Should Students Get Homework?

Hi all,

Over the weekend I was thinking about how ‘little’ homework I’ve given you all year and how I should probably change this. The reasons why I don’t give home are:

  • some people don’t have help to complete homework at home
  • some people are too busy with extra-curricular activities after school
  • children need to learn how to be kids and just go out and chill with their friends

But, I want to hear from you all. What do you think I should do?

Article #1- Click Here

Article #2- Click Here

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14 Responses to Should Students Get Homework?

  1. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    Mr. Wu, I think that what you are doing is already really good. Us students have more time to do extra cirricular activities, or to just do whatever we want, instead of slaving away at our desks doing homework. Maybe you could give us just a bit more homework because sometimes I have like nothing to do at home. That’s all I have to say.

    • Zodie (yah see what I did there? xD) says:

      I agree with Jefferson! You`re really doing everything you can you make us happy, help us but sometimes I do think you should give us a bit more homework,So we can practices a bit more, approve and learn new things. I latterly don`t have that much stuff to do at home. It`s really,really boring if you know what I mean… :'(

  2. Kamsi-__________- says:

    This kid has a huge point and what I’m understanding from the video is that he disagrees with the idea of too much homework.

    In my opinion, the amount of homework you, Mr. Wu, gives us is more than enough and I don’t think you should increase. Yes, most of us would either like to have little to no homework while others would want more time to do it. I would like both because-

    1. We get distracted by our peers or our phones (for people who use it not to listen to music) then we end up not using our class time wisely to do it.

    2. Some of us just don’t want to do that particular homework therefore they choose to be stubborn and not do it therefore not using their class time wisely or taking it home to do it.

    3.Some of us may have way too much extracurricular activities and as you can see they wouldn’t have enough time because they are exhausted.

    I agree with the kid in the video that if we have to have less homework we need to spend more time in school than we already are. I don’t mind because I myself would like a lot more time because I get overwhelmed sometimes and I start avoiding it so if we stay back in school we can
    1. Get assistance from the teacher to help with whatsoever.

    2.Have a quiet space to work too because some people’s homes can be too loud to concentrate.

    In conclusion, I don’t want a lot of homework but I don’t mind getting homework as long as it’s a manageable amount.

  3. AdenVu says:

    Dear, Mr. Wu you don’t even give us homework at all but what we don’t finish in class is what we “can” do at home. I agree with the fact that sometimes teachers give to much homework.

    I do think you should give us extra practice for the overachievers “ahem” Ch–
    and it would be great for that so we have material to work on test.

  4. Cheryllllllllllllllllllllllll says:

    I think that homework helps people be more…familiar with their work. Although I’m happy that we don’t get much homework, I still think that maybe you could give us a bit more work to do on Friday or something. But please, noooooo maaaathh!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also, maybe you could give us ‘weekend work’ which is interesting, fun, and optional.
    That’s all.

  5. luca says:

    I think that what are you doing right now is good enough because giving too much homework is resulting to less playing time and spending less family time and your going to be having stress all the time and won’t have time for anything. If you don’t have help its going to be harder for you to complete faster and you spend more time on it. Kids are what makes the world more fun and active when having friends.

  6. maddie says:

    dear mr wu,
    i do appreciate that you consider us and our out of school lives but i do think that we should maybe get a little bit more homework. i think that homework especially for grade sevens is good because in high school we will be getting a lot more and i think it is good to be prepared.

  7. lauren says:

    I think that a lot of homework is a waste of time. I think that the amount that you give us Mr. Wu is just the right amount to keep us busy at home and also to live the life as a kid like you said. But the one thing that I do not understand is why we have homework. I think that having extra homework does not educate us more than we learn in class. Also if there is a lot it is a waste of time to do it. all in all, i am just trying to say that homework can be useful but to much does not help me learn more.

  8. Rohan:) says:

    Hi Mr.Wu

    I think that the amount of homework you give us is good because it gives us much more time to things that we enjoy doing. I also think that a lot of homework is really repetitive and gets anoying after a little while so the way we have it right now is good. But for the people who really enjoy doing homework you can give them extra.

  9. Angela says:

    I think that the homework you’re giving now is enough work to keep us occupied, and most of the time we have time to finish it and do other activities, such as piano, Chinese school, and swimming lessons, just to name a few. However, sometimes we have to rush to finish it, especially if it’s due in the next few days. You’re giving us projects we can do at home, and I’m pretty sure that counts as homework

  10. Zoeyyyy xD says:

    I agree with you Mr.Wu, Some kids don`t have the support with their homework at home and come kids do have support with their homework from their brother and sisters, or from their mum and dad. I`m not saying they SHOULD help- Ahem Help them but some parents doesn`t want to help and some siblings also doesn`t want to help. Or some people doesn`t have any siblings. Which I feel ya`ll! for those who doesn`t have anyone to ask help for at home :I but anyways. . .

    I think that homework is good for kids! But sometimes it`s good to do our own things on the weekends but I think it`s better if we take all our homework and bring it home and finish it right after school then we can all have our freedom! and we can do whatever you want after! 😀 but like Cheryl (Lol xD) Said It`s always nice to pick our homework and what we want to do. But anyways I think it`s noice to have homework. . . Some of you guys might think I`m crazy but look at it this way. . .

    1, We can learn new things in life!
    2, We can have a great future, nice jobs and we can have a great family. . .
    We can also have a great house to live in and raise your future children! 🙂
    3. We can quickly do good din school and get away! from everything when we all GRADUATE!!!! :DDDDDDDDD WE CAN Get Away FRom Mr.Wu!!!!!!
    MAHAhHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Sorry Mr.Wu! 😛

  11. Fernando¯\_(ツ)_/¯ says:

    I think we should get a little bit of homework. By a lottle bit i mean that the homework should be like a daily 5 minute workout. Some people cannot get help because they are home alone or their parents arent home. I think we should get homework for any subject except math.

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