Letters to your Celebrities/Famous People

Hi all, 

Can you please copy and paste your letters to your famous people? Please read 2 classmates’ post and then leave a reply on them. Thank you!


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18 Responses to Letters to your Celebrities/Famous People

  1. Angela says:

    Cascade Heights Elementary
    4343 Smith Avenue
    Burnaby, BC V5G 2V5
    March 14, 2019

    Dear Ariana Grande,

    How are you doing? What have you been up to? I’m writing this letter for two reasons. 1, because our teacher told us to write to someone we admire. 2, because I genuinely want to know how you deal with PTSD and general stress disorders.

    As I wrote above, I know that you’re dealing with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder.) Considering that you went through the shooting, it’s amazing how you’ve been dealing with it. I have three questions, however. How have you dealt with PTSD? It seems like a complicated disorder. Also, how has it affected your life? Is it different from PTSD caused by war? I’ve been researching about different types of anxiety, and it’s been helping me understand more about people affected by anxiety.

    I know that getting a therapist or talking to a trusted friend can help deal with anxiety, but you already have great friends that you’ve honored in the song 7 Rings. You even have the cutest therapy pig EVER. My personal life is pretty stressful right now. There’s a lot going on, mostly a lot of drama. I just wish it would all disappear like it never happened, or that I could transfer schools, or both, because lately, it just seems like everyone hates me. Anyways, I just deal with it by drawing or reading. Writing works too, but I never seem to know what words to use, so I just stick to the first two. Anyways, maybe everyone will get bored of all this drama until it doesn’t matter anymore. Thank you for taking your time out of your day to read this letter and keep making some seriously awesome songs. Keep being Ariana Grande.



    • wuj says:

      Wow, this was very well written Angela. PTSD thankfully is treatable through talking to people. Although the effects may never go away, certain things will trigger your mind to replay the traumatic things that have happened to you. Talking to someone about the situation and using coping strategies will help ease the trauma. Lastly, sometimes people fall out of reality and are using substances to help deal with the pain/trauma. It is not okay, but we must understand that they are sick and need help. We aren’t in their shoes so we should not judge people on their choices. We can only help them and listen to their stories as they begin to heal

  2. Aden Vu says:

    Aden Vu
    Cascade Heights Elementary
    4343 Smith Avenue
    Burnaby, BC

    CEO, Shady Records 270 Lafayette St #805, New York
    New York, NY, 12345, USA

    Dear Marshall Mathers (AKA. Slim Shady),

    How are you doing? I heard you dropped a new album and I really like it, the song that I like are Kamikaze, The Ringer, Venom, and Lucky You. Anyway to the point. The reason I’m writing this letter is that my grade 7 teacher, Mr. Wu (Cool Guy likes Country music.) made me write it to someone who has suffered from a mental illness and I chose you for depression because I heard you lost an unborn child. I know how it feels but I lost a sister too. She died 2 years ago. Anyway, I know that you have regrets but it’s ok, time will heal some of the wounds. I read an article on you how music heals your depression which is the best thing for you. Man, that diss you dropped on MGK was fire there is no way he is recovering from that. His song was pretty boring and I loved how you made a comeback after the media were bring you down and by the way my mom and dad grew up to listening to your rap all the time. Wait, didn’t you drop a diss on other rappers too? Like Lil Pump, Kanye West, and others? Anyway back to the point, I know you have been suffering from depression for many years now, and you had a rough childhood but the reason I’m writing about this is to help you cope with it. What I do to cope with this is play games, go outside, talk to a friend, or just all and all play with my other baby sister Aveaocean.

    I, had to gather information for this, so I have things you can do to cope with the pain. Exercise, Exercise is good for you because it helps your body move and clears your mind. Another huge thing is keeping in touch with a loved one and make face time a priority, why you probably thinking? Well, it helps you keep away depression and so you can talk about your problems to your loved one. If you have a pet take care of it it will make you feel better and help you cope with the depression and pain you are in. Give it food, play with it, go on a walk, take it to a dog park, and other things you can do. But you are famous so paparazzi would be a problem so probably leave those glasses on. Thank you for your time and I wish you the best and have a great day.


