I’m Truly Sorry (Short Film on Bullying)

Hi all,

We are officially 1/3 done the school year. With this, I am beginning to expect our writing to evolve. Instead of simply responding to post, I want to get you all to tap into your critical thinking skills where you’re able to make inferences and decide what your opinion is, based on the evidence provided. 

Your task this week is to watch the following video and then give a critique on the video. You must talk about the video:

  • things you liked/didn’t like
  • how did you connect with it
  • what did it make you think of
  • is this similar to an experience you’ve had before
  • how did this video make you feel
  • what did you get out of this video
  • has this video changed your perspective on the topic of bullying

(I expect a detailed response of at least 2 paragraphs please.)


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11 Responses to I’m Truly Sorry (Short Film on Bullying)

  1. Kamsi-____- says:

    Looking at this video makes me sad to see that this actually happens in real life, its so unfortunate the world has come to this:(

    1. Some things I did like in this video was how the boy apologised to the girl towards the end of the video and how they became friends. Some things I obviously didn’t like was how that boy posted mean stuff about the girl who was being bullied on social media, I was mad and I wanted to say “GET A FLIPPING LIFE YOU BULLIES”. I also hated how the people in the movie were laughing at her rather than helping her.

    2. I don’t know what you mean connect with it.

    3. It made me think of why brother is always being mean to me.

    4. Yes but I’d rather not talk about it.

    5. Sad, angry, ashamed of humanity, you know the usual stuuf a sane human would feel.

    6. That I should make sure I never become a bully and I’ll make sure be nice to people as much as possible.

    7. Not really, it still shows me that bullying is bad, it still shows me to be nice to people in conclusion it just reminded me to be nice more.

  2. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    I think the guy did a good job of fixing his mistake. Even though he helped the bullies, he still fixed it. When he saw his sister suicided, he saw it was because she was bullied. Then he apolegized to the girl he bullied, which was the right thing to do. I haven’t been bullied like that before, but a few years ago a person in my class got mean and threatining notes in his bag on Valentine’s day. He didn’t come to school for some time after that because his mom was scared for him. So I have on thing to say after this: DON’T BULLY.

  3. Zoe ;3 says:

    1. I liked how the boy stopped walking and turned around and grabbed the photos of the girl and apologized for laughing at his friends jokes and he said those words to her. 2. I kind of connected the video. From thinking there is a lot of FAKE PEOPLE WHO ARE SELFISH AND DO NOT CARE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT PEOPLE UNTILL THE DRIVE YOU TO FRICKIN KILL YOURSELVES!!!! 3. Something that you ppl don’t need to know. (^-^)
    4. Lol everyone here doesn’t need to know cause your the reason lol. 5. AGAIN YOU PPL DON’T NEED TO KNOW SO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! Thank you! 6. Lol don’t kill yourself until you make your life miserable and depressed lol don’t we all miss the old days? 7. I don’t bully I only defend myself idiots 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 alright bye!! And it’s all true, I also don’t want to fix anything Mr.Wu.

  4. Zoya 😇 says:

    I enjoyed this video, I really liked the message in it, it was really powerful and meaningful to me. The one thing I didn’t like is the music stopping where the spoken parts were. I get why they did it, but I found it choppy. I can’t relate to this video because I don’t really get bullied. It made me think of when I was really Little, like kindergarten and I got so intimadated by the older grades. I thought I would never get as big and mean as them, and now here I am. I don’t want Little children to think of me as a bully. I felt really motivated to do something to help.this movie gave me knowledge that more people get bullied than I thought, and effect people harder than I thought .

  5. Angela says:

    I liked the plot and the way the people acted like it was in real life. Who knows, maybe they’ve experienced something like that in real life. But what I didn’t like was that the film was a bit choppy but I guess that it can’t be helped.

    I don’t really connect with this but the video really hit me hard. I knows this happens sometimes, but not often. This makes me think that in this world of ours, you obviously don’t know what everyone thinks of different things. You also don’t experience what others do.

    I used to get bullied in kindergarten to second grade. I don’t know what it was over, but yeah.

    As I said before, this video really hit me hard, and it’s literally sad how people need for more people to be hurt to understand others’ situations.

    I don’t really understand the question but I guess people need something bad to happen before they do something.

    It didn’t really change my view on bullying cuz I always hated it, especially when it was directed at my friends.

