One person can make a difference

Hi again,

I found another good short film created by a teen in America. Please watch and let me know your critique on the film. Answer in any way that you connect to the video. By the end of the term we will be creating our own short films. Enjoy!

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13 Responses to One person can make a difference

  1. Angela says:

    I really HATE people like this. They think they can just go up to people’s faces and just ruin their lives. I’ve never really seen this kind of bullying, especially at my old school, but this jerk tried to bully my best friend online on a group chat. Of course, she told her parents afterwards but I ended up defending her. Those bullies are NEVER going to talk to my best friend without her permission.

    I guess that the bully started being nice by the end of the video, but people who are nice to you just cuz they don’t want to get in trouble are toxic.

    • Zoe ;3 says:

      I agree with chu.. and my questions are why bullies like to pick on nice people. Is it just cause they are nice and they look like they are week. Like gawd dam people need to change already. Like again does people want a human being kill themself?

      • Mahek #😄 says:

        I agree with Angela bullies like
        this don’t want to get in trouble in
        front of teachers so they bully you
        behind their back and afterwords
        threaten you not to (snitch) or else
        they’ll call you a snitch or snake
        for a long time which also hurts me even
        though it’s being said to someone else.


  2. Redstriker(>__ says:

    Well in the video I could see that the girl is bullied by a girl but in the end
    and they become friends but how? So 1 day she gets bullied for the day but then stopped the next day by a theacher and they became friends after the the bulling. When people get bullied like that and see them take a stand to the bullies or go get a adult to help solve the problem or tell them to stop bulling the person and then get the teacher.

  3. Zoe ;3 says:

    Do ‘t bully people if they didn’t do anything and words Hurts more then actions. I know some of you guys in the class don’t care but what ever you say to someone even if it’s a joke or not you can drive someone you kill themself even if you don’t know that right now but you could it’s a high change and low chance it depends how they old in the anger and pain. I know some people in. This school is nice but you can’t just bully someone just cause your bored or just cause other people bullied you. And yeah I know I’m might be someone you hate in this school or class but treat others how you want to be treated!!
    I’ll tell you one thing someone in. This class you probably hate or just don’t care yeah you probably bullying them right now but they might kill themself some day. They have reasons in there life and only they’re the only one who hides it really good and pretend that everyday they are fine. Suicide isn’t a joke it’s real some people just says it for attention but if your one? I would STOP ASAP! Cause it’s not a joke. You only have one chance to live. Now thank for reading this! Bye have a nice day!

    • Mahek #😄 says:

      I agree with Zoey, life isn’t a joke.
      Many people have been bullied in this school
      an like Zoe said they tend to hide pain

      Peace out bullies

  4. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    I think the girl was doing something wrong because she was being straight up rude. The person became friends with the bullied person, but only because a teacher came in the cause. I mean, if a teacher didn’t do anything, things would get ugly. I think the person who got bullied should have stood up to the bully. Then she would’ve gotten some experience at problem solving, in case she needs it later.

  5. AdenVu says:

    Hmmmm…. This is very true if you bully people one day its gonna swing around and bite you. This is very wrong to do but people still do it which is Disappointing. Bullies are soft in the inside and if they call you “snitch” “loser” or any other names it is because they can’t stand up like a man/woman and face their own problem. It is pretty obvious that some people are annoying in are class but come on leave them alone. And just saying something as a joke could go far, ok i admit i did say a joke and made someone mad when i didn’t want to make them mad so DO NOT BULLY (i will find you 😉 )

  6. Victor Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ says:

    I feel like the girl wouldn’t apologize to the girl the day after she was bullying her, I feel like it would take at least 2 or 3 days before she would truthfully apologize to the girl she bullied. Well, I see bullying as a way to make a person feel scared. It’s disappointing to hear that 3.2 million students get bullied every year and some skip school because of being bullied. Most times if a bully stops bullying they won’t be friends with the person they bullied. I think bullying is a very useless thing to and it should be stopped. (ง’̀-‘́)ง (ง°ل͜°)ง

  7. Lauren 😁 says:

    Somethings that you might say to someone can ruin there life forever. Just like small comments can hurt them like calling people names, making fun of how they look, saying mean stuff about their culture Which makes bullying not okay at all. Those comments can make a person kill themselves just because they want to stop hearing all the mean comments. I DO NOT like bullies at all. I have not seen bullying in my life at all but I think in the future there will be some point that I will see bullying but I hope not. All I really want is for all the bullies in the world to stop bullying.

  8. Bernice says:

    That girl was LITERALLY innocent she didn’t act mean or bully those other bullies. Those people PUSHED her like….. it doesn’t matter how slow or fast you run!!!!!!!!!! And that bully probably wouldnt have became friends with the girl if the teacher didnt come in. In real life, bullies and the person who got bullied never become friends

  9. Rohan:) says:

    I don’t really understand why they were bullying the girl because she didn’t really do anything. I think that they should have put a part in which explains why she is being bullied. I don’t think that the girl would have become her friend right after she was being bullied by that person. I don’t that the bully actually meant it when she said sorry, instead she only did it because thre teacher was there.

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