Rhyming poem about Mr. Wu

Hi all, your task this week involves writing a short story about me. Your story must include the following:

  1. Mr. Wu-hoo, Mr. Yammers, and Ms. Jassal
  2. My head getting stuck in an orange cone
  3. No electricity because of the snow storm

Be creative and abstract. Remember to keep things appropriate though. 

On Friday, every person will comment on which story they like the best by replying on the post “I like this one the best.” 3 winners will be chosen for a prize.


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16 Responses to Rhyming poem about Mr. Wu

  1. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    One day Mr. Wu-hoo, Ms. Jassal, and Mr. Yammer,
    got in quite a crammer!
    Mr. Wu-hoo had his head in a cone,
    it wan an orange one, and he began to groan!
    Meanwhile, Mr. Yammer was in trouble,
    for chewing, in his office, some Double-Bubble!
    Ms. Jassal was busy fixing the power,
    because of the thunderstorm, which made quite a shower!
    The day had started out like a fun day,
    but the teachers had never realized the day was, indeed, only Monday!


    Hope you like it Mr. Wu

  2. Zoya says:

    One day I spotted a person dancing in a tutu.
    Well what do you know? It was Mr. Wu-hoo!
    I came to him and asked “how do you do?”
    He did not say words, but called out “coo-coo”
    I was worried so I said,
    Why don’t you go home,
    Head to bed.
    Something is clearly wrong with your head!
    Then ms. Jassal came, dancing to jazz!
    “hello” she said, full of pizazz!
    “I’m miss JAZZal now,
    And this is my pet cow”
    It reminded my of temple grandin,
    And I know this story was quite random,
    But it gets weirder
    Because I saw some one under a tree off cedar.
    Eating a salad of Caeser!
    Then Mr yammers came,
    Yes that’s his name,
    It’s always been the same!
    But in this story,
    I’m not so sure he’s sane!
    He Told told me the why
    Almost started to cry,
    That Mr wu-hoo was sugar high
    But while all this was going on,
    Mr wu-hoo called Ms JAZZal an old man John.
    And as I turned around, I had to take a picture with my phone,
    Ms JAZZal ran off, to the unknown.
    But there sat Mr wu-hoo on a big stone,
    All alone,he started to groan,
    I saw that Ms JAZZal had thrown,
    For there on Mr wu-hoos’ head
    Was an orange traffic cone.

    • Zoe! I don`t have a "y" in my name! says:

      I like the story and how it ended very nice and rimmed pretty well. It`s werid and pretty random but good job! ^-^

  3. Luca says:

    How are you Mr.Wu?

    Mr.Wu, Mr.Wu how are you?
    Are you thirsty, are you hot?
    Are you hungry or just about?
    There are candies in the drawer
    There is water down the hall
    And fresh air out the door
    Mr.Wu, Mr.Wu how are you?
    Are you better are you not?
    Are you somehow just about?
    If you find yourself in trouble
    If your tummy’s in a rumble
    From all candy and the water
    Just relax and take a break
    And just put a double check
    On the box next to my name
    So I just go play my game

  4. Victor says:

    Once there was a very scary storm, that trapped Mr. Wu-hoo, Ms.Jassal, and Mr. Yammer in a dorm.
    Mr. Yammer thought it was okay to rush out the door, but he ran back in like it was a war.
    While Ms. Jassal and Mr. Wu-hoo where arguing about bunk beds, Mr. Yammer put a traffic cone on Mr Wu-hoos head.
    Ms. Jassal and Mr. Yammers tried to pull off the cone, but they left it on so Mr. Wu-hoo couldn’t see his phone.
    When Mr. Wu-hoo, Mr. Yammers, and Ms. Jassal got really bored, they would just talk about what they can’t afford.
    3 hours later the sun came out, and Mr. Wu-hoo, Mr. Yammers, and Ms. Jassal could finally breakout.

  5. Lauren says:

    Once I had a dream
    it didn’t go as it seemed
    It was about 3 teachers roaming down the halls
    And somehow started climbing on the walls!
    The first teacher was Mr.Yammers and he was in his pajammers!
    Then Ms.Jassel came along and she was singing a song!
    Mr.Wu-Hoo said to me “look I’m a bee!”
    This all became a terrible dream to me so I started to scream!
    The next day at school I saw the teachers and told them what happened last night…
    But they all started laughing and said “well that must have been a fright.”
    So I went to class and told my friends
    But they didn’t listen to me becaus they were talking about their gems.
    I was so relieved it was the end of the week
    So I can go to sleep.
    Then I realized what did this week
    Then it hit me it was only Monday!

  6. Angela says:

    Once upon a time, in the amazing place called School, there was a terrible and devastating winter storm.
    And in that School, enduring the storm, was three people who turned on the heat to try to stay warm.
    The three people were Ms. Jassel, Mr. Yammers, and Mr. Wu-hoo
    Everyone had gone home so they had nothing to do.
    Then, all of a sudden, in the blink of an eye,
    The power went out, all the power lines up high
    Had gotten all tangled,
    All wrangled and mangled.
    Mr Wu fell headfirst into an orange cone
    Just as his phone played his ringtone.
    It was his girlfriend, checking on him
    All worried and confused, but at least he had all his limbs.

    I’m sorry about the last line but i didn’t know what else to write

  7. Cheryl says:

    Mr. Wu-hoo and Ms.Jassal walking down the street,
    They ran into their friend, who was looking really beat.
    “Hey guys.” Said Mr.Yammers, rubbing his hands,
    “It’s so cold in these freezing arctic lands!”
    The three friends just walked some more
    Ms.Jassal thought Mr. Wu-hoo was quite a bore.
    Thinking it was funny she picked up an orange cone
    She stuck it over his head and he let out an angry groan.
    Mr.Yammers didn’t want to get in trouble
    So he ran and hid behind a giant pile of rubble.
    “What a mess the snowstorm made,
    I don’t even have power to heat up my lemonade!!”
    Just then a police car pulled over at the curb
    “Hey mister Wu-hoo, you look like a herb!”
    Ms. Jassal started to cry,
    “It’s all my fault!” She huffed out a sigh.
    The police only smiled
    and drove away to pick up his child
    And Mr.Wu-hoo stood there forever.

  8. ★Zoe'w'★ says:

    Your Poem is really nice,Funny. When you said ”Mr.hoo`s head got stuck LMAO”

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