  6. i was surprised from this video. i liked how the guy changed his attitude from how he saw that his sister killed herself. he felt really sorry for his mistakes so then he helped people who were getting bullied.

    the reason why i did not like about is how the bully would take a picture of the girl and sending it on social media with a mean comment without permission.

    it made me think of how many people get bullied each day and how much i feel sorry for them.

    i haven’t had any related experiences YET… hopefully i don’t.

    this okay quality video made me feel veeeeeery sad 🙁

    this hasn’t really changed my perspective that much, but some things have, like the time where the guy found out that his sister killed herself.

  7. Aden VU says:

    1) What I like is they show why you should stop bullying and how the guy stopped bullying and said sorry for his mistakes. What I didn’t like was that his friends laughed at him at the end.
    2) I really don’t connect with this video but i used to be teased because of some stuff bit after all i really don’t connect at all.
    3) It made me think about what i say or do carefully so i don’t hurt anyone feelings.
    4) No it doesn’t I have never had anything similar or even close to this. So my Simple question is No, I have not.
    5) It made me feel sad that the sister committed suicide over a text message.
    6) What i got out of this video was to carefully say something and don’t say something rude.
    7) Yes it did when i see bullying I knew it could go this far but didnt know if the bully’s sister died he would stop

  8. Victor 👏👏 says:

    1. What I liked about this film is the story because it can really change a person’s mind about bullying. I didn’t like that the never showed what happened to the guy after the apology, and there was some serious audio shutter at the “truly, sorry” part. I also hated the acting, like I dare you to stare at the guy’s face from 6:58 to 7:01.

    2. I really don’t connect with this, I hope I don’t ever have to because going through those times will be very hard. I’m already going through a painful time with my braces.

    3. It made me think of youtube video’s that show a very good example of what bullying is like.

    4. No, the most I was bullied was when I wore my hat backwards at my friends birthday.

    5. Honestly, this didn’t make me feel as sad as you think I would, I just see a lot of these kinds of videos floating around the internet and I just don’t think these video will change bullying that much.

    6. I didn’t learn a lot from this video except that very bad things can occur when someone is being bullied.

    7. Okay, this hasn’t changed my perspective on bullying like I click on too many “this video will make you cry videos” like there is just way too much of this. People have to realize that these videos won’t change that much.

  9. Lauren :) says:

    Sorry Mr. Wu i did not cry in the video even though it was sad. Maybe next time when you find a sadder video.

    Somethings I liked in this video is that after the boy’s sister committed suicide because of those mean comments he stepped up and helped other people who were being bullied. Even though it probably meant losing his friends (who were the bullies) and being made fun of by the whole school for helping others. The other thing I liked in video at the end the boy apologize to the girl and they became friends. Somethings that I did not like in the video was that how the bully took a picture of the girl when she was not looking and posted it on his social media where anyone can see it, but when he and his friends printed the picture and put in on her locker that just made it even worse. Also the mean comments that made the boy’s sister kill herself just made the short movie even more emotional for me. 🙁

    The video really did not connect with me at all, but it made me think that people should put a stop to bullying because it is not right to do something mean to someone if you do not want it to happen to you. It is like the “Golden Rule” “ Treat others how you want to be treated.”
    I have not experienced this before. This video made me feel sad because when I see these kind of films it just gets to emotional for me. Probably because I cry in every movie that I watch even princess movies! (I know I am so emotional!)

    That I should and never become a bully ever in my life even if I get bullied I will never bully anybody back because it is not the right thing to do. This video did not change my perspective on bullying because before I already bad to do, but it shows me that I should always be nice to others and not bully.

  10. Rohan:) says:

    1. Some things i liked was the overall purpose of the film and how at the end the guy apologieses to the girl. Some things that i didn’t like was how pathetic the girl was bieng. Closer to the end of the film she just stares at the poster and does nothing but cry, until the boy comes to take it down. Also, I dont like how we dont know what happened to his sister. All we can do is assume she killed herself.
    2.I didnt really connect with this video at all.
    3. It made me think of when someone does something wrong and then apologieses.
    5. This video makes me feel bad for people who are going through this.
    6. I didnt get anything out of the video because the purpose of it is to say bullying is bad but I already knew that.
    7. No not really.

  11. Bernice says:

    Something that i liked about this video was that the guy realized he made a big mistake and he did the right thing and apologized to the girl. (i dont understand the connect part). It made me think of how bullying can become so serious like suicide.But, i have never been bullied and i have never been a bully. This video made me feel educated. What i got out of this video is that bullying isnt good and it never will be.

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