    Aden Vu

    • wuj says:

      Hi Aden,

      It is sad that Eminem lost a child too. He wrote a song for her called Mockingbird, give it a listen. (PS. it may contain bad language but the meaning is incredible. Please turn on the captions to read along to what he raps). This is one of my favourite rappers of all time, so I know a lot about his situation. One thing that allowed me to understand his situation was the movie 8-mile. Give that a watch too. With depression, therapy and talking to a counsellor can help. Sometimes, they medicate you, but that can lead to other side effects. Unfortunately, depression is something that stays with you forever, but thankfully, it is manageable.

  3. zoya says:

    Cascade Heights Elementary
    5098 Smith Avenue.
    Burnaby B.C.
    5VG 2W7

    March 14, 2019

    Dear Cardi B,

    How are you? What are you up to? Any new songs coming up? My favourite is i like it, it’s really fun and makes me want to dance. I’m writing a letter to you, why? Well, because my teacher made me. My teacher is pretty great, we do a lot of fun projects. Like for example, right now we are making a mini carnival fair out of cardboard. I’m making a U.F.O. gravity thingamajigger, a cotton candy stand, as well as a popcorn cart. What is your favourite carnival ride? Mine is probably the big twisty upside down roller-coasters, but I always have to go on them alone or with a friend because it makes my parents sick.

    I know that you’ve struggled with depression, how do you cope with it? How has it affected your life? Is there any major impact on your career? I’ve researched depression, and I know that it can’t be easy. Have you had any major negative thoughts? Is it hard to keep a smile on your face? How do you face all those crowds of fans? I can’t imagine how it must feel to have all that pressure to be great, even though you are facing such a great burden.

    I’ve learned that it isn’t easy to get through all that you are going through, but you’re still amazing, and you don’t let the negativity take you over. Even though I don’t have depression whenever I’m stressed or anxious, my dog really helps, like a living plush. Also, music. I like to write songs and I often like to write about things that impact my life. My favourite songs are in minor. I hope you know that there there are people don’t just like your music. It helps them get through hard times. The Cardi i know will get through it, and she won’t give up.


    Zoya Virji

    • wuj says:

      Hi Zoya,

      This letter is well-written, especially the part about your awesome teacher… he must be ‘GREAT!’ Depression is something that a person doesn’t ask for, and it can happen to anyone. Something traumatic or life-changing can occur which causes them to feel really sad and depressed. I had a good friend from high school who suffered in silence from this illness. Unfortunately, before he got help he passed away. This is the reason why I make sure that every child in our class knows that they can come to me or another trusted adult. Having a pet can help you take your mind off of things, but can also give you a purpose in life again. I hope one day I can read your songs or even hear them. Wishful thinking, I know.

  4. Victor says:

    Victor Wong
    3878 Fir street
    Burnaby BC V5g2A6
    778 801 0276

    March 14, 2019

    Dear David Beckham,

    Hello David, I heard that the new statute of you was displayed outside of Dignity Health Sports Park. I’m wondering about your issues with OCD and how you overcome them. I am doing a project on OCD and I saw a article that states that you have OCD. So I’m writing this for a school project and I don’t know many people with OCD.

    I think OCD is extremely hard to deal with and I can’t imagine how stressful it is to simply go somewhere or do something. So I want to know how you deal with it and how has it changed your life. When I search up “David beckham OCD” on the internet it shows that you order magazines and shirts evenly before soccer games and other days.

    You can go to a therapist in Los Angeles and I think will be happy to help you.If you haven’t already you’ll go through a process called ERP. When I’m stressed I like to go to sleep and do something I like like play a game or something. I know you are a very busy person so you are sometimes very stressed. I think that the most effective way to get rid of stress is just forget about what you were thinking before and do something else.

    Thank you for your time and your thoughts

    Your fan,



    • wuj says:

      Hi Victor,

      OCD is definitely a weird thing to explain. To my understanding, it is when people have to do things a certain way. When particular thing doesn’t go as planned then they are bothered and disrupted. For myself, I am a little OCD about cleaning dishes before I eat. When I cook, I must clean every dish that I used before I even eat. But, my gf on the other hand will cook, eat and then leave the dishes on the table. As you can imagine, we will agree to disagree.

  5. Ya Boy Diego says:

    Diego Sixto
    Cascade Heights Elementary
    4343 Smith Avenue
    Burnaby, BC
    V5G 2V5

    March 14, 2019

    Dear Michael Phelps!

