The Hate U Give- About the author

Please read the following interview with Angie Thomas: CLICK HERE

After reading the interview, please watch the following video:

Please respond with your thoughts on the book thus far. You are welcome to talk about the interview or about the reasons why Angie wrote this story. In addition, you can also talk about what you know about Tupac, as she says he inspired her to write about this. You can talk about the controversial death of Tupac and The Notorious B.I.G. and how the cops of LAPD could’ve been corrupted and have been a part of both their murders.  There are Netflix movies and shows about Biggie and Tupac for more information. 


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23 Responses to The Hate U Give- About the author

  1. Kamsi-__- says:

    I myself have read the book and it is awesomely done (if awesomely is a word). The book portrays the act of racism in the world, and I think it is useful to all readers who find this book interesting. Racism as we all know has been a big problem in this world since like that the starting of time. Racism has caused people to loose their jobs, die in poverty, not able to go to school and has not surprisingly led to death. When I read the backstory of this book, my first thought was like “Hmm this going to be interesting, lemme check this out,” and I have not regretted it since then. I’m glad Mr. Wu is reading to us because I feel like majority of the class would enjoy it. We all know there’s a saying called “black lives matter” as a black person myself I want to change that phrase to ALL lives matter, it could’ve been the other way around where black cops kill innocent white people or when Asian people kill innocent black people. I don’t think anyone should have their taken away, all of us deserve a second chance. #All LIVES MATTER!

    • wuj says:

      I like how you connected the story to real life situations and also how you reversed the race and said that it could happen the other way too. The underlying message here is that this innocent man was killed because of how he was sterotyped as this “bad person” when in reality he was trying to make sure his friend was alright. Can you understand it from the cop’s pov? Imagine you were the cop and then you told a guy not to move and you see him walking back towards the car and reaching in the window. Would you think that he is going to grab something? What would you have thought?

  2. AdenVu says:

    This book that you are reading to us is pretty good i like how they explain things and i think it has a pretty good plot and it is action packed. I do think the book has a lot of swear words in it for the start (almost every 2 lines). But i am OK with that. Honestly in the interview she talked a lot about how Tupac was her inspiration and i think that was a great idea to base the title off tupac and some topics the characters speak about. This book i hope will be a good book with a lot of meaning.

  3. Angela says:

    I normally wouldn’t read a book like this, but that’s because I’ve never heard of it before this. However, I’m glad that you introduced us to this book. We’ve all heard of the issues mentioned in this book (example: racism). I think it brings more awareness into these issues. For the book itself, I definitely do NOT recommend reading this to younger kids, for obvious reasons (swear words. A lot of them). Anyways, that’s my thoughts on this book.

  4. pav says:

    i have liked the book so far. the reason why i want to listen to this book is because i want to learn more about racism. people have been treating other people like they are a failure. the topic of this book is really meaningful to some or most people.

  5. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    I think this book is pretty good so far. It really shows how unfair black people were treated. This book is in the perspective of Starr, which I think is pretty cool because it lets people know what innocent people feel like. Even though the book has a lot of swear words, if they made a clean version of it, it would definetly be one of the best books that talk about how black people are treated out there. In all, I think The Hate U Give is a really good book.

  6. Vinh Le says:

    i think this book is pretty good to learn English. This bock can help us reading a new words, you can do a question by myself, this bock have some swear words but it OK you can still learn something new in this bock. That is my think about this blog post. Thank you

  7. Luca says:

    I do like the book and the story line is very interesting, characters are realistic and the author is describing the reality really well. I do agree with Kamsi, ”all lives matter”, racism is still a cruel reality nowadays. It is sad when innocent people die, even worse when children die. The meaning of the book is probably an attempt of the author to make people more aware about how important all the lives are, eventhough we seem so different we are very much alike. We should treat each other with more respect and understanding. I hope that we all would learn something from this book and that we are all equal.

  8. Rohan:) says:

    So far I’m really enjoying this book. The book has a lot of action and the aurhor gives a good amount of detail to help the reader visualize what’s going on which I like. I remember this one time my dad read to me this news headline about this African- American teen who had this type of gun and the toy ones have an orange tip but he sharpied the orange part so it looked black (which is the color of a real one).Then this police guy went up to him and like tackled him or something, which is a great example of police brutality. Besides the fact that the book has some bad language I think it’s really good for us to read because it will teach us about racism and how we should prevent as much as we can.

