be taught thing that will actually be used for the future, things that really matter. Honestly, most of the stuff that we are taught don’t really matter. And I do think that we should be taught communication, and being obedient, or stuff that we shouldn’t be doing. But at the same time, when schools do this, it’s wayyy too much. When I was in grade 5 (basically last year), how we were taught the consequences of smoking was by showing a Photo shopped girl with all worst situations of smoking. We also saw what was put in to cigarettes. I thought it was too much for a fifth grader to see, but that’s what happened. And I know the fact of being taught friendship and love, all that sappy stuff, in high school sounds so weird, and should suck, but its important to learn this daily so we train ourselves not to do this kind of stuff. I feel like most people want this place to be REVOLUTIONISED or want this place to look FUTURISTIC straight away. So they train us with all this nonsense. I’m not saying that school only teaches us nonsense, but about half of the stuff they teach us isn’t used for the real world. Changing the world will take time, but first it’s best to manage this world.

    • wuj says:

      I personally don’t think it is too early to teach students about ‘life stuff’ in grade 5, such as smoking. I think your teacher taught you about that and probably about alcohol because children as young as 10 years old can come into a situation where drugs or alcohol is present. It is important to know how to refuse these things in an appropriate manner, as well as learn the dangers of these. Your teacher showed you the worst pictures so that you will not get into those kinds of things. If they showed you smoking with lots of friends, smiling, and holding lots on money, while sitting on a nice car, wouldn’t you feel encouraged to smoke and do these bad things? That’s why people don’t show smoking in a good light.

  7. wesley says:

    I think that kids should not get tests because I find them somewhat irrelevant and probably won’t get me anywhere in life. Evan though some tests might get me skills in like physics or something, it may not be relevant to what the student wants to learn. then again, if you have a class of 20 students and they get to pick whatever they want to learn, then it is just crazy. This is why I dislike tests.

    Although I like tests because they help train the students brain to focus on things tat might come in handy for the future because it is good to know many different things so you can solve other peoples problems and get known as a wise guy but I don’t think that anyone wants that. It’s also good for being able to do many different things so can easily find a job because you know how to do that job. This is my thoughts on if we should or shouldn’t have tests.

    • wuj says:

      One of the reasons for tests is to standardize assessment. If everyone studied something different it is hard to come up with a rubric that can fairly mark their work. The teacher would have to make 30 different methods of marking if this was the case.

  8. Lauren says:

    I think that test in schools are reasonable but once in a while. The reason why I think this is because as a student I think it is good to test the brain after what I have learned over the term. I think when test are appropriate is when it is the end of the term. This is because it won’t really help if we learn in the beginning of the term and have a test in the next two weeks.

    I think that the do belong in elementary school but I feel like they are more mandatory in high schools and universities. If there were not a thing called tests I think that teachers should just so like mini quizzes or extra practice assessments. I think that that teachers should use instead of tests is pop quizzes to test the brain but not stressing to much when there is a test worth like 100 marks.

    • wuj says:

      Yes, unfortunately whether you like it or not, tests will be a part of your secondary and post-secondary careers!

  9. Rohan:) says:

    I don’t think that teachers should give us tests because (as the guy said) it doesn’t prep us for the real world and if you get a good grade that means you are doing well. For example math tests. Math test only tests us to see how much you know about that certain subject. The thing is though, we are never going to have to use like half of the things that these tests test us on.
    Like when are you ever going to have to guess weather or not your pet hamster will be able to fit in a certain sized cage. But I think for some things like the basics test should be given because you will probably have to know multiplication in the real world.
    I think a better way that teachers would be able to test is just to give us some work as usual but then tell us to hand it in and then you mark it. The kids will never know that it was a test so they won’t cheat and the kids will also think that you are the best teacher for not giving them tests (like Mr.M).

