The One Thing All Great Teachers Do

Good morning y’all,

This weekend I questioned myself as to what the difference is between a ‘good’ teacher and a ‘great’ teacher. So, I made a list:

  • Great teachers set high expectations for all students
  • Great teachers have clear, written-out objectives
  • Great teachers are prepared and organized
  • Great teachers engage students and get them to look at issues in a variety of ways
  • Great teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people
  • Great teachers are masters of their subject matter
  • Great teachers communicate frequently with parents

Please watch the video and then comment as to what you think makes a great teacher, so that I can read it and set goals based on what your expectations are for me.

Have a great week! Learn lots!

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10 Responses to The One Thing All Great Teachers Do

  1. Kamsi-__________- says:

    I feel like what makes a great teacher is one that forms strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people. Great teachers are warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. Teachers with these qualities are known to stay after school and make themselves available to students and parents who need them. Other things that make a great teacher are: knowledge of subject matter classroom skills, high expectations for students, excellent planning skills and most importantly for me communication skills..

  2. Angela says:

    I feel like a great teacher should know about each student’s strong and weak points, and help each student on the subject(s) they’re struggling on. They shouldn’t pressure students, and they should understand our generation. They should be pretty chill, but they should also show that they won’t stand for bad behaviour.

    All in all, you’re a great teacher.

  3. yanni says:

    what I think a good teacher is a person that helps people and sometimes learns from their mistakes.

    what I think a great teacher is a person put all their effort in helping the person and learn from their mistakes and teach better next time

  4. ADEN VU says:

    What i think makes teachers good teachers because they care, and they evaluate their class to see what’s happening in there class. Good teachers spare free time to help themselves and students like coming early or replying to emails. that what i think makes a good teacher

  5. Rohan:) says:

    I think what makes a good teacher is:
    1) knowing your students and make sure they use their
    strengths to help them overcome their weaknesses.
    2) Always watching your class and help them where they are
    3) Caring for all of his/her students p.

  6. Mahek #😄 says:

    I think a great teacher is when he/she knows their
    students well, and where they stand in their curriculum,
    as well as help them in the subjects their weakest at.
    Great teachers should also have patience and make sure
    their students understand all the subjects they teach.

  7. Luca says:

    I think that a great teacher would be available to listen to his students. A great teacher would not be shuting out students when they go to him with issues. A great teacher would not mock students, would not scold them in front of the other students and would not embarres them in public. A great teacher should be patient, understanding and organized. A great teacher should know his subjects best so he can teach his students as much as possible. Great teachers would never put themselves above their students.

  8. Lauren 😊 says:

    One thing that I think that is great in a teacher is that they help students with their weak spots and help them challenge them with their strong spots. The teacher would leave the classroom open so the students can get the help they need. They do not make the kids feel pressured, but they make sure they are comfortable that they know what is happening.

    This is what I think makes a great teacher.

  9. Diego man says:

    I think you are a great teacher because you are mostly chill and you have a good sense of humour and you are nice and the most ePiC teacher that I have had so far so thats good

  10. Bernice says:

    I think something that makes someone a great teacher is that they will help students when they need help in some subjects.

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