How Are Allergies Formed?

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What Is An Allergy?

Since we are talking about what foods we consume in Career and Health Education, it is also just as important to learn about what foods some of us cannot consume. The word for this is allergy. Allergy occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless for most people. These substances are known as allergens and are found in dust mites, pets, pollen, insects, ticks, moulds, foods and some medicines. Below is a short video explaining allergies:

What Is Anaphylaxis?

This serious, sometimes life-threatening allergic response is marked by swelling, hives, lowered blood pressure, and dilated blood vessels. In severe cases, you could go into shock. If anaphylactic shock isn’t treated immediately, it can be fatal.

This condition starts in your immune system. Your body creates a protein (you might hear it called an antibody) called immunoglobulin E or IgE to fight allergens. It kicks off an over-the-top reaction to something that should be harmless, like certain foods.

Your body may not react the first time you come across this substance, but it could produce antibodies later on. When you come in contact with it again, the allergen binds to these antibodies, and your body churns out more symptom-causing chemicals called histamines. That brings on the anaphylaxis.

Pick a few of the questions below to answer. Please write a complete paragraph discussing these questions. 

(1) Do you have any allergies?
(2) What do you think would be the worst thing to be allergic to?
(3) What things are people allergic to in your country?
(4) Some people are allergic to the twenty-first century. What do you think this means?
(5) What would life be like if you suddenly became allergic to your favorite food?
(6) What do you think… / What is… life like for hay fever sufferers?
(7) What would you do if you suddenly had extreme allergic reactions to your pet / partner / best friend?
(8) What are the most common allergens?
(9) Why are some people allergic to eggs, wheat or peanuts while others are not?
(10) What are the symptoms of allergies?
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17 Responses to How Are Allergies Formed?

  1. Pavyn says:

    Yes, I am allergic to some things. I am allergic to pollen, dust, rust, grass and some more. I also have oral allergy symptom

  2. Victor ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽ says:

    Do you have any allergies? No, I don’t have any allergies, well I think my dad is allergic to peanuts and I don’t have anything else to say about that.

    What things are people allergic to in your country? So there are peanuts and tree nuts that a lot of people I know are allergic to. My mom told me a lot of people that she knows are allergic to eggs and milk, but I only know like 2 or fewer people that are allergic to milk or eggs. I know one friend who is allergic to wheat, but that’s only one person.

    What would life be like if you suddenly became allergic to your favourite food? If the allergy is not deadly I would probably still eat it. Like if the allergy was deadly it would be very sad.

    What are the most common allergens?
    Tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, walnuts)
    Fish (such as bass, cod, flounder)
    Shellfish (such as crab, lobster, shrimp)

    ༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽
    Hi Mr.Wu

  3. Angela says:

    2 I think the worst thing to be allergic to would probably be daylight or people. It would also be a pain to be allergic to darkness or all types of food as well as water. I don’t know which is the worst but those are what I thought up.

    8 dust, pollen, nuts, eggs, wheat, dogs, cats, and about a lot of other things are common allergens.

    I’m about to ask if two questions is enough but I feel like the answer’s going to be no, so here’s 10 Sneezing, itchy watery eyes, coughs, hives, swollen lips, tongue, and face, and more are symptoms of allergies.

  4. AdenVuVu says:

    1) Yes i have allergies to dog fur and cat fur, some symptoms are that my eye gets puffy and i get hives.

    2) The worst would probably be allergic to air, it would really hurt and you would probably die a horrible death so RIP.

    The common allergies are shellfish, cow milk, eggs,
    peanuts, fish, tree nuts, soy and more.

  5. Mahek🙂 says:

    I have no food allergies or any kind of symptoms
    but I might be allergic to dust because when there
    is alot of dust around me I tend to sneeze alot

    I know lots of people who are allergic to a variety of nuts
    like my dad gets an allergic reaction when he eats peanuts.
    And like my cousin is allergic to Hazelnuts.

  6. Lauren :) says:

    I do not have any allergies to anything… so far. In my family some people have allergies like my mom and two of my cousins, my cousins are allergic to peanuts and tree nuts and my mom is allergic to cat fur, but I don’t have any allergies at all.

    If I suddenly had an extreme allergic reaction to my best friends it would be so sad to hear the news because they are my best friends and I know them so well and I can’t play with them any more. if I did I would just wear a bunch of gloves, ponchos, and masks so we can still be friends.

    What are the most common allergies? I think that the most common allergies are eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, wheat, dairy, animal fur, shellfish, and soy.

