What would you do?

Hi all,

Choose 1 of the following and then respond in a proper paragraph what you would do in the situation. All the best this week!

  • Your friends came over to your house for a movie night. One of your friends brought another friend so there are more people than you planned for. You want to pass out the drinks but you only have five cans of soda and you need 6 for everyone to have one. What could you do?
  • After basketball practice you go back to the locker room with your team to shower and change. When you are done dressing, you can’t find your shoes. What could you do?
  • You have been waiting all day for lunch to come because you are starving. Finally class gets over and you get to go to lunch. Except when you go to get to your lunch, it’s not there. You probably left it at home. What could you do?
  • There is a guy in your class who is always mean to you. He always bumps you when he walks by and he calls you names. He knocks stuff out of your hands and makes you feel stupid. You don’t think you can take it anymore. What could you do?
  • You really want to invite this new girl/guy to come to your birthday party, but you have never talked to them before. You are worried they will say no. What could you do?


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28 Responses to What would you do?

  1. vinh le says:

    After basketball practice you go back to the locker room with your team to shower and change. When you are done dressing, you can’t find your shoes. What could you do?
    looking around a room or asking my friend

  2. zoya says:

    I chose the soda one because this one was easy for me.
    if I was one can short, I would give it to my friend, because I don’t need to drink soda. I would just fill my cup with water and add some fruit and stuff. I personally don’t drink that much soda anyway so it’s not that big of a deal.
    if I didn’t have fruit at home, and all the soda was the same, I would just pour all soda into a big jug or something, and then pour an equal amount into cups.

  3. Rohan:) says:

    So here is what I would do if too many people came over for the movie night.

    I would just give the extra person my drink and just have water or juice instead. This way the other person doesn’t feel left out. But plan B is just give the drink to all your friends who you knew were coming. Because one of your friends shouldn’t just go inviting people to your house without even telling you. Not a very good friend if they do do that….

  4. pavynstressed.exe says:

    your friends come over for a movie night:

    i’m handing out drinks in the middle of infinity war but then the last person doesn’t have one. so i will say i will come back in a minute. so i ask my mom if we have any soda left. but she said no. so i take my volvo to Save on foods to grab some more pop. but then a cop pulls me over because of speeding. so that took ten minutes. and i got a ticket. when i was at save on foods i took my cans to the cashier. but the line had twenty people. so i went to the next line. there was no cashier. so i went to the self pay, BUT IT DIDN’T WORK. so i had to wait in the thirty minute line. i was so stressed.
    when i was speeding back home in my volvo, the cop pulls me over again! so i got another ticket. when i got home i apologised and opened the box of soda. but i noticed that the movie was done! so i gave the 6th guy the whole box and my speeding tickets

    • wuj says:

      Make sure you are writing “i” as “I” … Also, you need to work on your run-on sentences and using capitol letters at the start of each sentence. Common man!

  5. Angela says:

    For the first paragraph-
    If I (1) invited four friends (let’s call them 2, 3, 4, and 5) and one of them brought another friend, (6) the problem would be that I didn’t have enough drinks. I would have 5 drinks, because I wouldn’t know that 6 would be coming. The simple solution would be to give everyone a drink except for me. I could always buy more next time. I would also buy extra next time

  6. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    For the movie night one:
    I would just give the soda to my friends and just have water/juice for myself.
    I would do this because it’s kind of my fault for not getting an extra pop or something like that. Also, next time I could tell my friends to tell me in advance if they are bringing a friend.

  7. alna says:

    i chose the last option for this blog post. to be honest, i would probably invite the new kid, but it depends on the type of birthday. the party would also have to be mixed, if the new kid was a boy. for example, skating birthday party, appropriate for inviting friendly acquaintances. a sleepover party, noooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaay. i feel like sleepovers, spa theme, etc.
    way too personal
    parents have to talk one on one about the party
    and kinda awkward for the new kid because you have no history with them
    and that’s it, TADAAAAAAAAAAAA

  8. Kamsi-_______- says:

    These are all interesting secenarios but I’m gonna go with the fourth one.

    I feel like if this guy was just getting on my nerves I would ignore it because when things like this happen it doesn’t really bother me but obviously there would be a day where I would be in a bad mood and he would make me angrier than I was before. I would then do one of, some of, or a lot of these things:

    1) Insult the person back

    2) Tell a trusted adult or teacher.

    3)Or (most likely) punch the person because I’m that type I’m sorry to say.

    • wuj says:

      So standing up for yourself right? But you won’t do option 3 because you know better than to hit someone.

  9. {~★Zoe'w'★~} says:

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~★{𝐖 𝐡 𝐚 𝐭 𝐖 𝐨 𝐮 𝐥 𝐝 𝐘 𝐨 𝐮 𝐃 𝐨!?!)★~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~★(>~!Your Friends came over for a movie night!~v<)
    【𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝,𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙠! (;'𝙊';)】
    If there was no food in my bag it`s either,I would wait until school ends. Or I would talk to the office and ask if I can call home to see if anyone is home to bring me lunch, if there was no one home then of course I would just ask the office Secretary and see what he/she says. 🙂
    💙~~~~~~{You really want to invite this new girl/guy to come to your}~~~~💙💙~~~~~{birthday party, but you have never talked to them before}~~~~~💙
    I would probably just wait for the next day then I would go and ask them the day before my birthday,Then I would see what they say and if they say "No" then I would just brush it off and leave it alone! If they say "Yes" then You know just give them the invite and say 'Hope to see ya there! Bye Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDD

    • {~★Zoe'w'★~} says:

      I just realised I forgot to add the first one LMAOOooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Luca says:

    If my one my friends brought another friend and i had only 5 soda cans and i need 6 and what i could do is go to a supermarket and buy another pack of soda and then we would have enough soda for everyone that came to my house.

  11. Vinh le says:

    After basketball practice, you go back to the locker room with your team to shower and change. When you are done dressing, you can’t find your shoes. What could you do?
    If I lost shoes after basketball practice, I will go to the office to asking did someones find my shoes or not if they say no, I will ask my friends do you see my shoes if they said yes and so I can find my shoe.

  12. Cheryl says:

    If I invited 4 friends to my house but one of them brought another friend, I would kick them both out. See, sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones!
    Who would have the nerve to invite themselves anyway?!
    Because of my genius solution I now have 1 extra can of soda!! But I hate pop so I would probably only buy a pack of 4 in the first place.
    By using my awesome solution, you can save money and make everybody happy! …Well, except for the people standing outside…

    • wuj says:

      Wow this is the best response I’ve heard! You’d be surprised how adults do this all the time. Especially during weddings. That’s why Aimee and I wrote out everyone’s names or else they will bring friends and then there will not be enough seats or food when the fandoms start to roll in.

  13. Bernice says:

    If a friend of mine just invites another friend to watch a movie together, I would just give my can of pop to that person. But, I could always just have the can of pop for myself since that one extra person wasn’t even invited in the first place.

  14. lauren says:

    If I invited four of my friend over and one of my friends randomly invited a person who was not supposed to come and I only had 5 cans of pop i would just say to the person who was not supposed to come ” You were not invited so no pop for you!” (JK) I honestly do not know what to do because i do not want to be rude to the uninvited person but they were not invited in the first place…

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