  10. Kamsi-____- says:

    I feel like any school in general should have quizzes, tests or exams, though I wish it didn’t determine our future. Things like tests, quizzes or exams help to sharpen our minds and challenge us. I wish we didn’t have tests for some subjects like Math or something. Tests definitely should be allowed in schools or else what would be the point of going and how would the teacher know what level of understanding we have in the particular thing they are teaching us.

    If there were no tests I don’t know what alternative the teachers would do. Honestly, you can really replace tests so what’s the point. Lots would disagree but it’s true. Let’s say no tests exist in this scenario- What if a dumb person got a scholarship, a scholarship they don’t even deserve or never worked hard for. They would be in that good school with a scholarship that wasn’t supposed to be for them. Now, let’s say a smart person with a pretty high GPA, does well in the worksheets and etc. ends up nowhere. That scholarship that the dumb person got was meant for the smart person. But all that could be fixed if they had done the test.

    • wuj says:

      What if doctors didn’t need 95% on their degree program to enter medical school. What if a doctor didn’t have a doctors degree, and instead, just came straight out of high school. There has to be some level of proficiency and qualifications before people get the role of being a doctor … or whatever they choose to be. I would NOT let someone operate on me, if they didn’t have the theory and education behind them.

  11. AdenVu says:

    I think tests should be in schools because they help teachers know who needs help and how they should go with teaching the students. Tests are appropriate when students have learned more than enough about the subject they were told to learn. I agree 100 percent they belong in schools because without them the teacher would not know who was failing or exceeding.

    If there were no test I don’t really know what teachers would do to find out how we are doing in class. Instead of tests, I think we should use reflection.

  12. Angela says:

    I feel like tests are unnecessary sometimes, but other times, they are important to education. Sometimes, I feel like people should choose what tests to take to see if they qualify for their future careers, but maybe that’s already a thing in high school. And with all others tests, people should make tests that touch up on all aspects of a subject, and revisit other things learned in the past so people won’t forget. Tests shouldn’t happen so often though. Just my thoughts

  13. Victor says:

    Hey, do you know that guy named prince ea, this Ted Dintersmith guy really reminds me of him. Like this guy almost seems like he is copying this guy. He says the same things about creativity and test and that stuff. I mean, I believe in somethings, but not all. I think the big paper with two column thing that he is talking about is honestly fake, unless all his child learns about is metamorphic rocks. Because I feel like so many subjects are important in life like reading and math because so many creativity jobs need these types of skills. So I doubt that the useful side of the paper was blank.

    I think that school gives a good number of test and test should exist, I think there should be more projects than quizzes because like in the video the guy says school should enhance your creativity skill because there will be less production line jobs in the future.

  14. Bernice says:

    I think that schools are giving a reasonable amount of tests. I think tests are good because teachers can see how students are doing and if they have been studying and listening in class. But I think that we shouldn’t have tests so often.

  15. Loya says:

    I think tests are good, it’s just the certain subjects that don’t make sense to me. I mean, this might seem really cliche but I don’t understand why we have science and stuff like that. I understand maybe for science like the diseases and stuff might be good to learn so you can learn what to avoid and things like that, but if you learn these science subjects such as atoms, and earth plate tectonics at such an age at ours, it probably won’t be helpful in the future. \_(;-;)_/ just saying, don’t come after me. In my perspective, if you want to become like a scientist or doctor, these subjects might be helpful, but you don’t need them if you want to become a farmer. If you choose to be a scientist in let’s say University, that’s when I feel you should learn these factors.
    OH MY GOODNESS I just realized that wasn’t the question. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ well here’s my answer to the ACTUAL question. I don’t feel tests are necessary because teachers usually have the students know what the tests are about and when they are having the test. That’s probably not going to happen in the adult world. I think tests should be replaced by pop quizzes. This way, teachers can get the results they need, to see how students are doing. But the students don’t know to study, so the teachers know exactly what the student actually know, not what the students crammed into their heads the night before. But I don’t know, this is just how I feel about tests. Maybe you feel differently,
    ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

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