    How have you been man! I hope you are doing good. What have you been up to these days. Also, the reason I am writing you is because I know that you have ADHD and I would like to talk to you about it and ask you some questions! So hopefully you can respond back. I don’t even care if you respond but I would love it if you were reading this.

    Everyone in my class is making their own brochure about a specific mental illness and have to write to a famous person with that illness. We both know what ADHD is because I also have ADHD! So we both are dealing with the same thing. When I was searching up “Famous people with ADHD” I saw your name and I decided to pick you! I would like to know how you cope with it in your life. I researched that you have ADHD and that it was hard for you in school and one of your teachers told you that you would never succeed to anything in your life, which is… really mean. I wonder how she reacted when you became the best swimmer in the world. How did ADHD affect your life? I would like to know how you learned how you coped with ADHD in school because that would help me alot.

    You know, it’s fine that teachers were pretty mean to you, I know how you feel. It’s hard having ADHD and it’s really hard to focus. I researched that that you put your energy towards swimming! So maybe if I put all of my energy towards exercise and stuff like that, I could burn off all of that energy, and be more focused in school. A Lot of people get stressed over ADHD, but I never get stressed at all, so that’s good. I know things will be okay for me because apparently adulthood helps you be less energetic or something like that and if I play more sports it could help a lot. That’s why I want to start doing some sports, also I need to lose a little weight hah.

    Well, thank you for reading my letter Michael! From your unrelated ADHD brother!


    Ya Boy Diego

  6. AD-Rally says:

    Cascade Heights Elementary
    4343 Smith Avenue
    Burnaby, BC
    V5G 2V5

    Dear Michael Phelps,
    Hey Michael how’s your day and how are you coping with your ADHD? I’m writing to you because we both have the same mental illness ADHD. And we have a little bit in common. Were both diagnosed with ADHD also can’t focus well in class and we fidget a lot. We like playing sports. And I’m pretty sure we like winning. I take medication for my ADHD. It helps me focus a little bit in class. But helps me a lot is when I’m busy. For example my favorite sport soccer. When I’m in a soccer game since I’m a goalkeeper I need to control my team and trying hard to not let a goal in. when I play I play I take everything off my mind besides soccer. So that really helps me with my ADHD.


    Adriel Agcaoili

  7. maddie says:

    Madeline De Melo
    1224 Pinetree avenue
    Burnaby, BC V9T S1H
    Mar 14 2019

    Dear Stefani (lady gaga),
    I know that you have been dealing with anxiety recently and i was just wondering how that was going. Hopefully you have been getting better with dealing with this mental issue. What are you up to these days? I know that you were in a movie recently! I haven’t seen it but i bet it is very good. I am writing this letter to talk about your anxiety and to possibly help with it.
    So, how are you doing with this mental illness? I know that you probably feel alone or worried sometimes but just remember that there is always someone there to help you. One of my best friends has anxiety disorder and I would like to be able to understand it more, that is one of the main reasons I am talking to you. How are you dealing with anxiety? I know that if i had anxiety disorder I would be scared a lot of the times but you seem to be doing great!
    Lately I have been researching different ways to help cope with anxiety. I found a lot of tips that can help here are some; meditation, positive attitude, talking to someone and getting outside. I hope that those will help! I dont get alot of major anxiety but when I get small stress or anxiety like before tests what I do is I like to take 3 slow deep breaths and assure myself that it will be ok! I know that you can get through this mental illness. You are already getting better and I believe that you will be strong and stand up to anxiety!
    Thank you for reading this letter and being a great role model for everyone who has anxiety. You are such an amazing artist and actor. I hope that you can write back to me in the future!


  8. Bernice says:

    Bernice Yeung
    Cascade Heights Elementary
    Burnaby,BC V5G 2V5

    March 14,2019

    Dear Ellen,

    How are you? I hope that everything is going smoothly. What are you up to now? I heard that you wanted to end your show in December. I hope that’s just a rumor. I really enjoy watching your show! The reason why I am writing this letter to you is because my teacher has assigned the class to to write a letter to a celebrity.

    I found on the internet that you are dealing with depression. I hope you’re okay now. But how do you handle this situation? Has this affected your daily life? I have researched that you had no confidence in yourself because people were making fun of you. Eventually you felt better. I do hope you feel better!

