Not As It Seems

Sometimes when we see an image, we wonder what the actual story behind it means. In today’s culture, we generally attach these photos to memes and and put a caption on it. I want you to look at the picture and then post what you think happened in the story. I will comment and write down the actual story after you all have posted. 

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21 Responses to Not As It Seems

  1. wuj says:

    Panda bear traumatized after the earthquake in Japan.

  2. Zoe :3 says:

    Good afternoon Mr.Wu. It looks like the panda is hugging the man`s leg and not letting go. And the man is trying to get the panda off his leg. But the panda just want some love from the guy.

  3. Angela says:

    I think that the panda is holding on to someone it trust, because it senses something is wrong. Maybe it thinks that the people are going to send him away, but it has found somewhere where the panda has something.

  4. Kamsi-______- says:

    What I feel when I see this picture is sadness, compassionate and happiness all at the same time. I think this picture is about an owner and its pet who has developed an unimaginable friendship, love and bond with each other. I think maybe they have to say good bye as well because the owner has to leave or is not allowed to own a panda SO he has to leave.

  5. Pavyn says:

    i think that there was a man who owned a pet panda. he took really good care of it and loved it. the pandas name was hyoman. the panda loved him back a lot. the panda had its own playground and next to the playground was a shed that hyoman slept in. and every morning the man would let hyoman out of the shed and would hug him for being such a good owner.


  6. wesley says:

    What I think happened was somebody is taking a panda out of a really weird container that looks like a large space for supplies. Also the man looks like he is either torturing the panda or the panda will not let go of his leg. Since I do not know the entire story I am just taking my best guess.

  7. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    I think maybe the panda was captured for a zoo or something. The panda might be really sad, so it’s trying to get the man to take it back. It might have left family back at where it was and wanted to go back to them. Or maybe the panda lost all it’s family, and the man was trying to set it free. The panda might have made a bond with the man, so it didn’t want to go. That’s what I think happened. Hopefully the panda is happy now.

  8. luca (.______.) says:

    I think what happened was that the man was going outside to get some fresh air all of a sudden a panda is coming towards him and he is telling to go away and goes on his leg stays their and he is afraid and he is now knowing that the panda isn’t going to scratch or bite him so after the panda goes off his leg and goes back into the forest. I hope that happened or I’ll be wrong.

  9. zoya says:

    it looks like the panda is traumatised by something. maybe a natural disaster.
    or maybe the owner is leaving for some reason and the adorable panda doesn’t want him to go. or maybe he is just going to the vet.

  10. Rohan :) says:

    I think that the panda is really scared because it feels like something is going to hurt it. Since the panda is probably in a zoo he’s been taken away from his family and now doesn’t know what to do. But then the panda has a really strong connection to the man or really trusts him and the panda is hoping the man will make sure he stays safe which is why he won’t let go.

  11. AdenVu says:

    I Think they were gonna drag the panda from his/her mom so the panda is trying to stay with his mom.

  12. Abby says:

    I think the Panda either thinks there is something big is coming and wants to take the owner to a safe place, the panda is hungry and is asking for food, or the panda just wants to play

  13. NanDO ≧☉_☉≦ says:

    I think the panda might have been scared of something. It probably was a loud noise or an explosion and wanted to hide. Or the panda was just really dumb and thought that person was his/her mother.

  14. Bernice (≧∇≦)/ says:

    I think the adorable panda was afraid of some sort of natural disaster. So, it was telling the caretaker as a warning.

  15. Lauren ;) says:

    I think this panda doesn’t want his/her employee to leave the sanctuary because maybe they are like best friends and at the end of the day the panda always gives a “leg hug” to the employee. To be honest I don’t really know what is happening in the picture.

  16. Cheryl says:

    I think the man probably just fed the panda and was about to leave…
    but the panda held on, thinking, ‘Nooooo please don’t gooooo!!! I need more fooooood!!!

  17. Mahek :) says:

    It looks like the panda is being dragged in
    to a zoo and the panda is trying to say
    “help me get me out of here I trust you the most!”
    I also feel like he/she is being taken away
    from his/her family !!!

  18. Diego says:

    Its just a cute panda holding on to its owner

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