Amanda Todd Case Study

Hi class,

This weekend I have a little bit of homework for you all to complete. Since we watched the ABC Family film: Cyber Bully, it is important to put it into context for you using a real life situation. Here is the story on Amanda Todd:

A Vancouver-area teen who used YouTube to share her heart-wrenching story of being bullied online and beaten at school has killed herself, unleashing a torrent of social media condolences and soul-searching. Amanda Todd was found dead in Coquitlam on Wednesday night, less than a month before her 16th birthday. News of her torment and death are being shared on social media through Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter, where #RIPAmanda is trending. “I’m saddened to see that this was the only [way] this young girl could escape such torment. May she rest in peace,” posted one woman on Facebook. Last month, Todd posted a nine-minute video on Youtube featuring her holding up cue cards that chronicled the cyber-bullying and cruelty she suffered, despite changing schools and cities.

In the video, the teen reveals she started doing webcam chats with her friends to meet new people when she was in Grade 7. One day, she agreed to flash someone on a whim. A year later, a male contacted her on Facebook threatening to circulate an explicit photo if she didn’t “put on a show.” Todd says the male knew her address, school and names of her family and friends. A few months later, police arrived to tell her that the explicit photo was sent to “everyone.”

That sent Todd into panic attacks, anxiety and depression. She changed schools and experimented with drugs and alcohol.

One year later, she says the male created a Facebook page and featured the explicit photo of her. “Cried every night, lost all my friends and respect,” reads one index card Todd holds in the video. She says she started cutting herself. Todd moved schools again and things were improving – until she began texting with a former male friend. Their relationship culminates in a schoolyard fight where Todd is punched several times by the boy’s girlfriend. Todd reveals she tried to kill herself by drinking bleach and overdosing on anti-depressants after the torment continued on Facebook despite her changing schools and cities again. The description that Todd posted with her YouTube video is haunting:

I’m struggling to stay in this world, because everything just touches me so deeply. I’m not doing this for attention. I’m doing this to be an inspiration and to show that I can be strong. I did things to myself to make pain go away, because I’d rather hurt myself then someone else. Haters are haters but please don’t hate, although I’m sure I’ll get them. I hope I can show you guys that everyone has a story, and everyones future will be bright one day, you just gotta pull through. I’m still here aren’t I?

The Vancouver Sun reports that Todd went to school in Maple Ridge and then Coquitlam. RCMP in Maple Ridge told CKNW their school liaison officer had previously directed Todd to support services. Coquitlam RCMP said they were called to a Port Coquitlam home on Wednesday evening for the “sudden death of a teenager.” The death is not considered suspicious, said police, adding that the family does not want to speak publicly. B.C. Premier Christy Clark posted a short YouTube video in response to Todd’s death on Thursday, stating that no one deserves to be bullied, and all kids should feel safe in school.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Do you think Amanda Todd’s online behaviour was outrageous, or fairly “normal”?

2. How do you think the man that she “flashed” was able to locate her (track her down)?

3. Why do you think the man decided to harass and victimize Amanda?

4. Why do you think Amanda’s friends and other kids at the schools she attended joined in the bullying?


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20 Responses to Amanda Todd Case Study

  1. Angela says:

    I don’t know why people do these things but it obviously hurt others.

    1 I think she shouldn’t have did what she did online, I mean it can get exposed easily but she couldn’t have known what would have happened.

    2 There are many ways to track someone down, and some ways are illegal. But that guy could have been a hacker, or someone working with a hacker.

    3 I guess he didn’t think about the consequences but even if he did, he obviously didn’t care. I think he went for the easiest victim in his opinion, which in this case was Amanda.

    4 They probably didn’t know what she was going through, or they just didn’t want to be seen as the ‘unpopular’ kid. However, they should have at least tried to understand her, so that there would be a chance she wouldn’t try to commit suicide

    • wuj says:

      yes, she shouldn’t have done those things, especially at her age but nonetheless, no person should ever be tortured for making a mistake. It was horrible that the internet got a hold of this. I’m glad that eventually the person got in trouble and is now serving jail time for his role in this horrible tragedy. When we are kids, we don’t always know the consequences of our actions which is why it is super important to think before you post ANYTHING!

      • Zoe ):) says:

        I agree with Mr.Wu. THINK BEFORE YOU POST! Because what you post can`t be unseen. Even though you can delete the post but its already seen so Be careful of what you post!

