Suli Breaks – Why I Hate School But Love Education

Hi all,

Grade 6’s, since we are away today I would like you all to work on this post today. Please watch the video then write a short story on the following topic. Remember, we are practicing our story writing skills like we did on Friday, so type it out on Word or Google Docs first, then paste it into this post.

TOPIC: What is the purpose of having schools? What is the purpose of education?


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10 Responses to Suli Breaks – Why I Hate School But Love Education

  1. wesley says:

    The purpose of schools and education are to help young kids learn many different things that are very important for kids and teenagers to expand and fully develop the kids brain and teach them things that can help them get a job. This will help you with many things and get you where you want to be and will help you when you apply for jobs. Also without people having school around. People would just sit on the couch and play video games all day and wreck your eyes. Also people will have no idea how to fix anything or do anything because they do not know how to do what they want to do. This is why people need education and schools.

  2. KAMSI-__________- says:

    DAMN!!!!! As my mum would say- well said!! And that Kentucky fired chicken part though (゚⊿゚). When he said- “There are different ways to be an educated man,” I was like (☆^O^☆).

    What is the purpose of having schools?-
    I feel like the purpose of having schools is to receive an education that helps an individual throughout every phase of his life. Every day that a student attends school, he/she has the opportunity to learn something new that can change his life or the life of someone else. A school environment offers students the opportunity to learn to work with others, which is a very important “real world” skill. Through games and projects, and even participation in after-school sports, children can learn the importance of communicating and having relationships with others. School for me is he opportunity to me new people because you probably don’t wanna stay at home and look and hear the same people every minute, surely one would go CRAY-CRAY!

    What is the purpose of having an education?
    Having a good education is important to one’s success in life. Education is the key to success, without a good education you will find it hard to achieve success in one’s life. A good education is important because you will be able to think for yourself and communicate with other people. In conclusion, the purpose of education is to help expand the curiosity and a love for learning in every child, so that they develop into young adults who contribute to humanity, follow their passions, and think for themselves, such that they leave school with a purpose and have the confidence to fulfil that purpose. *drops microphone* (like a boss (ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)ง)

  3. The purpose of school is to get yourself smarter and get some education. It is also to develop and learn different skills like reading, writhing, math, e.g. What I was taught was that learning is to help you think of what the world is like and improving your thinking overall. I also learned that learning is also for people’s future.

  4. Luca says:

    Well…school and education they are connected….where do we learn to read and write? In school….maybe years ago only rich children attended school but nowadays everyone can do that. School might not be liked by children but we have to attend, educations we can get any were if we have open minds and we are interested to develop our knowledge. Going to school is mandatory, what and how much we learn in there is a different story. To pay attention and to be interested in new things, you can do that yourself and is called education. I still think that they are connected somehow until a certain point. They can be separated when we finish school but we still read and educate ourselves about different other things.

  5. Mahek 😉 says:

    What’s the purpose of having school’s?
    What’s the purpose of education?
    Education is job, job is money, money is food, shelter, and clothes, food, shelter, and clothes is life, and life is future. So it all starts with education. Education is the home base you start with it and end with it. Without education your nowhere (*Education is the key to success*)

  6. zoyamoyaloya says:

    I think that education is essential to a successful living, in my opinion. I like the idea of public schools, and home schooling. they both have their pros and cons. for example, home schooling. you only have to do school for an hour, you can sleep in every day, but… you don’t get a skill that public schools offer, without actually teaching you anything. Social skills. in public schools, you can make friends. now, i’m not saying that if you are home-schooled, you don’t or can’t make friends. i’m just saying that its probably easier to make friends in a public school.
    what is the point of mentioning all this hone school and friend stuff? well, i think that if you enjoy or look forward to school, (or just not dread coming to school every week) you will be more engaged in the program and well, i guess just learn more, and learning more, will definitely open more doors and opportunities for your future.

  7. Lauren 😁 says:

    What is the purpose of having schools? Well, to have schools means that children can develop their learning. In my opinion, I really like going to school so I can learn and see my friends. It also is the main part of learning to go to school. I mean some kids may think that school is the most stupid thing that we created and d not even try to learn or when the work gets too complicated they might drop out. Well, that gets me to the next question. What is the point of having an education? Like I said earlier to get an education you must go to school. Education is a main part of life to get a job, to make money to buy a home etc. If we did not have an education we can all become couch potatoes and do nothing all day and every day.

  8. ፚᎧᏋ ᏬᏇᏬ says:

    The Purpose of school is learning new things and seeing other experience for you in the future school sometimes are stressful and trying at times. But we all should know it`s for our future to collage and University. And when we finish university we can finally find a job and be come something we all dreamed of being but we all are in elementary school. And some of us are going to High school this year so MAKE THIS YEAR WORTH IT AND STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND “”DRAMA!!””

    BUH BYE!

  9. 𝖅𝖔𝖊 𝖚𝖜𝖚 says:

    The purpose of school is to learn new things you never new before. and to have experiences in life and learning from our mistakes we made with others. and have fun but mostly work,work,work! some teachers would be rude and sassy! but some might be nice! 🙂 we have to learn how to do spelling,reading, math and history to know what happened in the past. They all have different meaning in each subject. Math is for learning how to count and it`s very importan for you in the future. Reading is for learning how to read and know what it says but spelling is the most important because then you would know what the meaning is for and what it means 🙂
    I know some people might hate Math,reading,spelling. But we all should or know that they are good for you in the future!!! ;3
    The Purpose of education is for our future like High school and collage and University It`s pretty simple.

  10. Boonie🐇🐰🐾 says:

    The purpose of having education is that it is will help guide you to your future. Without education, you could be out on the streets when you are older. Education will help in many ways. That is why everyone should be educated.

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