    I have researched some things on the internet to help you!
    You could:
    Going on a walk
    Dancing to your favorite music
    preparing a boosting meal
    arranging to meet an old friend

    I have been through a little stress but, it’s not too severe. My uncle passed away while I was still small. He was my closest and favourite uncle. I did feel depressed until I got two cats! My two cats did help me quite a lot. My cats took my mind off of my uncle and that really did help. Depression is quite common but it’s okay. I believe that one day, you can overcome depression!



    Bernice Yeung

  9. rohan:) says:

    March 14th 2019 Rohan Roopra
    Cascade Heights Elementary
    4343 Smith Avenue
    Burnaby, BC
    V5G 2V5

    Dear Ms.Carey,

    How are you doing? I am writing this letter to you because I think that you are a really good singer and because my teacher wants me to do a brouchure on a mental illness. The illness I chose is bipolar disorder. He also told me to write to someone who as this disorder.

    I am aware that you have bipolar disorder so I decided to ask you some questions. One: How do you cope with this? Two: Do you take medication or go to psychotherapy?Three: Do you go to see a counsellor every once in a while? Four: And lastly how has this affected your life or what are the everyday struggles do you go through?

    Here are some ways I deal with stress or stressful situations. Don’t get annoyed at the little things; There is no point getting super angry if one of your friends drops a piece of your sandwich. Also if you have a big project coming up look at it in small pieces. This will help make the task look less overwhelming and make it look a bit easier. Here are some websites that will help you deal with the effects of bipolar disorder and the mood swings:
    treatment.homewoodhealth.com/Bipolar and http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca

    Thank you for spending your time to read this and make sure that you continue to take medication or go to physio.


    Rohan Roopra

  10. Pavyn says:

    Pavyn Panglee
    28675 Gamer St.
    Burnaby, BC, Canada, North America, Northern Hemisphere, Earth, Universe
    (604) 472-0098
    14 Mar 2019
    Dear Demi Lovato,
    How is your day going so far? It is so cool that I am writing to a celebrity! Also, how is your music career going so far? It seems like it is going perfectly, but the important thing is I am to talk about your eating disorder and ask you questions.
    First, how are you dealing with your eating disorder? Do you take any special medicine or go to a special doctor? And how did you Because it must be stressful not eating enough food. Did you get over it yet? If yes, how did you get over your eating disorder Demi? I can not imagine what it feels like to have an eating disorder. I feel so bad. Also, does it affect any part of your great singing career? Does it affect your singing? Does it affect your personalities? Does it give you stress or more than usual? If I had an eating disorder I would go to a doctor asap and get it checked out. Hopefully you did that too.
    I have researched the disorder you have and it seems hard to go through. I can’t stand not eating. I have got to eat! It also seems like your going through a lot of stress. Do not worry. A lot of people go through the same thing you do too. Even I have stress sometimes. For example, my brother is always annoying! And after a while, he says that I am annoying. And it just gets me angry. So don’t be stressed, more people than you think went through anxiety more harshly than you did.
    Thank you for making me have less stress than usual and the music that you publish!

    Pavyn Panglee

  11. wesley says:

    Wesley cox
    4343 Smith Avenue
    Burnaby, BC
    V5G 2V5
    March 14 2019.

    Dear J.K Rowling,
    How are you doing recently .What are you working on, another famous book series or just doing boring paperwork like an average person. I am writing this letter to you because of these reasons, 1. I like the Harry Potter books you have written and 2. My teacher is forcing me to do this letter so I can get a good grade for Language Arts.

    I hear you have had Depression a few years back. How did you manage to handle this while being a mom and writing Harry Potter books all at the same time .I do not know how you did it but I think it is amazing that you are able to overcome it and that you got an idea out of it. How did you get the depression to go away .I did some research on what would have helped you when you had depression. Some of these might have helped when you had depression or they are new and there might be a way you have not used at all.

    I heard treatment with medicine helps solve depression by making you feel better. Is this true. I think feeling depressed and having depression are completely different things right. My opinion about feeling depressed is that is really a different word for sad whereas depression is the disease that affects 300 million people a year. So it really is not a problem if you get it treated sooner rather than later.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you have a great day.