  2. Zoe (-,_,-) says:

    1. I think her behaviour is just not normal and I get that she was young that time when she flashed but. Why do something before thinking? and I think she really messed that up, why wasn`t her friends telling her “”That is not a good Idea to show someone your body parts”” but her friends did not stop her so, she was also the one who put herself in that situation. I think she should not have done that in the first place.

    2. Well yes because if she did not flash and tell him her personal information then he could not have told anyone. That she “”FLASHED”” to him then all her friends would not have known or anyone at her school.

    3. Well yeah they joined to bully her because her friends was embraced that her friends did that on the internet. And the girl that started bullying her. Because she hooked up with the girls boyfriend so of course she would be pissed off! LIKE WHO WOULD NOT!?!? I think some of us can relate to it or imagine what would happen to you.

    (BOYS TWO!) Lol

  3. Kamsi-________- says:

    After watching that video I was very sad. To think that our generation of kids are becoming this mean is just sad to watch. R.I.P Amanda Todd.
    1. I think Amanda’s online behaviour was outrageous, she shouldn’t have been web camming strangers in the first place. Of course sooner or later some crazy person would find out her personal information.

    2. Maybe he was a hacker who preys on kids like her or he hired a hacker. Maybe Amanda said some of her personal information on webcam.

    3. I think the man decided to harass and victimise Amanda because that’s maybe what he does, maybe one girl each month to terrorise, like hes obviously a pervert!

    4. I think Amanda’s friends and other kids at the schools she attended joined the bullying because maybe a person at one of the schools didn’t really like her, or the boy that had a girlfriend told everyone and they decided to come at her.

    • wuj says:

      Yes, he is a sex offender and have done this to other innocent children…sick. It is disgusting to know that this stuff is happening around the world. Thankfully though, he is caught and is in jail for his actions. But that doesn’t bring back Amanda … rip.

  4. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    1. I think that what Amanda did was by instinct, because she might have been trying to get noticed. She might have been overwhelmed because maybe a lot of people were asking her to “flash”.

    2. I think that maybe the person was a hacker and was able to track her down just from a simple text message.

    3. I think maybe the person decided to target Amanda because he might just have been scrolling through accounts and landed on Amanda. Or someone tipped the person off about Amanda.

    4. I think maybe people who attended Amanda’s school were already bullies/cyberbullies and saw Amanda as a new target. Other people might have been trying to “fit in”.

    In all, PEOPLE THINK BEFORE U POST!!!!!!!!

  5. ABBY says:

    1. I think this behavior is normal because depression, panic attacks, and anxiety are very easily triggered and will become worse over time if you don’t do something about it.

    2. I think the man tracked her down by Facebook. Because most teens would post everything on the internet so maybe the man looked at all the pictures or actually stalked her.

    3. I think the man chose Amanda just because she is an easy target and he just likes doing bad things.

    4. Amanda’s friends probably joined in the bullying because they were scared the would also be bullied so they just left her there.

  6. zoya says:

    i think that this story is pretty sad but I’m not on the floor crying about how she didn’t deserve any of it and she’s just a simple girl and she’s so innocent. she did have a webcam thingamajiger. and she did flash online for some random person, and she wasn’t getting bullied too bad. I mean the bullies did beat her but in her story she didn’t mention anything about getting adult help or her parents. so you can’t really blame me for not feeling t bad for her. she could have at least tried to make friends and not just accepting that she will forever be alone. she could have at least made an effort to say that what she did was wrong. i think was she did was actually really bad. i think was she did was wrong, and you shouldn’t do that online, especially. i think the man tracked her because she seemed like a vulnerable girl. Amanda probably shared some info on her webcam video thing. i’m actually not sure how he tracked her after she moved, i admit, that’s a little creepy. the other kid’s probably joined in because they didn’t want to be bullied too.

  7. MADDIE :-) says:

    After watching this video i was very sad. It just shows how so many things can be happening in the world and mist times you have no idea.

    1. I think that what she did was pretty normal.
    She was probably feeling pressured and he was probably her first boyfriend. Since she lost so many friends this probably made it harder not to “flash”.

    2. I think that he could of possibly hacked her if he had the skills or if not like Angela he could have been working for a hacker. Because I feel like hacking is getting easier for people to do right now then it was a long time ago.

    3. He obviously didn’t think about what might happen if he did this to Amanda but i don’t really know why he chose her. He is probably a really bad person and since she was dealing with bullying and lost all of her friends, then he thought that she would be an easy target.