  7. Luca says:

    I am very lucky because I do not have any allergies. The people that I know to have allergies are mostly allergic to nuts. Some of the symptoms are sneezing, skin rashes, swollen lips and tongue and sometimes diffculty breathig. I like chocolate very much and I would be very disapointed if I would become allergic to it, but I would understand that I have to stay away from it.

    The most common allergens taht I know of are nuts, milk, eggs, wheat and pollen.

  8. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    1. Do you have any allergies? I guess I do. I kind of cough when there is too much pollen, but only in spring. I know my dad has an allergy to pollen, and my sister has an allergy to grass(rip). My mom has no allergies, and I don’t know for the rest of my family members.

    5. What would life be like if you were allergic to your favorite food? I would probably still eat it, but not as much. Of course, if the symptoms were fatal, than I wouldn’t eat it. I would be very sad. But then I would get a new favorite food and get over it.

    8. What are the most common allergens? Tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk, eggs, peanuts, fish, and shellfish are the most common food allergens. Some more allergens are pollen, dust, pet fur, etc.

  9. Kamsi-____- says:

    1.I guess I do, when I inhale too much smoke I start coughing,wheezing and then eventually spitt8ng our blood.

    2.I think the worst thing one could be allergic to is probably wheat because there’s a lot of things that are delicious and made out of wheat and by the way whoever is allergic to that you are missing out.

    4. I think it means some people are stuck in the oldies (example the 80’s and 90’s) and/or they still they are in it which is crayyyyyy.

    8. I think some of the most common allergens are nuts and soy milk.

  10. Bernice (≧∇≦)/( ^ω^) says:

    I am allergic to pollen and dust. My mom is allergic to cat fur and I am not too sure about my dad. I am not too sure about my country thing. If I were allergic to my favourite food then I would DIE.

  11. zoya says:

    1) i dont have any food allergies, but i am allergic to pollen.

    2) i think something that would be the worst to be allergic to something that is very common or a necessity. (like water, or people.)

    8) the most common allergens are tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, and pollen. some people are also allergic to dust, fur, etc.

    i hope three was enough answers, 🙂

  12. wesley says:

    1.I do not have any allergies so I do not have anaphylaxis or anything like

    5. If I was allergic to my favorite thing like peanuts I would be very mad and start to have very many issues like yelling at my brother constantly.

    8. The most common allergens are peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, and other stuff like milk.

  13. abby says:

    I am allergic to mushrooms , any kind of mushroom, fungus and even, if it touches my food I will need to use a big needle called an epipen , if I eat an allergy pill I’m fine but if I don’t have the pill or needle I will end up in the hospital again 🙁

    I think the worst thing to be allergic to is FOOD because if you are allergic to food you can only eat with a nose tube

  14. Zoe ;3 says:

    1. I`m allergic to dogs and cats fur and dust and sometimes grass and smoke Stuff like that. I`m also allergic to some fruits like pineapple and more.

    2. I think the worst thing to have allergic to is water because you need water to survive Imagine if you were stuck on in island and the only for you to survive is water and in our body we all have 90% water so you probably die from thirst and yourself.

    6. I think hay fever is THE WORST!!! cause I have hay fever and it feels like hell because your eyes would start getting itchy and you can`t breath and your nose and running and its not fun because I suffer from hay fever but aye its life nothing is fare and life is life you gotta accept what you get and what you have! 🙂

    8. Peanuts,Dog fur and cat fur, Grass and also dust.

  15. Cheryl says:

    Luckily, I’m not allergic to anything, but my brother is allergic to dust mites. He always gets really itchy when there are dust mites around, and the itchyness ranges from mild to severe depending on the amount of dust mites.The worst possible things you can be allergic to is probably light/darkness or other living things because then you’ll be lonely, probably miserable, and unable to play outside.

  16. Rohan:) says:

    1.Do you have any allergies?
    I don’t think I’m allergic to anything unless you count getting a little redness whenever I eat ranch dressing. But besides that I’m fine.

    2. What do you think would be the worst thing to be allergic to?
    I think the worst thing to be would be if you were lactose intolerant. My reason for this is because there literally dairy in everything, and it would be hard to go without having milk for your entire life.

    3. What would your life be like if you suddenly became allergic to your favorite food? I don’t think my life would change too much if I was allergic to my favorite food. My favorite food is tacos so I could just have a burrito or something because the only real difference is the outside shell.

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