  12. wuj says:

    Lauren Feng
    4343 Smith Avenue
    Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
    V5G 2V5

    March 14, 2019
    Dear Mr. Derek Boogaard,
    I know that you are not here with us on earth but, how is it like in heaven? Do you play hockey there? If you do, is there all the hockey teams that are in the NHL in heaven? If you were still here on earth with us would you still play hockey and on the Minnesota Wild? You are probably wondering why I am writing this letter in the first place. Well, in school we are learning about mental illnesses and I chose depression. Addition to the research, we had to choose a celebrity to write to and describe what we had learned. Why I chose you as my celebrity out of all celebrities is because I am a big hockey fan and I wanted to do something out of the box.
    I know that depression is pretty serious and it is hard to handle it. I know that you were suffering from depression and that must have been hard for you handling depression and hockey at the same time. How did you cope with it? If I had depression I do not know what I would do. What I read off the internet (I do not know if this is true) is that it takes time. Is the reason why that you commited suicide is that you couldn’t take the depression anymore? How did the depression affect you from playing hockey? In my opinion, committed be very stressed and feel like I could not take it anymore. The things that I had researched was actually kind of helpful. I found out that you can go to a specialist to help and try to treat depression. I also found out that there are so many websites that have online counseling that is affordable. Some causes of depression are smoking, thyroid disease, lackluster sleep, stress, drugs, poor nutrition and more. What do think affected for you to have depression? Was it because of hockey and the fans depending on you to win a game?
    I understand that you tried your best on living your life on earth. In my life, there was a time that I felt lonely and did not know what to do. But eventually, I felt better as a thought about the happy things in life and to know that I was not alone. How I usually deal with stress is that I take deep breaths and tell myself that everything will be okay. If you were still here I would tell you even though life the ups and down everything will be okay. Finally, to close off this letter the Minnesota Wild is currently doing a very good job and are in the wild card position.
    Thank you Mr. Boogaard for your time…

    Yours truly :Lauren Feng

  13. Zoe.c says:

    Cascade Heights Elementary
    4343 Smith Avenue
    Burnaby, BC V5G 2V5
    March 10, 2019

    Dear Demi,
    I heard you were struggling with Depression, Anxiety and your eating disorder. I suggest you to talk to someone you can trust like your very close friends and your family. If you don`t like to talk about your feelings, you could go out for a walk when you’re feeling stressed.
    And you could also listen to music. I also heard you were dealing with your eating disorder, I would love to help you but I`m not sure how so here are some suggestions you could do. First thing you could do is before you eat anything just drink some water. Then slowly take a few bites of your food then repeat. And don`t use Laxatives pills or even puke your food after you finish. You can also try to complement yourself but remember it has to be good things about yourself or thinking how a good person you are or how beautiful your voice is and think how much your friends and family care about you. The last things I suggest are to go to counseling or see a therapist, go see your family doctor or even go to a hospital. Remember every day is a new day and no one is ever perfect.
    Yours Truly- Zoe Chow

  14. KAMSI-________- says:

    Mama Lama Mall
    5123 Chacha Avenue
    Hot Wings, LA
    A6H 8A6

    Dear Albert Einstein,

    How are you? How’s heaven? Have you discovered or done any great things lately that you wished you’d done when you were on earth? You must be wondering why I’m writing this letter to you. Well, I’m writing this because I want to check on how you are doing. I hope everything’s ok and you’re comfortable up there.

    How are you coping with autism? I know it must’ve affected your life greatly but hey, you discovered a lot of great things . I’ve found out all about you and your life by researching and might I say I was very impressed. One would probably not even know you had autism until they researched about you or they knew you when you were alive. Speaking of being impressed, you’d be probably impressed by all the new technology we’ve discovered. I wish you were here though because we’d probably have discovered way more than this.

    I know sometimes it can be hard sometimes but just know there are a lot of people including me who have and still are supporting you each step of the way. If you ever feel sad or stressed out you can always talk or more realistically write to me lol. I’m great thank you for asking, here on earth is pretty ok (it would be better if you were here though) but global warming is not getting any better lol. I hope you’ve been having a less stressful after life up there.

    Thank you for all your hard work, have a good day (or night).

    Yours truly,

    Kamsiyochukwu Onetiga Berrach Okoye (aka you probably know how to pronounce it because you’re pretty smart.)

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