    4. What probably happened was all of the other friends and classmates would of been seen as uncool if they joined the bullies target, and they would get bullied to. I think that even though they know it’s not right, they do it because nobody wants to be bullied.

  8. Bernice😥😥 says:

    1. I think it was outrageous of her to send pics of not supposed to be seen places. But i guess she thought it was fine to send these types of pics. So, make sure to think before you post!
    2. I guess the guy could have been a hacker or was friends with a hacker.
    3. I guess the guy tried to harass somebody the easy way and in this case, the easy way is Amanda.
    4.Because they might want to be cool or didnt want to get bullied themselves.

  9. AdenVu says:

    1) I think her actions on the internet is not normal because average people don’t flash there things online in front of 100 peoples. Her actions were very stupid because she listened to one person ask her to flash and she did which leads to bad consequences because she doesn’t know what anyone could do with that photo.
    2) I do not think the disgusting man knew her location; Unless she had her location on her social medias. The man was bluffing because the only way to know is if you get into there account/email and you need to break through many security walls to get into personal information so yes he was bluffing.
    3) Because the man is a pervert and he was probably stalking Amanda Todd for many weeks and likes to harass people. (sick person who deserves no freedom)
    4) Her friends probably joined in the bullying because they were scared of they stood by her side they would be bullied to so they picked the other side.

  10. Lauren 😁 says:

    1.I think Amanda’s behavior was normal when she went through the bullying. It is very overwhelming to feel how she felt online, but I do not think she should of done what online.

    2.I think the man was a hacker. Even though there are many ways to find someone’s personal information on the internet. In the first place I don’t know why Amanda would take a photo of that herself.

    3.I do not know why the man tried to harass Amanda. Maybe she was the first one he found to harass on the internet and just chose to without thinking at all.

    4.i think Amanda’s friends in school started to join the bullying because they wanted to be
    “Cool” with the other bullies instead of sticking up for their friend and being bullied as well.

  11. Rohan:) says:

    1. I think it’s was absolutely outrageous. She didn’t have to flash she decided to, probably because there was pressure.

    2.The man probably found out because something she posted on Facebook or some other social media site.

    3.I think he did it because Amanda was fairly young and a moreless easy target. I think he harrassed her because he wanted her to do it more or something like that.

    4. I think Amanda’s friends joined in bullying her because a lot of other people were, and the other kids started bullying her friends and then the friends started bullying Amanda as well.

  12. Cheryl says:

    1. I think that Amanda probably got pressured by her classmates/friends to ‘flash’ someone. Although it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, I still think it wasn’t a great idea to go, “Hey, what could possibly go wrong????”
    2. Maybe he was a hacker or had help from a hacker… I mean, seriously, anyone could find your info if you’re not careful online. I feel really bad for Amanda but she should have thought about what she was gonna do before she did it.
    3. Some people like hurting others, and I have no idea why. Maybe the man grew up picking on people for fun and decided to target Amanda because she wasn’t careful/an easy target?
    4. Maybe the people at her school joined in because she was new or unfamiliar, or just because it was “entertaining”.

  13. Fernando¯\_(ツ)_/¯ says:

    1. I would say her behavior is not normal in my opinion because im pretty sure most people would just ignore the person that is causing trouble or just block him or her.

    2. I think the man tracked her down by some app or he was probably just a hacker. There are a lot of people who can track people down but i never really understand it.

    3. Maybe the man would just randomly pick people online and ruin their lives in some way. I think this because there was a girl murdered at Central Park, and my parents told me that lots of these criminals just do these on random. Even if they are innocent.

    4. People these days always want to fit in with the new trend. I think they were just trying to fit in and make fun of her. Or they wanted to stay out of trouble and just go along with it.

  14. Diego boi :D says:

    1: I think that Amanda was being pretty normal on the internet, ya know just tryna have some fun with her friends. But I don’t think that Amanda should’ve shown her boobs. She should’ve thought about it before she did it because she knew that people were watching her and she still decided to flash. She should’ve been way more careful

    2: He could’ve found her address because Amanda was saying it on one of her streams. Or he could’ve found out by hacking or something like that.


    4: Because they thought if they stuck up to the bullies with her they would be bullied with her. So they STUPIDLY decided to bully her.

  15. Luca says:

    It looks to me that she has made a mistake and now she is paying for it forever. There’s a lot of bad people online that only think about themselves. Telling her to kill herself is wrong. The kids that were witnessing her being punched were bad too, they should not have encouraged that. By encouraging that it was like they were punching her too.
    This story should be an example for all of us to be careful what we post or do online.

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