NHL Playoff Predictions

Hey all, 

After a week of the playoffs we have a better picture of how well teams are playing and who might move on to further rounds. With this being said, I want you to watch the ‘Playoff Predictions’ video and choose one team that you think will win the Stanley Cup.


Please comment below on which team you think will win and why. 

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9 Responses to NHL Playoff Predictions

  1. KAMSI-_______- says:

    Honestly, I have no knowledge or whatsoever about hockey you can even say I’m beyond bad! So whatever I’m about to say now please keep the disagreements and opinions to yourself (LOL)!

    I feel like one Hockey team that has a good chance of winning is the Calgary Flames. This team is pretty good because they finished first in the conference and they’re definitely not bad (unlike the Canucks). Their chances are pretty high I would say.

  2. wesley says:

    I think that the team that will win the Stanley Cup is the Washington Capitals because they are a good team and have won it last year while dominating every team they played. I had considered Tampa Bay and Pittsburgh but they are both down three to zero and just look like they are not coming back.I Also think that no team in the west can compete with Washington except for Vegas but Washington will still win

  3. Rohan:) says:

    I didn’t really play hockey or watch hockey or anything but from what these guys were saying I think that the Tampa bay lightning’s have a good chance of winning the Stanley cup. They also both agree that the team is good at multiple things. But like I said I dont watch hockey at all…….

  4. AdenVu says:

    OK, so my pick for the west is Vegas because I like them and they are pretty stacked. East is Tampa Bay because they are good and a good goalie

  5. Luca says:

    I think that the Las Vegas Golden Knights will win because they won multiple tournaments a couple of years ago and I saw that they can get good goals during games. I say that they have high expectations with other teams. LETS GO KNIGHTS! And tell me what is your favourite team tomorrow in the morning when I come to school.

  6. Zodie!~ (xP I just came up with a new name lmao) says:

    I don`t watch Hockey but… I think Tampa bay Lighting, Because they legit have a good goalie, I also think Washington because they have good players. :I

  7. Victor says:

    I think the team that will win the cup is San Jose sharks because they have good defense and offence. On the East, I think the bruins will win or make it to the Stanley park finals, and there is no Canadian team so I can’t cheer for the jets.

  8. Lauren says:

    Even though I watch a good amount of hockey. I really do not know who is going to win the Stanley Cup because all of the top teams in every conference is out for the season. I was so shocked to see that they were out in the first round so fast! The team from the west conference that I think that will win is the San Jose Sharks and the Colorado Avalanche. I think that one of the two teams will make win because both teams have good defence. The team that I think from the east conference will win or make it to the finals is the Boston Bruins because I think they are a tough teams to beat.

  9. Bernice says:

    I dont know much about hockey but i think that the Tampa Bay Lightnings will win because they have a good goalie and they have good players. I don’t watch or play hockey.

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