    • wuj says:

      Sometimes people of authority misuse their powers. A good example is the one you mentioned above. Also, sometimes you hear about animal cruelty too. I’m not sure why people misuse their powers and I’m not sure what purpose it serves.

  9. Victor says:

    I feel like the book “The hate you give” can send a good message the people that read the book. The book is very popular, my sister told me even she wanted to read it. The movie trailer made me want to watch the movie and It’s sad how actual thing like that happen in real life. I’m happy that Tupac inspired Angie to write this book because the book taught me a lot of facts about violence and gangs that I didn’t know before. Bout one month ago a police officer shot the wrong man in a mall and he was also black.

    • wuj says:

      Tupac was a rapper, but he too was involved in gang -affiliated activities. Please watch the Netflix documentary on his and Biggie’s death. There are also several videos on Youtube that you can watch too. Their murders were unsolved for the longest time and people still think that corrupted LAPD cops were the cause of it.

  10. Zoe 😫 says:

    I think the book ” The hate you give” is good book to read, a very good message to tell everyone in the world. But I don`t think it`s for kids because again what Angela said There is a lot of swearing and cussing. and if your under nine years old DO NOT READ THIS BOOK! 😛 but the book itself is pretty good even though on chapter 2-3 I fell asleep or even when I did not hear but on chapter something not sure. Sorry(:) (you decide if its a happy face or sad face cause I don`t really know)

    • wuj says:

      I agree with you that the story has a lot of swear words, but the overall message of injustice fits into our term’s goal on human rights.

      • Zoe ):( says:

        Thank you, very true All humans should not be judged because we are all the same, we are human beings that are different in a way but, We all have feelings and also a life so what`s the point in treating the other person bad just because your hurt in side it does not mean you can because all of us has a choice to do the right thing or even saying words that could be hurtful but is there really no meaning to be racist. Just because we all have different skin colour and we are from different country. But again life is not fare and it`s just how it is.

  11. zoya says:

    I really am enjoying this book so far because I’m in to things like crime and injustice. I like stories that have good and interesting backstories or inspiration. for example this book has the backstory of tupac and biggie I think. I don’t know much about these people, other than they are rappers. I haven’t gotten around to watching the Netflix show and movies, but i think it’s definitely something i want to watch.

    • wuj says:

      Yes, for the longest time, the murders of Tupac and Biggie (rappers) was very controversial. They were both part of gangs, the bloods and the crips, and eventually Tupac got murdered only to see Biggie get murdered a short few months after. They thought the Biggie murder was in retaliation to the Tupac one, but there was a theory going on that corrupted LAPD (Los Angelas Police Department) cops were behind the both murders and that the polic department was covering it up. This is an injustice to society because the people we trust to keep us safe, were potentially the ones who hurt them. Do watch the documentaries, they are very interesting

  12. maddison ;) says:

    I am halfway through this book and it is so far a very well written book. I think that this book is very touching and makes you really think about racism. At the same time it informs you about gangs that sell drugs and other things and the effects they can have throughout your life. I think that if you are old enough for this book then you should definitely read it because it tells and informs you all about crime and injustice that is in the world and has been for a very,very long time.

  13. Bernice says:

    I really like this book so far. I really like how this book has such a strong message about racism. I had no idea who Tupac and Biggie were until the class talked about them.All i know is that they are rappers and were part of a gang. But, these are my thoughts about the book so far.

  14. Lauren 😁 says:

    I find this book very good so far even though I did not read that much of it. It has a really good massage. This book has a lot of detail that makes me want to read more and more of the book! It is very sad for me that innocent people have to die. When I watched the movie trailer I almost had to turn it off because I HATE movies that have blood and deaths. So I do not know how I will watch the movie. All I know about Tupac and Biggie is that they were rappers in gangs and they eventually died. It is cool that Angie Thomas got inspired of this book from her favorite rapper. I cannot wait to see what happens in the end of this book.

  15. Kamsi-_____- says:

    Now that you have told me that Mr.WU you have a huge point, imagining if I was the cop I would feel terrified so I probably would have done something like that as my reaction (sadly!)

    • wuj says:

      I mean, the cop definitely acted inappropriately, but do you think his actions are justified? Or do you think he made a huge mistake? If he made a mistake, should he have been treated like a regular civilian and have been arrested himself and gone to court for murder? Or do you think that he is okay because he thought he was going to die?

  16. Abby says:

    I think the book is very interesting so far.

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